Category Archives for Affiliate Marketing

Snapchat Ads Tutorial 2024 (Step by Step) How To Use Ads Snapchat Ads

  • September 4, 2024

so in this video I'm going to show you how to set up and run SnapChat ads effectively in 2024 now this is going to be a full inclusive tutorial showing you every step of the process of creating your first ad on the platform uh making it go live and then I'm going to show you some different settings some features uh things that you need to know for running ads on this platform now I think it's to be said that running ads on Snapchat can be one of the best things you could do for your business now there's different types of platforms we have Google and Tik Tok and Facebook ads and Instagram ads um but Snapchat is one that I think is really overlooked uh there are hundreds of millions of active users I think there's about 800 million monthly active users on Snapchat that's about a tenth of the world's population uses Snapchat every single month um and daily active uses something like 400 million so there's a lot of people who use it um and so uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk you through this process I'll leave a link to Snapchat ads down below if you want to follow along uh in this tutorial uh and when you use that link below you'll also have this option to uh get some ad credits from Snapchat when you are um running ads on the platform so right now the offer is uh spend $250 and get $375 in add credits from Snapchat that is subject to change I don't know when they're going to change that if they're going to do some things there but you can just check out the link below in the description um to see what the current offer is uh and follow along in this video okay so let's go ahead and get started with this feel free to skip around as well but I would recommend sticking through all of it maybe even taking out a pen and a piece of paper uh and jotting down some notes as we go through here so let's first of all start off with creating our ad for Snapchat all right so I'm just going to click on create an ad and what we're going to have to do is uh enter in some information I'm going to kind of Breeze through some of this because a lot of this is self-explanatory in this step um but let's input our business name so for this example I'm going to say that maybe it's a Sandell law right and so this is going to be our Law Firm that um helps people if they get in a car accident or something uh maybe we can be defense attorneys for them that this is just an example by the way I'm not actually an attorney um and so let me go ahead put in my email here and create a password all right and now I'm just going to create my profile for Snapchat and enter my website and when you enter in your website uh if you have one already uh it's going to help to import your brand assets if you don't have a site set up right now or you just don't like your site don't worry you can skip this if you would like to they just kind of want to help you out a little bit if you already have something set up so we're going to create our account here um and now we're getting into the fun part which is um into the actual ads platform so um now what we're doing is they're just helping us to create a profile so I recommend keeping this congruent with your brand um and so for this they just pulled a an image from our website um but I'm actually going to change that and I'm going to upload a different one so I'm going to upload this photo here and I'll say say uh Phillies number one law firm and click confirm okay so we're just adding a few more business details here like our phone number uh and then we can click on next you can also uncheck this box if you don't want uh emails from Snapchat I actually would recommend keeping a check though because um they will offer to you know have some support and like if you have issues with running ads uh you have to remember that Snapchat they want you to run ads on their platform they make money when you run ads on the platform um so they want you to be successful they want you to to get customers and and and and to grow your business cuz uh it's kind of you're on the same team in a way so um uh yeah so you you can leave this box checked if you would like and then click on next okay and then we have this really cool offer um where if we spend $350 we get $375 in ad credits from Snapchat this is just a way for them to try to incentivize you to stick with it uh because the truth is that when you're running ads paid ads um it does take some time like your first ad that you create on the first week it might not be as successful and convert as many customers as you would like it to and that's just because that's the way that advertisements work uh Snapchat they understand this that's why they're giving you some ad credits to get started to kind of like help incentivize you there um and so you can either do the spend $50 to get $75 in ad credits or spend 350 to get 375 um I would recommend doing the 350 to get 375 um but for this example I'm going to do the 50 to get 75 you you can read the small print down here and you'll notice that um if you don't actually get that spend amount um within 14 days then you're not going to get that like option there so let's say that you only spend 200 um then you wouldn't get the full amount there so it's kind of All or Nothing on either of these so you can decide between the two depends on your budget for your business and then I'm going to click on next okay and then we have two different options we have instant create or Advanced create for our ads now I'm going to choose the advanced create option instant create is great if you literally just want to get something out right now um and you can toggle with it later um you can always go to like the advanced settings um but we're just going to start off with Advanced create right off the bat um to get started with this okay so now what we're doing is building our first campaign so one of the first things that we're going to have to do is figure out what our objective is so we're selecting our objective um for creating this ad so there's a couple of different options we have awareness we have consideration and we have conversions so for example um if if we have a law firm um that is advertising in Philadelphia maybe our goal is to just raise awareness and just have everybody know our Law Firm right and so we might go with that option as our objective now perhaps maybe um you have a um a power washing business um and you just want to generate leads or like you have a landscaping business and you want to generate leads you want people to enter their phone number number um and you can get lead generation like that now uh you want to pick one of these it's okay if you like pick the wrong one or if you can't fully decide which one you want to do you can always go back create new campaigns it's not the end of the world um so just decide between all these what your primary goal is um is it app installs for your new app that maybe you created or website conversions or lead generation um and so you know for this actually I'm going to say that for our Law Firm our goal is lead generation right we want people to uh submit some type of info so that we can reach out to them and hopefully bring them on as a client okay so for lead generation uh we can change the campaign name as well let's just say that um we'll say first lead generation campaign just so we don't get too confused as we're going to set up probably more campaigns in the future um and then we have this status as active and then we can create split tests as well now uh for right now I'm not going to create a split test uh you're going to notti and we have a lot of videos on on how to run marketing on this channel but split testing also people call it AB testing is really important when running ads so if you're going to get anything out of this video I want you to just get this one little bit that I'm about to say here okay is that the first ad that you create don't spend too much time trying to make it the perfect ad because the truth is is that the best way to run paid ads is to just put something out there and then start to modify it slightly and run split tests or AB tests uh with that ad where you slightly modify it you run both those ads at the same time you see which one performs better then you take the one that performed better and you slightly modify it again and then you run those two and you see which one performs better and you just incrementally over time over the weeks start to incrementally uh improve the quality of your ad even if it's only five or 10% better every time uh to the point where a couple months later you have the perfect ad that converts super well right um I've seen people blow tons of money like they'll spend $50,000 trying to create the perfect first ad and it flops and they just wasted all that money trying to create the perfect one so um that's what I would suggest doing is running split test for this right now for this example I'm not going to do that um we're going to start uh uh choose a start date we can just have that start immediately right now or we could have it maybe perhaps let's say I want to have it uh start um on Saturday at uh not at midnight maybe I want this at uh noon on Saturday um and then I also would recommend setting in end date just to make sure because I've made this mistake in the past where I forgot to set an end date and then I got logged out and I don't remember what happened I forgot my password or something and then it was just continuously spending money on my credit card um so I would just set an arbitrary end date make sure that this is at least a week um something else you need to keep in mind is that when you're running ads you really do want to like be able to to test it fully so at least four five 6 days running this app ad before you can really make any deductions from that um so for this I I'm just going to say I don't want to run this indefinitely I'm just going to say I want to have the end date maybe like the end of September right so it's going to run for basically all of September here uh is what the ad will run at now the daily spend cap and also the lifetime spend cap um obviously this is something that you want to take into consideration so that you're not spending a million dollars a day on Snapchat ads if you are running like you know a landscaping business or something uh you probably shouldn't be spending that much money like you want to keep this at a sustainable amount so our daily spend cap I do recommend um you know you don't want to set this too low because like if you want only want to spend $3 a day on ads you're not really going to reach that many people I'm going to say that I want my daily spend cap to maybe I want this to be um uh $250 right which comes out to actually you know like uh what is that um it's like uh 78 some thousand or so uh that's like $7,500 per month which can be a lot but if you're doing well as a company then that could be um not too bad and then Life Time spend cap as well uh you know I'm not actually going to put this on here I just want a daily spend cap there so now I'm going to click on next and uh now we're creating our ad set here so this is where it gets a little bit more into detail here so uh um we can have a snap pixel uh created here um in a Snap app ID tracking so I would recommend recommend uh definitely setting up snap pixel and Snap app ID tracking um and you're going to notice over here on the right hand side that we have the ad set estimates basically what is our target audience size uh based off of the criteria of like the type of people that we're trying to Market our product to um so you always want to have a target market you always want to think about who is your ideal customer who's likely buying from you um in a lot of cases you should already know that before you start running ads um sometimes it can be the opposite though where you run ads and then you find out who's actually interested most interested in buying your product um but we probably will want to get this down quite a bit because for this example we're saying that we are like a law firm in Philadelphia um we don't want to be running Snapchat ads in Colorado for a Philadelphia Law Firm so we're going to have to go down and fix that um as we go through here now you're going to see budget and schedule as well um on the last page we were just looking at kind of Lifetime um and daily caps on some of those spend here we're actually looking at specific budget for this um actual ad set and campaign okay so for Budget uh I'm going to say that my budget I would recommend keeping this at at least $30 a day at a minimum for your daily budget just because if it's too low you're not going to get enough data to actually be able to decipher anything from that so I'm actually going to leave my daily budget at $50 you can also change this if you want this to be lifetime budget um but I'm going to leave it at $50 running August 31st to September 30th um I'm just going to have that end date there just in case I forget about it or something I like to have an end date set in uh place there and then our goal is going to be leads um but you can also change this to clicks or even just story opens like if you have a story ad that you want to be running um or things like website conversions as well but I'm going to keep it as leads and then we have um basically determining how we are paying for these ads um and how much we're paying for them okay so uh we have two options we have Auto bid or we have Max bid now Auto bid is what Snapchat recommends uh for you to do um but Max bid I would only do this if you are really like you know your cap of how much you're willing to spend per lead so let's say that you are a landscaping company and you um know that if you're spending more than um $80 per lead then it's not worth it and you're losing money so you could put that in there but I wouldn't really recommend doing that because um it's it's going to mess like it's it's better to just let Snapchat determine how much or how low of a cost you can get a lead for so I would not set max bid right now I would just go with auto bid um and let them help you with this and you'll learn a lot about uh your ads and also the cost of running ads on Snapchat and and getting leads um you can always go back and and change that uh Max bid setting uh later on as you learn more about uh running ads on the platform okay and then we also have um automatic placements or we can edit placements with our ads so we can decide specifically where we want these ads to be placed if if they're in between Creator stories if they're in discover feed um if they're all over the place so we have all these different options um I would also once again let Snapchat uh uh determine where to place your ads on the platform at least initially um and you can get that data you can see where they're performing best and maybe you can go in and change that in future ad sets later on maybe a few weeks from now or a few months from now um but right now now our whole goal of this when setting up our campaign is just to learn about what's working what's not working what's converting for you um that's really the goal of this here okay so now because we are a law firm based in Philadelphia um I'm only going to want to uh run ads on Snapchat let's say maybe not just in Philadelphia but maybe like um Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware in those areas right so let's say Pennsylvania and you can see over here on the right hand side that suddenly my um target audience size went from about 100 million down to 5 million um and so uh that's something that is actually good to see uh because it means that we're getting more specific um but also I want you to be aware that I would not recommend reducing your target audience size if you don't have to and the reason for this is because as your target audience size gets smaller it's going to get more expensive to run ads because it's more competitive so for example if I wanted to run ads specifically to like um 23 year olds who live in uh Philadelphia and make $100,000 a year and are uh female right like that specific group is you know like it's so specific that it's going to end up costing you more to run ad so if you don't have to be specific then feel free to be a little bit more broad uh is what I'm saying because it does get more expensive there okay so let's also say maybe I want like New Jersey in that as well so we have about 8.2 million people right there uh and that's going to be our general region we can also Target locations on the map as well if we would like to um if we want to like Circle things and have very specific areas like that and then also you know do we have age restrictions required like are we promoting something that might you'll have to be 18 or 21 in order to do um so that's pretty self-explanatory in that category and then also choosing your ages that you are um targeting look I'm probably not going to uh run ads for people under 18 because they're probably not going to be suing people so I'm going to keep it at 18 here for this and that will once again reduce our target audience size a little bit um but it just doesn't make sense for our Law Firm to be running ads to 13year olds um and then also gender as well you know we could say just male just female right you're going to see how that changes the ad uh set up there um and then also languages um maybe I want English and also I would not Overlook running ads in different languages especially Spanish in the United States um there are so many Spanish-speaking native Spanish speakers in the United States where it can really make sense I mean I even see Billboards sometimes when I'm driving down the road that are fully in Spanish um and those could convert pretty well so um for now I'm just going to stick with English though right now okay and then also we have things like Advanced demographics where we can actually sort by household income so let's say that you wanted to uh only run your ad to someone who makes more than $100,000 a year or maybe less than $50,000 a year um you could choose between that now this is where running ads will get more expensive like you will pay more per lead um when you are saying something very specific here so like let's say we want someone $200,000 or more now suddenly our adset estimate just dropped significantly to 270,000 uh before without having that check there it was 6.6 million so um I would only do this if it's really really important to your company to be doing that otherwise I would not leave it checked um okay and then also we have like options for Lifestyles right so we want people who are really into um you know like party people right or crypto Enthusiast Snapchat knows a lot about their users uh they know what ads people are clicking on they know what things people are interested in what types of Snapchat shows people are watching so um once again though if you do choose any of these it's going to end up costing you more per lead uh more per conversion when you're doing this so because for our Law Firm we're kind of agnostic with that I think we're just going to leave that uh blank there um and then we can also have the option to expand audience automatically um I'm actually going to uncheck this because we are a very specifically like focused on Pennsylvania New Jersey so I don't want them to automatically expand our audience to like someone in California that doesn't really make sense for us um okay and then also for devices iOS Android web these are all totally fine um I don't know the breakdown of people who use iPhone versus Android in the United States um but uh it is pretty broad so this is really only important if you have an like an app uh that's only on iOS or maybe you have like a mobile app that's only on Android that's when this is going to be important for me though this doesn't matter at all um also things like carriers as well you can choose from but we're not going to have to do that okay and then we have the delivery options set at active which is something that you're going to want to keep set up so that your ad is actually running and ready to go okay so now we're just going to go down and click on next in the bottom right corner and now we're going to start actually creating our first ad so uh let's go ahead and name our ad here let's just call it once again let's say Phillies number one law firm and this is our public profile this is how it's going to show up um on the actual ad so this is what we created earlier in one of the first steps we created our public profile I uploaded our logo and our name and our bio there right um and so our brand name is already here um but if you wanted to replace that you could do that right there um and now what we're doing is creating our first ad here right so um we're going to we can actually have ai inside of uh the ads platform help to create some headlines so let's just see what they come up with here right like let's say um law firm in Philly let's click generate and see what they come up with Philly's Premier Law Firm maybe we like that so we can just click apply there and that is the headline there for us um and then do we want this to be sharable yes of course because you know sometimes some of the best leads can come from you know maybe someone's daughter is is uh gets an ad and says hey you know what my my my mom was in a car accident uh last week um maybe I should send this to her and maybe she will um connect with this Law Firm so sometimes it can actually be really useful to have it uh be a sharable uh ad that you have set up there okay and then we can also upload any type of videos or photos here if we would like to um or browse from anything that we've posted on our company uh Snapchat before so from our save stories our public stories um our spotlights collaborations we can choose from that uh to put into the ad um and then also we have the option to post to a uh our profile publicly uh if we would like to put that ad out there um just kind of like have it on the profile um so we we can also change the color of the button as well so if we want this to be white or blue it's right now it's blue because that is our company logo colors you can see it matches with the the the blue the shade of blue that is in our logo I I actually like it when it's white um so I'm going to keep it that way okay so we have a black screen here for our ad um we want to upload one of uh our ads that maybe we've created somewhere else onto here so um what I recommend doing is we can either upload an existing ad um we can browse from uh maybe some media files or stories that we've already created um and so we can just put those in there um or any save stories that we might have uh and the other option sometimes you'll see a sort of like a create button here which uh Snapchat has templates that they will help you to make your ads so if you see that definitely um utilize something like that um but if you want to create your own custom ad then I would recommend doing it on something like canva so let me just pull up canva here um and on canva uh if you just type in Snapchat into the search bar and this is free they do have some paid options as well um but there's a lot of free ones uh you can go through and find one that maybe perhaps we like this one here and we can customize this template and um all I have to do here is I can delete that photo and I can just very quickly um let's say I want to upload my own photo here and I'm going to drop that in there just like that and now I can change up the text here so we'll call it Phillies number one law firm and maybe we'll change some of the background here right and let's say maybe feelings number one let's say injury Law Firm we can make this font a little bit smaller just like that okay and so for this example I'm just going to say this this is good enough for us um but I would recommend spending a little bit more time making a little bit more pretty um but once you've created that on canva you can just go up Click Share and then download it make sure it's either as a PNG or a JPEG when you were uploading uh this photo so I'm going to click on download here and then I'm going to go back to Snapchat to the ads platform and now I can just click on upload and I can upload that ad that we just created in canva and there it is so this is going to be one of our first ads we can change the um text down here so uh we can have it uh to be either sign up um but because this is our injury Law Firm we're going to change this to perhaps maybe it's going to be request appointment right right um and so when they click on request appointment it's going to take them to a form so now we're going to have to fill out the form details now this might be a little bit different for you depending on what type of AD you are running because we are looking for leads uh they're filling out a form right um if you're going for other things like exposure or you're going for app downloads this might look a little bit different um but the idea is still going to be pretty similar where you have the ad and then you have when they click the button where it actually takes them to so uh for filling out the form uh let's just put in some info here uh for the law firm and we want to keep this as simple as possible because if you if you have it really complicated and you may come fill out like a lot of different things and there's multiple Pages uh you're going to lose people people have very short attention spans these days so the goal here is just capture their email or capture their phone number and some really basic info like their name and then move on and then you know just capture it that way and then you can reach out to them at some some point okay so let me just put uh some info in here so form name okay so I just put in a description here for it um and then we can add fields we have first name last name email maybe we want their phone number as well we can add that there but remember keep it pretty simple um if you have a privacy policy you're going to want to link that there as well um sometimes you're going to need that when you're running ads that's important um and then also custom questions if you want to add more questions in here you want to ask them you know to uh basically have like a multi select like do you have any of these does any of this like um you know fit you then you can add that in there um we can change the form design so it's not just white here we can change our logo we can upload um basically an image header as well if we want up top here so let me just see if we can find one okay so I just uploaded a photo there for that and then if we need any type of disclosures on here make sure you put that in there as well uh I'm going to skip over that right now just for the purpose of this video here um and then we also have one issue here we need to have a privacy policy URL so let me just put that in there right now all right and then we have our delivery set to active um and then we're going to click on review and publish all right so we are almost ready to go with our first ad now all we have to do is review and publish so they're going to summarize all the information here uh make sure you read this over make sure everything looks correct um and then you can scroll down enter your business address and your payment details in the bottom section here and then click on publish campaign in the bottom right corner now I want to show you something very important here and it's going to be over in the upper left hand corner you'll see uh when we have create ads right here if you just click on this it's going to open up a drop- down menu with tons of different options and things that I really recommend you look over uh read into each one of these different categories so that you can get to know the platform the ads manager platform I would say overall honestly running ads on Snapchat is actually easier than running it on most other platforms uh don't even get me started with Facebook ads or Google ads they can be really complicated I think Snapchat does a great job of making this as easy as possible um while still giving you lots of different options and features um to create the perfect ad all right and then we can go to look at something like managing ads this will show us the amount of money that we're spending the amount of Impressions and click clicks and click through rate that we're getting on our ads and then another feature is um if we go on to um create video uh and we click on that uh it's actually going to give us options for creating uh new types of ads they have templates available for us okay so we can uh click on customize a video template and what they have here for us is um they actually have a lot of different templates um that are already pre-created um that we can just uh put in our images or our videos inside of this to make it a video um and this is honestly pretty cool so like for example here's the podium one right maybe I can just click on this and I can enter um some of our Graphics in here some of our images in here um and then have the call to action so you know they actually have like a like a whole ad generation features inside of the platform that I think you should mess around with and see what you could do with it um and yeah so I I just want to make you uh aware of that that is in the creative tab here when you go to the upper left corner um and then also we can do look at things like reports and audience insights as you start to gather data uh from running your first ad you will want to spend some time inside of there um so that's the basics of running ads on Snapchat I hope you found this video to be of some use um don't forget to go ahead down in the description below and click on the link so you can get those ad credits and get up and running um on Snapchat ads so uh it is an affiliate link as well so it helps support the channel when you um sign up using that link so thanks for watching if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them down below in the comment section or you can try to message me on something like Instagram um I try my best to respond to people if you're having any issues I can't promise because it sometimes I get overwhelmed by a lot of people asking questions uh but I will try my best if I have some free time to answer some questions that people might have so um thank you for watching the video don't forget to check out other ads videos on this channel subscribe so you don't miss more videos uh and I'll see everybody sometime in the future

Affiliate News

Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping in 2024 – Just use this

  • August 30, 2024

so Drop Shipping is one of the biggest online business opportunities out there as you may have seen tons of people make hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars doing this but for one reason or another a lot of people never get started and maybe the reason for this is because the barrier of Entry seems a little bit high like sure all you have to do is make a website and find a product but sometimes it's easier said than done so my goal in this video is to reduce that barrier for you to show you step by- step how to find a product how to make an online store and how to do it the easiest way possible so ultimately you can spend less time building out a website and more time figuring out what is the best ad to run and what is the best product to sell once you start testing different things you can learn more about it there's a business quote that I learned early on in my business career that always kind of shaped the way I think about things and that is the best way to succeed in business is to be in business essentially paralysis by analysis is a real thing people sit on the sidelines they look for the perfect thing they want to get in at the right time but ultimately you're not going to know what the perfect thing is until you just get out there and start doing it and react and learn from there so the best way to succeed in Drop Shipping is to start Drop Shipping right once you do this you're going to learn a lot more about what works what doesn't work and you can iterate a lot and grow to earn yourself hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in revenue or perhaps even in profit so there's a lot to cover in this video I recommend that you follow along Click by click or if you're not comfortable with that at the very least take out a notepad and a pen take notes as we go through this there is a lot to cover in this video we're going to go from absolute beginner like you don't know anything about Drop Shipping we'll talk about what Drop Shipping is how to get started how to build out your website the easiest way possible using a free store builder then after that how to set up the website make it look really good set up ads and then how to iterate and continue on from there so this video is going to share a lot of information this is stuff that some people charge hundreds of dollars for in a course we're doing it absolutely for free so if you appreciate the information in this video we do have links down below some of them are affiliate links some of them are not affiliate links but if you go through those links it can help us to support this Channel and make videos just like this one at absolutely no extra cost to you in addition the first link we have down there actually does give you a pretty significant bonus when you start so heading over to my laptop I'm going to start off by going to link number one I'm I'm numbering all the links down there for this video rather than you having to memorize all of them and and kind of lose track so link number one is sandal zendrop and this actually gives you some nice bonuses when you get started for example uh if we scroll down should say $200 in order credits you're getting that for free you're getting 50% off the first 3 months and you are getting a free theme with this the theme that they're giving you is based on a theme that normally costs about $300 and I'll explain all of this as we get into it and zent drop's also going to give us a 7day free trial so it really is building our Shopify store for free but in essence zendrop right here is pillar number one in your Drop Shipping you're going to have a couple key things going on so you have your supplier which is zendrop you have your store which is going to be on Shopify then you have your ads which we're going to do on Snapchat on Tik Tok and possibly on Facebook as well but starting off with the first two pillars the supplier and the store essentially the way Drop Shipping works is you have a product listed on your website people find that through maybe an ad or or just organically on Google but when they place an order on your store you don't actually have inventory which is great it means that you don't have a warehouse full of stuff you don't have big investments in the beginning instead you can sell things that you don't even have right now and when somebody places the order automatically on the back end your supplier is going to place an order from the actual manufacturer and then ship it to the end user so with that being said pillar number one and two we kind of combine them Zen drop has an AI store buer which does make it a lot easier to get started just much less clicking and much less to do so that's why we start off with the supplier and that helps us build the Shopify store so I'm going to enter my email address and my name as well it's the payment information now don't be alarmed like if if this is not for you you can just do it now see where your store look looks like and then cancel for free within 7 Days totally like risk- free you don't have to worry about anything or if you're not comfortable with that either you could just watch the remainder of the video and then once you see what mine looks like then you can decide for yourself but I think for most people out there the easiest thing to do is just to sign up now oh and just in case anyone's wondering I've actually had several Zen drop accounts I've canceled some I've downgraded some it really is easy to do it's not like a click to subscribe call to cancel so if you decide in like an hour that you don't want to do this again it's very easy to just click through and cancel that so that'll bring us to the dashboard right here you can see we have three options if you already have a store you can connect it if you want to build your own store like I have full tutorials on how to do that a full Shopify tutorial actually or what we're going to do right now is claim the free custom built store so I'm going to continue with that right there click on continue and essentially Zen drop has their own theme that they built out like I said before normally you would have to pay about $300 for the theme that this one is based on so it gives you that for free in addition it kind of saves you a lot of effort so we have a Shopify account created right now you want to copy these three things I'm actually going to blur mine out but there's email there's password and there's your store so copy the all of those into like your notepad or or like I don't know Microsoft Word whatever you save things on and then we can go and open open Shopify store plans that'll bring us to the next tab here so that should bring you to a page that looks something like this now we're going to copy over that email is a custom Zen drop email and then copy over the password we're going to change this login information in a second but just for the store Builder aspect it does make it very convenient I to just go about doing it this way so that brings us to our Shopify dashboard you can see we should have two or 3 days left in our trial uh it says two usually it's three um regardless we have now a Shopify store if we go down to online store and we click on the little eyeball icon right there it'll show us what our store looks like right now and so without having to do anything you can see this already looks good like they already put a couple products in there just kind of demonstrating what the theme is going to be what it looks like on our store and so we haven't done anything yet but we now have a store that is ready to go as soon as we find products on zendrop and add them it's very easy to do that they'll show up over here on our store so you can see just how easy that really is now if you ever did want to change the theme it's very easy to do that as well you see we have a ton of themes down here as well as a Shopify theme Library um you can just browse those add those if you want but before we continue There is actually a password on our website right now on our online store so you can't actually make any sales you can't do anything with this until you pick a plan so I like doing that upfront Shopify has a bunch of different plans for $1 but don't be fooled by that after they renew in a couple months it's $297 or $299 and I think most people watching this video are going to be best off just going with the basic one at least in the very beginning once you scale up and make more sales I do have a tool I'll link it down below I think I'll call it link number five and this is going to be a Shopify plan comparison tool essentially after you start making more sales 2.9% % in credit card fees versus 2.7% in credit card fees that little 2% difference could actually be more than the $50 per month difference between these so once you get to a certain point it does make sense to upgrade if not for the other features at the very least just because you will be saving money on those credit card processing fees same thing with Advanced once you scale even beyond that I recommend checking out that tool it's just like Google Sheets it's not like any kind of like email collection or anything like that it helps you decide in the future when it's time to upgrade but we're starting off with basic right this is a brand new store basic is exactly what we need and again I'm going to enter my credit card information and say subscribe great now we successfully subscribed now we can enter our business details so we'll have an address here save the business address and that brings us back to our Shopify dashboard Okay cool so now we have those two pillars set up we have our supplier we have our store the next thing before we really build out either one of those is going to be to find a product and this is a big part of the research here and zendrop actually does have quite a few tools built in so by going through that process C we did in the very beginning of signing up for the free trial we have access now to a ton of Zen drop features on here that are very powerful including uh the ability to find products see what's working very well trending products um as well as requesting other products as well if there's some product that you think would be a great product to sell but you can't seem to find it we can go through this right here and Source a new product I'm not going to touch on that too much in this video but I will go through all of these on the left side starting off with that product research going down here to trending products is kind of a cool spot to start in my opinion just to at least get an idea of what's selling very well and there are a couple key things you want in a good product some things that are product specific and some things that are more based on the niche so in general starting off with the category of product you're looking for you're going to look for products that have a very strong fan base people that love the product that are willing to spend a lot on it this could be like golf is a great one pets are a great one any kind of family related things people love stuff like that and they're willing to spend money on it it the second thing is you want to find a niche that is generally popular among a category of people who have disposable income so again people who have pets probably do have a little bit more money because let's face it pets aren't cheap you're already paying for pet food every month you're paying for their pet your pet to go to the vet people who have pets are more likely to have slightly more income and be more willing to spend money on you know something like a dog toy or something like that additionally a third aspect of a very strong Niche would be that that Niche is growing and there are some great tools out there one that I really like is Google Trends so if we go to trends. we can look up some Trends based on different niches and so if I say golf for example and you look at let's say we want to see the golf searches on not just the whole intern let's look on YouTube in spe in general and we want to say golf searches from 2008 to present and you can see there is an upward Trend in golf on YouTube right now so it is becoming more popular and that's a good thing like you want to find a niche that is not like crashing and dying right if we say for example fidget spinner something I had an obvious peak in like 2017 you can see this is not a good Niche to get into because it is not something that people are searching anymore so that's not the best example of a niche but again an example of where you want to look to find different categories Google Trends is going to be your friend there and you can search based on different parts of the world you can search based on uh web search image search or YouTube search some of the popular ways that I look at things and it's kind of a good idea to gauge how popular there is something is it growing which you definitely want to get on like a rising tide is going to be positive or is it something that is currently shrinking and you don't want to get into that so those are the niche specific things now focusing on the category there are a couple things that you want to keep in mind for one you want to make sure that this is not something that gets a lot of returns so what could get a lot of returns anything that either doesn't fit so maybe it's like a fit specific thing like clothing that can be a little bit trickier maybe it's something that is likely to break either when they open the box or during shipping so very fragile things glass things you might not want to go with that or any kind of things that are likely to either be confusing or require customer support so some tricky some Electronics can be a little bit trickier and I would advise avoiding those although other electronics can be great if you're talking about like an alarm clock that charges your phone and has cool lights that might be a little bit simpler a little bit like it's been around for a long time much less likely to break or be confusing to people and I think those kind of products are still okay but that is one thing you want to consider the second thing you want to find something that is in the right price range which zendrop does a great job of showing these where they are essentially an impulse purchase so it's something that people want but at the same time if it's like a 25 35 $40 product they could be on Instagram late at night maybe late on a weekend you know they had a couple drinks they just hanging out they want to purchase something you don't want something that's like $500 and then later they realize I should not have bought that and they cancel the order you want something to be a quick little impulse purchase that genuinely does help their life and they really like but you know again is a little bit more of an affordable product in that aspect and of course you want this to be something that is easy to ship you don't want to spend a ton of money shipping out dumbbells if you're selling like lead weights or iron weights like obviously it's going to be very expensive for people to get that shipped to them so they'll either be deterred by the shipping cost or if you absorb that cost and make it free shipping they're going to be deterred by the massive price tag that it has so a lot of these trending products definitely fit that bill for example these heated socks like $5 you can maybe sell them for like $35 $40 something like that and this is something that if it if it does work that could be a great product now one other little thing I just thought of that I should have mentioned with the products make sure you're not getting something that could potentially hurt anybody uh obviously for moral reasons but also for lawsuit reasons you don't want to be selling anything that you know people end up getting like shocked with or electrocuted so I don't know enough about this product I would love to research it more if it looks safe if it looks like a simple product that can't hurt anyone then that could potentially be a great product because it checks all of those other boxes it's small and easy to ship it's the right price it is something that is novel and new and exciting and I think a lot of people especially in the winter which right now I'm filming this in August it might be a good time to kind of get into that in the next couple months people are going to be buying more warm socks and winter stuff that kind of product could do very well although like I said it is very seasonal so it's probably not going to do well in the summer these products honestly are all really great ideas that's why they're trending so like the car one I think that I've seen a lot of people specifically if they have like a Tesla or anything that has seats folding down uh and it you know works very well for sleeping in that could be great for selling this kind of idea I think a lot of people don't have that but would love to sleep in their car sometime this one is a huge one I've actually had one of these I bought them on Amazon um and it is for sleeping on a plane for me uh it actually deflated a lot like every time I bought one I think I had two or three and they all deflated within like a day I mean like they popped like they completely were flat they had a hole in them after a day and so I wouldn't want to sell anything like that the plant watering thing if that's what this is what is this a transparent double layer self-watering flower pot um that sounds cool if it looks cool like if you can see I guess like the water in there and maybe you can see some Roots I'm not sure exactly what this is why it's transparent um but again for $117 you could maybe sell this for you know $20 get a good amount of profit You Know cover the shipping in there as well and possibly have a good product in there so I'm going to spend the next maybe 30 minutes to an hour of uh just browsing through all these different products see which ones make the most sense which ones I think look good and then we're going to add those to the store it's also worth mentioning that zendrop is your friend here and when you upgrade to the plus plan they give you a lot of resources that are going to help you succeed not just in regards to like branding and boxes and stuff like that but also down here some other things we have like Zen drop Academy which again is going to kind of self-explanatory here it's going to give you a lot of resources that help you learn and kind of guide you along the way so once you get to a point where you're like all right I want to make Tik Tok ads or Facebook ads or or you know talk about scaling these are all kind of like nice little checkless and guides that I mean I'm going to talk about a lot in this video of course but anything else that you might not get in this video would potentially be in zendrop Academy as well as if we go back here there are also live coaching calls uh so you're able to ask questions uh you know type in your questions and they answer for you so a lot of these extras I highly recommend go through these check them out and kind of figure fure out what is going to work for you what resources are actually available like I said these are all very valuable a lot of people are tempted just to find a product connect it and then basically never come back to Zen drop but the truth is you know Zen drop their incentives are aligned if you succeed they succeed if you fail then they lose a subscriber so their goal is to get you to be as successful as possible with your store all right so I found about four ideas that I might want to run with for this video the first one I'm a little biased here because it's something that I personally don't have and I would like to have and that's a foldable toiletry bag I know a lot of people do have these I think they're very popular it would make a great gift it's kind of the right price so you could sell this for like I don't know maybe $20 get a lot of people to buy this and especially coming up around like the holidays uh it's like a very easy stocking stuff for um anyone who's like they can get it for their spouse they can get it for like a gift for anyone else or just for themselves it just seems like something that pretty much everybody could use everyone is traveling to at least like a maybe a friend or relative's house if not going on like your own vacation or traveling elsewhere so I think this is a product that could potentially you know appeal to a really wide audience it's also fulfilled by Zen drop it's $2.30 somehow so very very low cost there the total is going to be $7 after shipping so we can do free shipping and like I said charge maybe like $20 $15 $20 $25 for this and uh that would be I think a pretty good start for this product another idea was this vacuum sealer for mason jars I think it's a really cool little product I don't know how well it would work it is something that could potentially have some returns if it doesn't work perfectly but being just a simple little air pump that charges by USB I think a lot of people like a lot of this product probably should be just fine once again fulfilled by Zen drop so shipping should be very quick uh the total after shipping is $25 though so the margins would be a little bit trickier on this one we would have to sell it for a pretty high price tag uh regardless this is something that anyone who's meal prepping is kind of the route I was thinking anyone who's meal prepping might appreciate this where they can make more meal in mason jars and kind of keep them fresher throughout the week in their fridge we have this right here a very very low cost so it would be hard to sell this for enough to make it worth uh worth the while so you're spending most of your money on shipping here actually and so once you factor in like the ads for it how much are you really going to charge for this on every door in someone's house uh I think it's going to be a little tougher to get the right margins on this but it is a really cool product uh it's something that like you picture little kids would kind of just grab the bottom of the door handle pull it down and get out this kind of locks it so they can't do do that but an adult who can easily reach the top is able to uh get out quite easily so it's kind of it's childproofing your doors I think that's pretty cool definitely a neat idea um but again it's something that like not every door is exactly a style so it might be a little bit more of a niche product and then we have this one right here I absolutely am confident that so many people out there every car I ever get into nobody has a fast charger maybe newer cars have USB type-c in them but most people are using those really old car chargers that charge at like 5 Watts or even less and so this right here a lot of people don't even know their car is capable of charging faster than 5 Watts it definitely is uh and so this right here is a I think up to like 36 watts is what it says right here combined 36 Watts so I think it was like 24 Watts or something like that 24 Watts for one port so it's going to charge your phone a lot faster it's something that personally I really appreciate having I actually have one from ankor so it is worth crosschecking here ankor is selling this for about $36 or4 $ is the MSRP on that but they do also have a cheaper one for $16 so being that this one here is $9 uh it's going to be $1 after shipping actually it's something that I mean if you sell it in a two pack totally worth it CU then you're looking at $16 that's $8 a piece after shipping uh something you could maybe mark up to like low to mid 20s I think that's definitely a reasonable price for something like this for an individual one um and double of course you could just charge maybe like $40 or so for that and I think that definitely is a product that could make sense but for the purposes of this video uh I really want to just go with whichever one has the best marketing material so this one looks good but I'm going to go with the toiletry bag I just think it's something that more people could really benefit from myself included and so maybe a little bit of bias there but I would love to test this product out and see how well it can actually sell so I'm going to add to my products and then on the left side you'll see my products I'm going to click on my products and you'll see one right there now just in case you wanted to kind of research a bunch maybe add this to my products maybe I add them all to my products I can do that right here and they're not all going to be published until you go over to that first tab like I said and click on my products and let me just refresh it you'll see all the other ones show up they all show up right here and once you decide all right I like these I definitely want this one the toiletry bag I can review and publish so here you can change the name of it so we'll give it a name we can choose the collection for that if we have so we choose the name we can choose a collection we can add a tag on here if you have more products tagging would make a lot of sense we can change the description as well and for the description you could very easily just use chat gbt to have it write out a better description than this and then as far as variants go we have three colors you can see the product cost the shipping and then the price that we're selling them all for so it's recommending we're selling them for $22.20 each The Profit then is going to be $15.13 so maybe we want to make this more of a a rounded off number we're going to call this like 2295 for all of them 22 95 and that brings the profit almost to $16 each so not a huge profit you may want to experiment with a higher or a lower price with this and see how they sell if you're able to get more money for it and if you have better ads that definitely could be you know it would be great if you could do that but let's say publish to my store right now so here we're going to just confirm that yes it's not guaranteed that it is going to be shipped immediately but you know we want it to be shipped as fast as possible we do have these other products that are on our store they were like the AI ones that just kind of showed up maybe you like them like the smart kitchen spatula kind of a cool little idea but let's go back and check out our store right now now that we added the the premium men's toiletry bag so if I go to my store again let's just kind of refresh this make sure it's up to date and if I go to products here you go to products you'll see that has now been added down there so we have all these products here if you decide you don't like any of these products we can just select them on Shopify very easy to do so like Fitness Studio maybe you don't want uh like the portable AC fan we can select them click on the three dots and delete the products we can delete those products and now they will no longer be on our store so now that'll bring us down to just you know half as many products as we had but I really just want to focus on this one right now so maybe I'm only working with one product I can select the other ones as well just kind of selecting through these uh I'm actually going to keep that one I think this batch is kind of a fun idea so I'm going to again delete those we'll delete the products say delete and that will bring us down to Simply to products if we go down to the online store now and we click on view your online store it looks a little bit different you can see best sellers we only have the two products here because you know those are the only two on our site that is how they're set up additionally there's not more you really have to do like not more you have to do but there's more that I do want to do right so technically somebody could come to the site they could click on this you can see the whole product page is ready to go they can add it to their cart they can navigate the entire checkout you see this little thing about free shipping up there we can configure that all later but this is all something that we haven't done yet we haven't done anything yet and uh it we already have reviews on here everything looks like very very professional so let's kind of customize this a little bit more on the actual homepage so from our Shopify tab here right we're on the Shopify Tab and we can go back to home it probably looks like this if you just go to shop admin. but we want to go down to the online store click on online store and next to the theme you should see a button that says customize so let's click on customize and this is going to allow us to edit the website now this website's built with what we call a section layout so there are a bunch of sections stacked on each other each one is just like a horizontal Banner if you want to think of it think of it as that so we have this first section right here just showing us like what the trends are that is an image Banner I'm going to collapse that on the left side this is our hierarchy on the right sides our website so the first one is an image Banner the second one is our Fe featured collection so this is all one section right here as you can see right here then we have another image Banner so this is another image Banner with some text on top of it collapse that then we have a featured product down here uh as you can see over on the left side and below that we have a couple other things that we'll get to in a minute but let's talk about how to edit any one of these for example the the product right here the featured product on the left side if I click on featured product it brings us into an editing interface for this product so I can choose a different product that is going to be featured right now I can click on change I can remove this product and I can select a new one and for this of course I am going to select the the the toiletry bag that we just had I'm going to say select and that now adds it in to our website if I click the little back icon up on the top there are a couple other things we can edit within this section so we have a title here I could remove it I could hide it I could change it uh we could move things up and down so if for example you want to have the price lower you can take price click on that and just simply drag it down there and the price is going to be on the bottom I don't think it makes much sense to keep the price there so I would rather have it right up there or perhaps below the variance as well it doesn't really matter somewhere in that area looks best to me and then for any individual element in this section for example the variant picker if I want to edit that I click on it and I can change are they circles are they squares um are they going to be a drop down or is it going to be pills I think the pill icon kind of looks better for something that only has three options like this three variants and I think this ultimately looks pretty good as is and I'm not going to change much here but there is one thing you could change depending on how the product looks and what the theme looks like and if it has a background on that image and that is essentially the style of this entire section so featured product if we click back into that we have multiple different schemes on this website we can customize what the schemes are but looking at this we can see we have six different schemes right now and each one is going to have slightly different colors for the button the font uh the background things like that so scheme two as you can tell is going to change it up quite a bit now it doesn't look good with this background but I'm just saying that if you have you know some product that has a green background maybe you want to choose a scheme that matches the Green in the back so I'm going to go back to scheme one here that makes the most sense for for this individual product but if you ever did want to change that before we edit anything else on the site let's talk about how to edit the color schemes that we have available so on the left side like all the way on the left side you'll see this tiny like three little icons here one is going to be the sections that's our hierarchy that we have been looking at below that we have theme settings the theme settings are going to be uh like I was talking about the logos the colors that's what we want to change right now as well as a bunch of other things uh that kind of dictate the the general things that show up across your entire website for example animations or the Shadows or different things like that so let's start off with this color scheme right here maybe I don't like scheme 2 and I want to change it you can click on that and then for every individual color so the background color the text color the solid button color you can just click on that color and change it to whatever you want and if you have a logo already that you just know you want to use or a color scheme maybe you made one in canva for example uh it's something that you can just paste in the HTML color right there and if you don't know what the HTML color is go to Google and just type in HTML color code identifier color code identifier and you'll find sites like this one for maybe this one right here where you can just paste your image or upload your image and then it'll just tell you what the color is so let's just do it maybe for so let's just do it maybe for this logo right here if I just hover over this blue and I click on it or let's click on that blue right there you can see color code down there I can copy this and then back to our store I'm able to just paste that color code in the hex the HTML right there and it will change it to this color I think I have a space in the beginning all right so I'm going to undo that leave it as is and I think it doesn't look too bad but now let's kind of talk about a couple other things we can change while we're in these general settings right here the theme settings so the logo we can add our logo in here like I said if you already have one that's great if you don't have one I recommend making one very quickly in canva so we can do that right now if we go to a new tab go to it's free to use uh you can upgrade if you wanted to but ultimately the free one does a pretty good job so I'm going to sign into my canva and from canva I could just say maybe this is going to be travel travel logo because you know it's kind of a travel gear kind of thing let's see what they have as far as travel logos go um so these More Travel oriented this one looks pretty good I kind of like that idea there um this one's not too bad so maybe I'm going to go with this one right here just this logo I'm going to work off of this template and maybe I want to call this kind of based on that one product we can keep it generic in case we want to change the products in the future but kind of sticking with that niche of like traveling I'm going to call this uh maybe we are like uh let's say the travel the travel Bros the travel Bros uh tra travel Brothers wait we can change the font on here so let's roll that a pretty simple font I'm going to actually remove the background though let's make sure we have no background on here and we can share this we can download this by the way I have a full tutorial how to use canva if you ever wanted to get into the Weeds on how to make your own logo it's a really powerful tool like I said free to use uh you have to pay to upgrade to like download transparent background if you want um you can always just download with white background and use like background removal tools I think Adobe Express has a free one uh so that's pretty convenient but otherwise I'm just going to download this right now and go back to and go and go back to our site I'm going to select an image for our logo I'm going to add an image by uploading it and then once that's done uploading I'll say done and our logo is now added so that's pretty convenient now we have a nice professional looking logo on the top the travel Bros by the way I highly recommend if you choose any kind of name or slogan like that you go to the US PTO uh search just look for us PTO search on Google and that is the US patent and trademark search uh so you can just say trademark Search and say we are the travel Bros what we want to call it so travel travel Bros and you'll see if there's anything so passport br that could that could potentially be competitive so you want to make sure that you know you're not too similar to anything uh you know you don't want to get sued you don't want to be stepping on anyone's toes so always find something that's original it's not hard to do there's so many things out there all right so now we have that now before we go on and do anything else while we're here we want to change the favicon image that's going to be on the top so I'm not sure if you can see that on my browser here but on the top you'll see you have like uh shopify's logo right here you have Zen drops over on this other Tab and that's something that your website will have as well so if anyone's on your site they're going to see just the Shopify logo up there that's not a good look you want to have your logo up there so I'm going to select that image again we'll select that one and that way that's going to show up on the top of the browser for anyone who's who's on our website again you can go down here and check out all these other things I recommend going through every single one and just kind of making sure that it makes sense for like the feel of your website the animations don't look too kitchy or anything weird uh but for the most part everything's pretty good out of the box so I'm going to go back to sections on the top on the top left there and here we can start editing a little bit more about this website so maybe at the very top instead of this thing that says where Trends Thrive and then the best sellers maybe we just want to have our featured product on the top and if you want that the way you reorganize these sections is with this hierarchy on the left side so similar to how we reorganizing elements in the in the featured product section we can reorganize these sections by clicking and dragging them up and down so the little six dot array that pops up when you hover next to a product or or a section rather you can click that and drag it up and let's put that on the very top so now we have the premium men's travel toiletry bag uh showing up on the very top that's our website ultimately that is usually what people like to do that's a very common practice there to just put it on the top make it very purchasable from your homepage and then down here it works well if you add a lot of additional details why somebody would want to buy it maybe a little bit of like our story that's a good one if you talk more about like what your company is maybe you donate like $ from every purchase to like buy travel bags for kids in less fortunate situations I don't know anything like that you get the idea of how you'd want to add a story somewhere else on your site so let's add the our story a little bit higher here I do kind of like the hour story option so I believe it is this one here this is what it is uh our story there we go so we have an image there power story on the right side so that's I don't know pretty well set up I kind of like that so this is image with text let's click on this and drag it up below featured product so you can see you know that's the toiletry bag our story and then let's click into that and kind of customize that a little bit more so clicking into that we can change that image let's say select from the library or you can just explore free images as well uh there are a bunch that we have to choose from so this could be like a shop local this could be men's fashion let's see if we have one for travel let's let's just search for travel all right so maybe this image looks good and we can change the orientation of it so you can have it's a little wider if it's a little narrower so wider looks kind of weird I kind I like keeping it an narrow on desktop uh and then down here we can have maybe it's going to be on the top the middle the bottom you can reorient where everything is right here for like the text and stuff like that so I'm going to keep this centered uh actually I'm going to keep this on the left I think that looks pretty good with the with the photo right there and if we want to change anything as far as text goes we click on the back icon and then down here you'll see our story so that's going to be the title right there and then below that you can see uh the paragraph that's written right there so you're kind of building this out one thing at a time for the most part Shopify is very easy to edit simply all you have to do click on whatever you want on the left side uh everything pops up below it so you can expand like this section for example or let's talk about something else let's go down here this is three different columns so you'll see multicolumn and then each column again you just click on it it brings you into there you can change the title you can change the description you can add a link in there there if you want to have maybe a little button or some action called action on the bottom you can add an image above each of those as well so it's pretty straightforward on how to do that and I do have a full tutorial on the ins and outs of every single element in Shopify if you want to see that I'll have that linked down below just a YouTube video of course and uh that goes into so many more details on how to do this now as a side note I want to give you a quick crash course of the rest of this interface I showed you on the side that we have the sections right there as well as the theme settings below that we have app beds you really don't have to worry about that too much right now but across the top we have our different sites or our different pages on our site so if you want to check out the product page if you want to check out a gift card page the cart maybe a Blog Page an about us page or if you just want to create new pages you can manage that up on the top by clicking on the drop down for the page and if you want to go and check out maybe like you know the product page of default product page this is what it looks like and you can edit that as well so let's go back to home next to that you'll see we have this desktop mobile and full screen view it's very very very very important I cannot emphasize this enough that you check out your website on mobile this is where almost all of your customers are coming from especially if you're advertising on social media on Tik Tok on Snapchat on Facebook uh or Instagram this is where they're they're going to be coming to this from a mo from a phone is what they're going to be doing and you want to make sure your site looks good on a phone so this picture looks completely different here than it does on desktop ultimately I think it looks better here actually uh but you know just you want to keep that in mind when you're designing your site design it on desktop go to mobile and make sure it looks good on mobile then of course you want to always click save uh there's also the undo button in case you ever need that but always click save as frequently as possible so you don't lose your work but I think for now most of you probably have a pretty good idea of how to make your website look pretty good right I think those that's kind of the fundamentals I just showed you uh and for the most part that's really all you need so don't get too hung up on making your website look perfect you just want to make it look good enough that everyone's going to go here feel confident to buy and they're going to make the purchase that they came to make remember like I said earlier in this video the key to drop shipping is iterations you want to test out a ton of different products you want to test out a ton of different ad Styles you want to be able to be you know move fast and iterate and test different things and getting too hung up on exactly the details the ins and outs of the bottom Banner of your about page on your website is probably not ultimately going to convert that many more sales compared to your time being spent instead on iterating and making better ads or otherwise iterating and finding other products that could work on your site so that right there is the fundamentals of how to make the site you can certainly add more products onto your site but there are a couple other very important things we need to do for this site before we actually are able to get any customers one of them is of course accept payments if somebody comes to this right now sure the site looks pretty decent but there's no way for us to accept their payments so let's go up here and click on save so let's click on exit on the top left and we can go down to settings now within our settings the first thing I want to do is change the name of my store I'm going to click on the pencil icon and we can change this to the travel the travel Bros the travel Bros and we can say we can also change the email now as well so instead of that kind of weird funky email that zendrop gave us you can use your own email uh it's great for signing in so nobody's going to be ing your your password or anything like that uh because I think they do all come with the same like admin one two three whatever password so start off by changing your email I think that's very important then say save otherwise going through this we now have our store set up you can change the way your order IDs are set up I think it's fine like this it just has a number you don't have anything at the end but if you wanted to say uh maybe it's going to be like order order number order number Dash like uh en n or something I don't know whatever like that that's how orders can actually be numbered and set up with a prefix and a suffix I think the number really just works fine I'm just going to leave it like that going down you can see we have some other things you can change some basic features there but let's go down and talk about you know like I said the payments that's incredibly important if we click on payments we can first set up Shopify payments that's the main way you'll be accepting credit cards and accepts like Apple pay Google pay uh MasterCard Visa discover AMX like all the really fundamental ones that most people would be paying with you can accept so so let's go and submit the details and this could be either details for yourself or for your business if you have an LLC uh then you can easily set that up as a registered business right here if you don't uh you might want to consider doing that some people do prefer an LLC or other business structures as well this is not legal advice of course but there are some really easy ways uh to set up an LLC for you know not that much money at all otherwise if you are just an individual you could set this up as an individual here I believe you'll be using your social security number instead of a business Ein um but no matter what you do just select the one that pertains to you and then say next all right so now that we have our Shopify payment set up you'll see you'll end up on this page right here we are going to turn on twostep authentication so we can just say turn on now we'll have to sign back in then you simply download any authenticator app you like there's Google Microsoft and many others out there then scan the QR code and enter the six-digit code generated down here and that'll bring you back to a page that looks like this now it'll refresh and might say ending for a little bit in the beginning you'll see right now it's creating the account but eventually it will show up and show Shopify payments there now while this is being set up you'll notice right here Amazon pay is deactivated depending on how long you wait you might see like AMX discover all these different credit cards everything that all these payment methods will be accepted but by default for some reason Amazon pay is deactivated I don't understand why Shopify does this it's something that I think a lot of people Overlook they don't even realize it's grayed out it's very easy to activate it doesn't cost you anything and it could drastically increase the number of sales you have by lowering the barrier for potential buyers so anybody who has an Amazon account they probably have a payment method stored they have an address stored and they trust Amazon a little bit more than some new website they are visiting so by enabling this that means anyone who goes to your site they're able to quickly make a purchase without having to type in their credit card without having to trust you as much and without having to type in their address by using their Amazon account especially on mobile is incredibly easy to do so order to enable that what I recommend doing is going up to manage on the top right that'll bring you to this page right here and you'll see manage payment methods on the top so click on manage payment methods and all you have to do is go down to Amazon pay for some reason where is Amazon pay there it is for some reason it is toggled off by default again I don't know why that is but just toggle that little switch on so for our domain I'm going to look at the travel maybe or you could Sayo or iio there's a lot of endings you do and a lot of them are going to be fairly affordable 30 $1 a year is a little bit higher than I would like I think typically between like $15 and $25 a year is really ideal but because I do really like this let's just check out maybe like iio see if that's any different Orso let's see whatso looks like yeah whatever Co is still good I'm going to say by domain it's just easier to do it this way than other platforms out there because you don't have to go about connecting and modifying your DNS and anything like that it's just already connected it's easy to do through Shopify and that's why I typically recommend doing that going down here you can check your contact information and then just say buy domain there we go so now we have the travel SSL is currently pending for that but let's close out of this now continuing down our settings you can allow customers to create accounts if you wanted to make it easier for like self- serve returns that would limit the amount of time you have to spend managing returns or hiring other people so that could be something that was you know potentially a very big benefit of making customer accounts uh shipping and delivery we don't have to worry about that because we are doing Drop Shipping taxes and duties of of course speak to your local accountant and figure out what you need to charge based on the region you live in additionally we have locations markets domains we talked about all this different stuff here customer events notifications I'm not really going to talk about much of this stuff in this video right now except this down here this is very important and it's something that I really like about Shopify in particular if you click on policies most websites out there you will want to have a policy your return policy your privacy policy different things like that and so for all of these let's just say our return policy we can click on this and Shopify does give us a template to work with kind of by default like everything that they're going to show you you read through it and it's like all right basic 30-day return policy pretty straightforward pretty sample pretty standard I'm going to insert this template and I'm going to say save so I like that one right there then we have our privacy policy automated that's what it's showing right there again I think that looks good we have our terms of service we can insert this template if we like this so we'll say save our shipping policy same thing that is already set up right right there and then down here our contact information so all of these I think do look pretty good by default I'm not going to change anything in them but of course read through them because these are your policies that you're saying for your store and you want to make sure that you understand what the policies you're stating to be yours actually are now let's close out of this and we kind of have a lot set up so far we have our product we have our store we have our domain we have you know almost everything set up but there are some other really important things we need to consider and those are in relation to discounts and marketing then after that we'll talk a little bit more about analytics but really discounts and marketing are a huge aspect of getting sales especially with dropshipping probably one of the most difficult Parts is going to be marketing finding and creating the best ad out there and fortunately you don't actually have to be good on camera there are some fantastic tools that we found so let's check out the discounts first let's go to discounts this is something that I think it's very beneficial to set up but you don't have to just set it up here although I'm just going to start off by showing you the manual way to do it so if we say create discount you can say hey let's just give maybe like percent off a product this the most basic one out there and if you have some kind of some kind of collection you want to run an ad and you want to you know promote some kind of little discount in there you could very easily set that up right here by saying maybe like maybe like fall 10 and maybe they can save 10% off of any collection or we could say all you know specific collection specific products let's just say out of all of them uh let's say all of our products here can be discounted 10% if they use that discount code right there we could have anq on here we could have customer eligibility uh we can have maximum usage of them you can really limit a lot of things including the start and end date of these but just for a basic one I can then say save now with this like I said you have a lot of flexibility here so if we go back to discounts you can create them not just based on a certain amount you can say maybe buy one get one buy two get one you can have amount off your order so if they order more than $100 they can get $5 off $10 off or you have free shipping on an order uh based on certain criteria if they you know reach a certain minimum order threshold or anything like that now for these I would really recommend kind of just sticking with the basic one up top maybe these two right here the you know buy one get one is kind of nice or buy two get one because you are limiting your shipping costs a little bit especially if you know One customer is ordering multiple products but that is not the only way to make discounts like I said the other one is within the marketing tools we have available so down here if we click on apps right now we don't really see any apps of course we do have Zen drop down there but we don't have it pinned over to the side just yet but an app that I want to recommend right now is actually called omnisend so let's go to a new tab and type in Sandell sandral omnisend but omnisend is a good way to automate your emails they also offer SMS as well and so some of the big advantages here for one it's all very easy to set up you don't have to worry about configuring these automations as you previously had to do just a couple years ago now it's just one click and it sets up a nice one for abandoned cart for example where if anybody goes to your store they want to place an order and then who knows maybe the doorbell rings they get distracted they don't place that order then you can send them an email within one day two day two days or even three days and kind of have a flow I'm going to say start for free and we can sign up for omnisend so I'm going to sign up with Shopify right now because we do have our Shopify account already signed in here we can log in you'll know you're logged in because you'll see your icon on the top right or at least the name of your business and we can just say install that'll bring us to a new tab this brings us back to the Shopify admin page we can agree to install this now we can create our omnisend signin so password our first name last name and agree now we can add our assets for this particular store starting off with our logo so I'm going to upload a logo say upload from computer and remember we did just make a logo in canva not too long ago there we go I can upload this we can then say select we can choose our colors let's add a new color and again this is where it's good to know your HEX number or your HTML color code for your logo I'm just going to guess right now for this we're going to add that color uh we have a dark one I think that should be like a dark brown I can't tell if that's a dark brown let's make it a brown like that we can choose our fonts we can add our Social Links so this could be first of all maybe like YouTube I'll type in my YouTube uh handle which is just santell media sandal media we could also add Social Links so if you want to add your Instagram your Facebook by the way I recommend every business at the very least makes a Facebook business page sounds weird but it's good for ranking on Google and it does act as a website it has a lot of details it's very searchable and I think it works very well for a lot of businesses out there especially local businesses but even dropshipping I think it could have its advantages in this application as well so I'm going to type in my Instagram right now which is always going to be just username so in my case M O Brien with two ends and we can say save brand Assets Now this is going to walk us through a couple key things uh let's close out of this right now we don't need to do that but the dashboard here is going to walk you through four main things I think these are great because uh they're really four of the main things most people are going to want to do anyway with a marketing platform like this such as collect email subscribers from your website so people get sign up for offers and things like that you can then have a welcome email once people join uh you can have a recover abandoned carts like I said and you can have you know some additional driving traffic there but I'm going to go to abandoned cart recovery this is an automation or a workflow that I think is very important to add I'm going to say launch workflows and right here we can choose this is where it really is pretty automated we don't have to set much up if we can decide the discount code on our third email in essence the hierarchy right here says all right a customer is going to abandon the cart or they're going to abandon a checkout then after 1 hour they get their first email then 11 hours later the second email and then another 12 hours so the next day they're going to get their third email and this is where we send them a discount so for this let's say 10% off is going to be good for us we can always change this later and then here we can say all right let's only use email you could do SMS if you wanted to you do have to look into your local laws a little bit more with SMS I know like in the EU it is a bit different there I'm going to start workflows and that will in essence make it for us so we can say show my workflows and that's set up so remember where I was saying that using omnisend you don't really need to set up discount codes as much that's because this is able to create unique discount codes for every individual recipient so these don't end up on like coupon cabin or you know whatever these couponing websites out there instead it's only for people who actually are signed up for your email or actually are potentially not going to make the purchase rather than like showing up on honey or one of those other plugins like that I think it's a really nice thing to have and if we want to set up any other automations uh just looking automations right here we could say create workflow there are a lot of pre-built ones on omnisend on the left side you can see kind of the categories for them so maybe it's like a birthday one if it's a special occasion uh if you collect emails or birthdays say at checkout you ask when someone's birthday is and say we're going to send you a little birthday present on your birthday so we could go with this one right here and say hey just an email on their birthday uh so the trigger is going to be based on their birth date uh then you can maybe 9:00 in the morning you'll send them something that says hey happy birthday birthday from the travel Bros that's what it looks like and it gives them a 15% off discount that they can then use uh on your website for that day so I think that's pretty great like like I said with almost no effort at all those are both configured very very easily and honestly after using omnisend a lot I can say it works incredibly well we don't have to worry about these uh being buggy or anything like that every time I've ever used them it's just a seamless integration with Shopify and so like I said a couple minutes ago if you want to get started with omnisense if you want to get that bonus on your on your online store you can go to sandal omnisend we'll also have that as link number two in the description down below uh just in case you want to go through our link to get started with omnisend so going back to Shopify we now have some marketing set up but that is not all of our marketing that's more of the organic side of marketing the remarketing the retargeting to people who already end up on our website but that is not the discovery aspect of it so from a discovery side of things you probably want to be running ads there are a couple different ways to run ads for example you could get meta uh and that would be Facebook and Instagram ads you could also do Snapchat uh and that's going to be another big thing that we have other full tutorials on how to do that I have links down below and of course we have Tik Tok as well I'm going to start off by adding Tik Tok here so if we go and install Tik Tok let's click on install and actually while this is installing let's go to uh hold on actually is installed right now let say install now while it's installing let's go to a new tab a new tab and here we can go to santrell Tik Tock this will give you some free money depending on where you are in the world uh it could give you up to $1,500 in dollar matched ad spend so if you spend $100 you get $100 depends on where you are in the world and when you're watching this video so for now I'm going to say get started we are going to create our account if you already have a Tik Tok account you could sign up with Tik talk I'm going to deselect that reselect that to agree to the terms of service I'm going to create a password and an email I will then say continue and solve their little puzzle here and once you confirm your email we can start off with our industry so we are e-commerce and we are selling I don't know maybe health and personal care I guess this is the travel Bros is our business our phone number enter our domain and we can get started now Tik Tok ads as with any AD platform out there may seem intimidating at first I have a full tutorial on this but I'm actually going to walk you through it in this video as well because I think it is so important to properly setting up a dropshipping business obviously this is going to be a huge part of your marketing and so I'm going to start off by typing in my my state so I'm in Pennsylvania we're going to do an automatic payment method I'll say go to ads manager and this changes some time to time as well don't be alarmed if the interface looks slightly different but somewhere on here it should bring you to a 3 Reep process your campaign your ad group and your ad and this is a hierarchy I figured I'd find some Google Images to kind of explain it to you a little bit better so you'll have your campaign at the very top that's going to be this store is the campaign right that's the common way to do it is for the individual product and then within that you'll have different ad groups each ad group might be something like a different audience it might be a different like it could be really anything you want but typically audiences are going to be the difference there and you have different ads within each ad group and each individual ad is just a slightly different vertical video that you record this could be maybe a different actor in there this could be a different script this could be subtitles versus no subtitles music versus no music you want to have a lot of ads in each ad group so you can really test out and find out what is going to work best uh but I figured maybe some of these images might be a better way to kind of explain that to you but going back here like I said campaign ad group AD starting off with the campaign what is our advertising objective that we have here we are looking for website conversions you'd think product sales but we're not selling on Tik Tok shop so we actually want website conversions right here I'm going to select website conversions and say continue you'll see no website is actually connected so going back to our Shopify tab it should have brought you to this page right here once it installed Tik Tok on there now we have two options for this we can set up growing your business on Tik Tok using the ads which is what we want to do or selling on Tik Tok shop now be cautious with this Tik Tok does have some rules at least at the time of filming this video where anything sold on Tik Tok Talk Shop needs to have inventory at the same location as the business selling it so basically that means Drop Shipping as of right now is not really allowed on Tik Tok shop it's a little bit like it's becoming more of a gray area but it's something that I would recommend you know don't do that or at the very least proceed with great caution before starting that we want to do Tik Tok advertising here so I'm going to say set up now and really all this is doing is installing what is called a pixel on our Shopify store which means I kind of Click through this as I explain this which means that when somebody comes to our online store it is going to track what they do so or this person added to the cart they typed in their details they didn't make the purchase and they came from this ad over here or they came from a different ad and they did make a purchase and the idea here is that using this information Tik Tok and Shopify are able to work together to figure out which ads convert the best and ultimately give you data to help you decide which is actually going to be the best ads to ad style to run and which products are going to work the best so again I'm just going to say confirm leave that on maximum we want as much data as possible here and then down here company information we'll say finish setup and now that should be configured we now have this connected to Tik Tok going back to that other tab the Tik Tok ads manager we may need to reload this we don't need to reload this we can simply click the drop down here and we should now see our Shopify store showing up I'm going to click on that and the optimization event we can choose really any of these these you can optimize for how many people add to their cart how many people complete the payment or initiate the checkout ultimately what matters most to me is people who are actually making purchases so I'm going to say complete payment that is going to be the metric I want that to be success when there's actually a payment that is coming into my Shopify balance going down here we can have automatic payments uh targeting we can really kind of narrow down the audience a little bit more this is the first ad group we have which by the way we should name at the very top this is I'm just going to name this add group add group add group one- Brad I'm going to keep that kind of broad I'm not going to narrow it down too much and then down here this is where we can kind of decide what's going to happen so is this only in the United States or are you selling anywhere else in the world what Aid groups are you selling to I recommend leaving this disabled don't sell to minor it gets a lot trickier when you're marketing to minor I I mean this is not legal advice but I would recommend just always advertise to only adults it's going to be a much better setup for you also more likely to have more disposable income anyway down here you could choose only one gender if you wanted to so if this was something that was like uh I don't know men's underwear you might want to have one ad group that just sells to men and one that has a slightly different ad that only sells to women and maybe it's like hey women like get this for your husband for Christmas or something and maybe a slightly different ad format you'd have for men so that's where You' probably switch this right here otherwise for this product I'm obviously just going to leave it set to to all and we can customize some other things somehow Tik Tok manages to know the spending power and the household income of different accounts it's very impressive how they're able to figure that out uh but you could say hey maybe just High spending power we want those people to be able to purchase this product so let's not waste our money advertising to anybody who doesn't have high spending power and so maybe that would make sense for you we can then choose our budget right here and uh I'm just going to leave it at $70 that looks good to me for now and our optimization goal again conversion uh we can have a Target CPA if you want to that's not something in the very beginning I'm going to do but eventually I will dial in a Target CPA once we have some more data on how much it's probably going to cost for a lot of these ads which ones convert better we'll eventually come back to this so I'm going to say next it that brings us to the individual ads down here and this is where most people do get quite intimidated we have really three main options maybe four options for how to set up your ad the first one is going to be just you filming an ad by yourself and I have a video explaining how to do that it's great because it doesn't cost you any money you can make a lot of different ads and really test them all out but the downside is that you do need to kind of have there's a learning curve right that you have to figure out how to film the ads and how to do everything yourself and of course have that camera presence that will be convincing and will drive sales so the second option for an ad is going to be what's called ugc so if you look up ugc which is user generated content you'll see see just some examples of it is really all I'm looking for here but in essence uh it would be maybe images going to show it pretty well it's going to be people that are making an ad so they're just regular people they users is what they're meant to look like and they're just going to be talking about what your product is uh it feels very organic so it's not going to be like a big Coca-Cola ad or anything like that it's going to be much more laid-back which does perform quite well on Tik Tok really this format right here uh I think you've seen a lot of ads that look like this just people talking about specific products and there are platforms you can go to pay people to do this sometimes it can get very expensive and so the third option that we think is actually really interesting it's getting better and better uh one that I found is called Arc ads Arc ads.

A so this is going to be link number six in the description down below this is not an affiliate link or anything I have nothing to gain from from recommending this and and honestly I think there may be other better platforms out there but from my testing I was beyond impressed with this right here so you do have to pay for each indiv one but in essence what you do is you write your script and you can either write it yourself or have chat GPT write it or even have this help you write it and then it'll have an AI actor speak and kind of make it feel very natural and go through uh what your ad is now this does not actually show your product in the video it only shows a person talking so what I would recommend doing is showing that and then film your own b-roll so maybe you want to order a product and film or just have some images and just show them throughout the ad so we do have products so we do have images of our product if we go back to here we have we have a ton of images that we can use so you can either just use these images in the ads or just you know buy the product yourself and just kind of film a little bit yourself and then because you're not speaking you're not in the ad you don't have to worry about that aspect of it you just need to worry about stitching it together like here's an example from a completely different video I made where I was selling a golf ball recovery tool on that was a Drop Shipping video and let's just watch this and you'll see just how un unbelievably realistic this actually is I love golf but I'm no Tiger Woods I used to lose five golf balls a day ever since I saw the viral Tik Tock golf ball recovery tool I started finding dozens of Titus Pro V1 balls and haven't bought a single golfball in over a year this thing is sick check it out it extends to a full 9 ft helping you recover your golf balls from ponds creeks and even thorny hazards with its yellow plastic ball grabber and springloaded ball lock it's so this one's a little bit slower but I just thought that was like just unbelievable that that is not a real person saying that right now it's an AI you know based on like I just it's crazy what what the technology has actually come to so that's Arc ads right there you could make ads on there but like I said because it is just a guy walking I would want to show maybe every other 3 seconds so maybe like 3 seconds showing this 3 seconds with the same audio in the background but showing on top of this maybe like a little video I filmed with my iPhone of the actual product uh being used or something like that and this is something that you can edit yourself very very easily in a software called cap cut so if I type in cap cut on my laptop I have that software available it's actually owned by bite dance which is the parent company of Tik Tok so it's free to use it's basically the Tik Tok editor and it's available both on desktop on your phone so phone editing is probably the easier way to do that so that is your third option on how to make an ad right here here but going back to Tik Tok ads once we have those ads available so I'm just going to use that that golf ball recovery one just as an example here all we want to do is go down to upload let's click on plus upload we'll upload a file I'm going to find that over in this folder right here so there's my arc ads one I'm going to open that and we can say continue we can also create a custom identity so this is going to be at the travel travel Bros I'll change this little icon there now we have our logo in the travel Bros we'll say save and that's going to show up on the bottom of your ad down here and over on the right side so that's kind of what your ad is starting to look like right now we can also add some more details if we wanted to have for example any Carousel images you can have that instead of instead of a single video I think videos seem to work better at least for me personally but you know other niches other people other markets uh might be better off using carousels it's also very easy to use carousels as well there are also some other interactive add-ons this always changes like Tik Tok really testing this out and evolving very very quickly well you have three options right here display card countdown sticker and gift card code I like the gift card code right there or the gift code card sorry uh so we can say create and maybe for this one is going to be like a discount code of let's just say this is going to be um save 10% today save 10% today uh the GI code could be like I said fall 10 we can have a different sticker color here so it's more visible and because he's down on the bottom I want to put this probably up on the top so it's not in the way we'll give it a black background like that uh we can change the placement and let's just say confirm and you'll see that's going to show up so somebody can copy that code when they make the purchase it just kind of gives them more of an incentive to go and make the purchase through the ad rather than just thinking about it and maybe buying it later so like oh well this is really interesting 10% off like sure let's copy that code and let's go check it out let's do that down here the destination where is it going to send them we want to send them to our product page so let's go back to the travel Bros and we can go down to online store click on The View button it'll bring us to a new tab here let's click on shop let's find the product this is the product here I'm going to highlight and copy the link and then go back to Tik Tok and of course and of course I'm going to paste that product link right here and then of course we have to select this ad contains AI generated content that's going to have a little disclaimer on the bottom that's very important of course uh we have to agree to this right here and then down on the bottom there's not a whole lot else I'm going to change so I'm going to say submit oh actually then we do need to have some text so here we want a little call to action so we'll say submit we can add a payment method to run this ad I'll say submit it's processing the request we can say confirm in the little popup right here just going to authenticate our payment our payment method was added and I can close this window right here so now it's creating the ad it might take a minute to do this and it'll bring us automatically over to a dashboard where we can see so if you say back to camp aigns we'll see all of our ads and everything we can kind of manage from here so on the top we have three tabs we have our campaign we have our ad groups and we have our ads so if we want to make another ad what I recommend doing is using a lot of the same stuff and just really alternating some part of it so maybe you change the title maybe you change the call to action maybe you change the video itself but you keep everything else the same so we can click on this uh we can actually not click on that sorry we click on copy right here it'll make a copy in the exact same ad group and campaign we can make two copies if we wanted to so let's say copy and it's going to make those duplicates now so we'll say got it and for these we can change a different ad name so this going to be like ad we could say uh guy walking ad number two and we could change maybe just one little thing in here maybe the call to actions so keep in mind by default it's giving us a ton of call to actions maybe apply now doesn't make sense uh interested visit store watch now doesn't make sense view now check it out now learn more uh maybe we do want read more we want shop now we want book no we don't want book now we want yeah maybe pre-order now is another option as well so that looks pretty good we can go with those right there and we can change maybe here we're going to have some different text there and we can say publish all so now we'll have this ad of course you want to customize all of them but this is making multiple different ads that are all going to run and this is how you kind of manage your variations so let's go back to campaigns and by the way if you ever decide hey I I don't want to spend money on this one anymore you can simply toggle it off and that ad will no longer be running in addition don't worry if in the beginning it says not delivering that is because our account is currently in review so it might take a couple hours until these start delivering I typically just make sure I set everything up right I have the right budget so it's not going to spend like all my money and then I go to bed and I wake up and usually these ads are already running so I'm going to leave these so we can leave these enabled also if you go over to add group you can make another ad group in the similar way or you could disable or enable an entire ad group like that same thing over here on campaign as well so so that's how you do everything through Tik Tok like I said I highly recommend checking out Arc ads uh if you find any others that are even better AI ad generators please do leave a comment down below I think it's so fascinating to see just how good these ads are actually becoming like this guy just walking down his sidewalk uh and just like I don't know if it's a lip sync thing they're doing it's just so convincing that that guy's actually talking about the product that that I have right here so let's go back to Shopify what do we have so far we have our products we have our store we have everything set up on Zen drop let's talk about setting up a sample ORD I don't know why it added a password when I changed my domain a little while ago but a couple other things to note is you'll see right here the loading speed right now moderate you want it to maybe be a little faster and you can always reduce the sizes of your images and things like that throughout your website uh interactivity good visual stability it says that's poor so that is something we could potentially work on to create a better user experience and to potentially rank higher in Google but like I said let's place that sample order you could do it directly through zendrop but I want to place it through our store so we can really get the full experience of using the store that an End customer would actually get that way we can identify any possible bugs or anything like that even better off would be to do this on your phone I'm doing it on my laptop because that's what the screen recording is set up with right now but let's go through this order right here so I'm going to say add to cart but let's just check out buy it now and see what that looks like first uh buy it now it'll bring you directly to the cart and you can see on the top all of our different payment methods I'm going to go back though and I want to add this to cart let's go through the full process here over on the right side it says you're $54 away from free shipping so we do know we will have to pay for shipping I'm actually just going to do one I don't want to order two so now we actually have to get $100 for free shipping total um that's something whatever I understand um that's how we set this up and and that's kind of an incentive that maybe I want to change maybe I want it to be $50 for free shipping because ordering four of this even four you'd have to get five of this to get free shipping there so I don't know I don't think anyone's really going to be ordering five of this we can change that free shipping threshold over in settings let's say checkout now and from your checkout page you'll see Amazon pay is now available there so you've got shop pay PayPal Google pay actually we didn't set up Paypal so I'm not sure how that's actually working and we have Amazon pay as well or venm so a lot of ways people can pay us or they can just enter their credit card information down here and again shop pay PayPal things down there as well but let's say Amazon pay just to see how that actually works you can simply sign into your Amazon account we can say sign in and it's going to choose our payment method and our shipping address it's going to say is this correct I'll say yes continue to check out and there you go it's really easy everything set up all you have to do is say pay now and that order has been completed it's pretty crazy how easy that is when you have something like Amazon pay set up but as you can see the checkout or the the kind of confirmation page here they give us a confirmation number they say thank you they show us a little map right there uh and then down here they'll show us the order details as well as on the right side the overall price of the shipping uh the product subtotal and the overall price so $27.85 for this organizer this men's traveling organizer I think that's really not a terrible price I think this is going to be something that could potentially sell very well but it doesn't automatically fulfill until we set up the settings correctly so let's close out of of this tab and let's go back to Zen drop there are a couple ways to get to Zen drop of course you could just go to The Domain uh what I'm going to do is go down to apps go to Zen drop here and that'll open up Zen drop in a new tab automatically so if we go down to orders you'll see the New Order does appear it's order number 1,1 that's how we set them to kind of be numbered the date was today customer was me the order was received is not yet paid and we could fulfill the order now what I recommend doing maybe in the beginning you want to fulfill them automatically or manually sorry and we could just say you know add a credit uh we're going to fulfill the order that's something you could do in the very beginning instead I would really recommend the whole point of Drop Shipping is to be automated and we have two great tools up here one we have The Branding tool so you can create a thank you card that could give a discount that could you know again incentivize more purchases and I think that's very professional maybe in the beginning you can't afford that so you don't do that right away but the autof Fulfillment is a feature that I highly highly recommend so I'm going to say on that means that as soon as somebody places the order to maximize the shipping speed so you don't have to go on here and check every single day you want to have autof fulfillment configured uh pretty much immediately I think that's really a great way to do things so so turn on autof fillment in the future they will be fulfilled but because this one here has not been fulfilled yet I'm going to fulfill this order right now so I'm going to say fulfill order it says success I'm going to say okay then down here we have to kind of go through this say accept and and we now paid zendrop $727 for this order to be purchased and to be shipped it's saying processing and this this will keep us updated too uh as it's actually shipped out so we can know more about this in case we get any complaints or any kind of messages from customers or just if we're wondering for oursel to see how things are going as long as you see green you're all good you want to see green on every single line here for all of these orders so yeah now we have that order placed the money will be coming into our Shopify balance so if we go to finance Finance is right here uh we can see balance right there net sales $22.95 gross profit $20.65 it doesn't actually know how much it actually costs we'll have to change the cost in our settings here but this will actually be added to your balance if we go to Shopify balance then in case you're wondering how to get this money out one thing that Shopify really pushes you to do they really want you to get a balance card they really want you to get this little like Shopify balance card I think it's like a debit card I actually never used it I always just offload the balance uh with payouts down here I always just you know send that over to my bank account and it's something that you can do you know quite easily on Shopify I do that typically once every other week uh with open stores but going down to analytics you'll see this is where you can learn a lot more about your store not just from what we talked about with the Tik Tok ads or from omnisend both of those will have their own analytics as well uh and Zen drop that every platform we've dealt with throughout this video has analytics but Shopify is going to be particularly interesting to me because you can see how many people visited your online store or how many online store sessions there were so I visited this store like 12 times in this video so you'll see 12 sessions right there uh currently it'll show us how many sales there are it'll show us the average order value the returning customers the devices that were used again because I'm on desktop they're all desktop I would be incredibly surprised if you had anything more than like 25% desktop I think for most people especially running Tik Tok ads it is going to be 100% mobile using your website uh but maybe an occasional desktop here and there as we get more traffic and more data in here you'll see a lot of these will start to populate what products are selling better than others uh what the customer analysis looks like and different things like that so that's my summary of how to set up Drop Shipping in the easiest way possible again the Shopify Zen drop combo is really a killer combo that allows you to set up the store with almost no effort at all find products very easily integrate those products and start getting sales with very very little effort and then more time can be spent on optimizing Those ads and having AI make different versions of those ads so you can figure out what is doing well what kind of AD script you want to write and which ad or which AI character to actually use as well as which products as we have tons of products available which products are actually going to be the better sellers on your store thank you for watching and the next video I recommend watching I'll link a couple like one right here for how to set up Tik Tok ads in more detail another one here with more details on how to use Shopify if you want to customize your store more but I wish you all the best of luck thanks for watching I'm Michael Bryan with santal media and I'll see you in one of those next two videos

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How To Build A Website in 16 Minutes (Wix AI Builder Tutorial 2024)

  • August 27, 2024

hey my name is Mike and in this video I'll be showing you the easiest and most effective way to make a website and this works well if you are a business making a personal portfolio maybe you have a fundraiser whatever your reason for making a website is it doesn't need to be hard so in this video like I said this is the best and easiest way to make a website and we're going to do this in just about 15 minutes we're going to Leverage The Power of AI and one of the most powerful and popular website Builders out there being Wix to get started we're going to go over to to my laptop all right so we're going to go to sandal swix and don't worry if it looks a little bit different from this you should see somewhere that says enter your email address and then a button that says start now so I'm going to enter my email address then we can choose a password and then for this it doesn't actually matter which one you choose I'm making one for my business this does matter we're not going to do Wix Studio you want to continue with Wix instead it's very important you do this Wix studio is a little bit more advanced and then here it's very tempting to start this I'm going to set up without the chat I just found it's a little bit too buggy for some reason whenever I do this I end up with a blank page when I get to my website so let's start without the chat we're going to choose maybe the example here is a a surf shop I'm just going to make a surf shop that's the website I want to make so I can just type in maybe like a surf instructor uh maybe surf surf instructor right there there we go so we can say continue and that'll bring us to the dashboard now from here we're going to get a popup that says tell us a bit about your business we're going to choose a name and an address so perhaps we're Nantucket surf Supply say continue and the next question is what hours are we working so let's just say every day of the week and maybe 6:00 a.m.

To 6:00 p.m. let's say we work kind of a lot and then we can choose the services now depending on what your website is like if you are an online store you might not have this but because we're having Services uh it suggests some that we can add and we can customize these in Greater detail later so right here let's just say maybe we can scroll through they're not going to be related to surfing we're going to rename them but pick ones that make a lot of sense like a private lesson makes sense oneon-one maybe you have like a package where somebody can do this multiple times and maybe the third one is going going to be I saw it somewhere on here equipment inspection there we go so maybe they can bring in their surfboard and our our experts are going to fix it or something like that then we can say continue and now we have the the staff members so I'm going to add my name as one of the instructors and so people could potentially book different coaches here and what else do we want with our business so I do want to accept payments in person as well as online I would like to have automated emails and SMS reminders so people are not late or skipping their appointments and I want to make sure that we have uh the ability to manage this on the let's continue to the dashboard now we're going to have a popup here that wants us to get a domain as well as upgrade don't worry about any of that right now close out of that and we're going to go to design site the button on the top right now we have two options I'm going to go with design based on AI so on the left we're going to click on that and it's going to walk us through a couple different questions and it's going to generate a site first just based on our name although we will be able to customize it with the different prompts on the left in just a second so you can see we have a pretty rough start to our website right here not exactly what we're looking for but we do need to customize all these little blue phrases on the left side so starting off with our site profile we have the name of course but we have to add a logo for example I'm just going to upload a logo I made in canva uh just a little quick free logo I made and then we can add our site description as well and of course our contact info down here so once you have all that click on apply changes or actually wait no we want to add these Social Links as well here so you can add your Instagram your your Tik Tok whatever and keep in mind each one is basically just FL and then whatever your username is so for me Mike O'Brien we can add one again for Facebook we can add one for YouTube for any of your socials that you have and it'll be very convenient as you're working throughout your website so I'm going to add YouTube right here Sandell media and maybe we're going to add a Facebook by the way I recommend every business gets at the very least a Facebook business page and an Instagram business page I have a tutorial on how to set up both of those I'll link those down below all right now we're going to have the same thing pop up again but we do have our site profile set up now so it's regener ating the website great now we're making progress moving in the right direction here at least we have a logo and some more relevant details you can see site structure is going to be what you want on your homepage so if we want to have maybe an about section we want to have testimonials we want to have an Instagram section and then down here what other Pages do we want on our website maybe I do want an about page and a contact page and now it's going to rebuild the website again version three including all of those different pages that's our site structure all right so we have site profile structure and description now we just need the theme and the layout starting off with the theme this is really going to be the fonts the colors the transitions things like that so by default it gave us the one that was a bold style sand sah font and stuff like that so we can either type in different things here or generate a new theme or just Shuffle the colors that they currently have so maybe I'll say please change the primary color to a bluish mint color let's just say that and see what it does it's not really going to interpret that as a human wood but it should shift it a little bit more to some shade of blue usually is what I've been seeing like uh let's see what we get all right a little bit more light blue gray all right so like I said it's not going to do exactly what I said not a bluish mint but it is a light blue gray by the way we can customize all of that later on very very easily it's just kind of good to get an idea of how to kind of push it in the right direction right now now we can change the layout so again you can either just generate a new layout or Shuffle this layout around if you kind of like it a little bit this one is not a terrible start but there is a lot that I would like to change about it all right so now we're moving in the right direction here I like this one a lot better it's still not not perfect but I think this is really a great start for us it already populated a lot of the the photos and the text I think there's a lot we can definitely use here so I'm just going to go back to the brief and continue with this design now before we go and edit this we can actually get a domain I recommend doing this now it prompts us now it makes sense to do that mine is uh let's see if we can get an anet surf Supply I might have used this in a previous video let's see if it is available it looks like it was taken so I'm just going to say Nantucket surf it is available just easy to get that domain I recommend a shorter one than that but now we have to choose a plan you could just buy the domain you're not going to be able to connect it but I like I said I recommend getting the plan anyway it'll give you a free domain for a year there are four different plans most websites are totally fine with the light one the smallest cheapest plan available unless you're doing more e-commerce stuff but because core is cheaper they have like a promo going on right now it seems I'm going to go with core in the future I can always downgrade to light if I want I get the free domain so it makes sense for me to do this I'm just going to go with this one right here now as far as the billing plan goes you only get the free domain if you get yearly or two years or three years you could like if you do monthly you're not going to get that free domain and you end up spending like three times the price per month so uh yearly just makes the most sense to me for this one so I'm going to continue to check out then we just enter our payment information and submit the purchase and again you could always continue with a free website on Wix there's nothing wrong with that but I generally only recommend that to anybody who is doing it for like a school project or if you're just doing it for fun but for just about anybody else I really recommend getting the upgrade here so you don't have the branding so you do get the storage so you have a professional domain it just makes a lot more sense now we can enter our contact information to legally register the domain now we can choose if we want to have private registration it's an extra $10 per year or public registration the difference is if somebody goes to who is they can find your personal information unless you do private registration this is very common practice to do this I would recommend getting private but again you could always save the $10 if you have like a physical business and your information is perhaps not private at all and you don't care if anyone else knows that now we can submit our purchase of zero doar and it's prompting us to get a professional business email I'm I recommend doing that eventually but don't bother with that right now let's close out of this tab it'll bring us back to the previous tab we were on which is the Wix editor so if we just kind of reload this you should see our domain show up at the top there instead of like the my site.

Wix thing let's see what it does right here and I'm also going to show you how to do everything in the editor yeah there we go so the new domain is there and now kind of a quick rundown of this editor with is using what's called a section layout so everything highlighted in this light purple here is the welcome section usually the different sections have different backgrounds so this is a section this is a section down here and each section has your settings on the top right so if we click on that it outlines the whole thing in a darker purple we can move it up or down we can do quick edit that'll change the background the title of it on some Bas basic contents within it of course uh this is something you can do for every single section let's close out of that go down to the next one now if you want to resize this one here on the very bottom you see this little arrow this little arrow right here if we click and drag that up or down that'll resize this section and kind of extend the same background if we do it on the one above us it it extends that one above and so we can make this one a little bit longer we go down here maybe we want more space above feedback and reviews we can drag it down the dark green gets a little bigger and same thing down here just kind of space out the website a little bit more now on the left side if we want to do anything else with sections there are a lot of tools over there but if we click on ADD section there are a lot of pre-made sections as well as an AI generator too but if I go down here and let's just say we want to add maybe testimonials a testimonial section let's add it somewhere I don't know if we have one yet let's add it towards the bottom of our website so right around there if I click on testimonials in the left side testimonials and say maybe I like this one I can click and drag it just drop it onto the website and now it has like we have a testimonial section all you have to do is change the different elements within that so that brings us one layer deeper we have all these different SE sections and within each section we have a bunch of elements so this one right here we've got a title we have some text below that and if you click on any one of them you can move it around simply by clicking and dragging so we can move it over there if you don't like it you can just click the undo button and it brings it back to where it was and of course we could resize it we could double click on it and change the contents of it uh there's a lot of things we can do with this so double clicking it let's change what it says maybe we're going to add our title right here our business name n Tucket surf Supply company and then down here we can add like a little tagline maybe we were like voted number one or something like that let's say we were voted number one there we go and now let's make this font a little bit bigger so the controls are on the right side of course you can make it bold or metallic or whatever very familiar controls I think a lot of people are used to these let's make it centered and of course we could resize this as well and you'll see it kind of snaps on with these magenta lines to different things on our page now another thing you'll notice something between sections and elements is actually going to be what we have right here these little strips they're essentially containers that hold different things so this one right here has two different images in it uh we can move the entire strip around and it's just easier to move kind of multiple things at the same time for example these two titles at the very top the title and the text they're both in one strip you can click and see the outline is a strip right there and we can click and move drag this around wherever we want higher and lower on the page and it just moves both of them they're kind of grouped together it's an easy way to think of that now if we want to add other elements we click on the little blue Plus on the left go to add elements there are a ton on here I'm not going to go through all of them in this video but of course text image button let's say we want to add a button to this page maybe so let's say right below the title we want to add a button that says book now just encouraging like a call to action high up somebody goes to the website they can book their lesson or their rental right here now the first four buttons are based on your theme so when you change your theme which we will do change some of the colors that'll change the button as well it keeps it within the theme I think that's very important we could resize the button and if you double click on it just like every other element you're able to edit that we can change what it says to book now we can change the icon we can choose a link and this can link to a number of different sources of course you can go to a section on this page you can go to a document an email anything else and let's just say we want to go down to the service the services list section on this page so I'm going to say done next up let's talk about editing our site design if we click on site design on the left we can choose a bunch of different themes and these are just a combination of of colors and of course fonts as well and transitions so let's say maybe I really like the technical one right here it changes some things and we're going to have to kind of tweak the website but I like this a lot better than what we had before so I can go with this theme click on back and for any theme of course down here you are able to change the color the text the page background the page transitions let's go to the color and say maybe of the four accent colors I want to change this one right here and I can you know I have a full hex you know I can change it however I want let's say maybe that's the color I'm looking for and maybe it's green I want it to be a little bit more of like a teal or something I don't know something like that now we have these four colors now if we click on it again that makes that go away and we can go back to editing this we need to kind of change the font size a little bit so that it actually fits all in one space here and I'm still not really happy with this first section I want to change the background of it I don't want it to just be a color I'm going to add an image and I'm going to delete the two images down below that so if we go over to section background we can change that you can see other colors it just doesn't quite look right I'm not really happy with that so let's click on image now we can change this section it's stretched right now I'd rather have it just fit in the middle of the page I think that looks a lot better so it's centered all the time and now I still don't really like the background I chose this kind of ocean picture washed out I'm going to change it again find one maybe more related to surfing if I click on image we can look up surf uh surfing and uh based on the Wix ones yeah this one looks awesome this is exactly what I'm looking for I'll change to this and I know this is going to be a great website look at that okay so now maybe make the section A little bit longer and look at that now we're getting somewhere now we're really getting somewhere with this website that is exactly what what I want to see on the top of this website down here I can change the background of this we could make it again maybe like a color it could be a gradient for example now we have the first two sections pretty much looking good we can save it and at the top you'll see switch to mobile this is a really important button because you actually have a separate mobile editor it copies the desktop site but then you can tweak it a little bit to make things look good on mobile devices which is honestly going to be probably more than half of your website visitors so right here we can customize the header I think that looks good we can have our our quick actions on the bottom I'm okay with that as well and do we want to have a back to top button I don't really think I need that so I'm going to say no it's kind of a short website and we can go to the mobile editor now within the mobile editor we're able to move things around so if I want this text to be a little bit lower I could just click and drag the strip down I think that looks a little better just some more head space up there a little bit less claustrophobic and then as you scroll down if everything everything looks good then there's nothing else you need to change but you can make a slightly different website here so again save it preview it publish it click on view site you can see your entire website right there I'm going to close out of this and go back to the desktop editor now going down the left side some other things to know on the on the very top we have the pages so we have all these different pages the about page the contact page if I just click on about we can edit this all the same editing tools we had before additionally going further down we didn't talk about the app market yet if you click on the little four four dot array this is the Wix app market I recommend checking out the Wix ones in particular they're the most optimized most of them are free some of them like you pay a little bit for but you've got cool things like a pro Gallery if you are a photographer and you want high resolution photos you can have bookings on here you can have a Blog you can have online programs like maybe a course for example a members area you can have videos file sharing a restaurant ordering thing like you've got a lot of different apps that Wix has available so it's not always in your face you only add them if they're relevant to your website these are just ones that like I said maybe the restaurant one I don't know maybe they have a fee for that I haven't checked all of them but a lot of them are just free to add and you're able to use them just natively on here but there are a lot of non- Wix apps as well in this Wix app market for example MailChimp or a lot of other email marketing softwares you can get ones for like running ads on Tik Tok or Facebook setting up your pixels like that there's a lot of great options you have available so that's a crash course on how to make a website with Wix I think it looks pretty good right now I hope you found this helpful if you did I recommend checking out our full tutorial it's 1 hour long and I really dive into details on how to set up your business email how to set up your search engine optimization so you rank on Google how to add different apps like really a lot of nitty-gritty things that really would be the next step but this is a crash course like I said in about 15ish minutes on how to make a website using Wix we did that I think it looks great it's up and running it's on the domain and I wish you all the best of luck with your website so leave a comment below let me know what your website's about and any questions you might have thanks for watching I'm Michael Bryan with santal media and I'll see you in the next one

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Shopify vs Etsy – Which Platform Should You Sell on?

  • August 20, 2024

so Shopify versus Etsy which is the better platform to use as an e-commerce seller we're going to go over a number of different categories in this video looking at Shopify some of the pros and cons of it and then compare it to Etsy both of these are really prominent platforms for selling online and you want to make sure that you are using the right one to sell your products on now there's going to be a lot of things we're talking about in this video first of all we're looking at some of the differences between the two and then I want to share some of the uh features that I think are really important to understand from both of them looking at the ease to start on both Shopify and Etsy comparing some of the customization capabilities of both platforms then we're going to talk about pricing which is something that's very important to a lot of sellers which one is going to be the best for pricing how much is it going to cost you we're going to look at the differences between those two and then we're also going to talk about things like SEO and marketing which one is going to be the better platform overall to build and scale your online business so let's go ahead and get started with this video right now we're going to start off with understanding first of all the differences between both Shopify and Etsy Shopify and Etsy these are two very different platforms so with Shopify it is a standalone store this is going to be your own website you'll have your own domain and you're going to sell your products on there now with that it means that you have to go out and find your customers because you're building your own website you're building your Standalone website that you own you can customize so many things in there with Etsy Etsy is actually what we call an online Marketplace similar to things like Amazon and eBay where there are already about 500 million monthly visits to etsy's website and so you can sell on that Marketplace I kind of think of these two as like Etsy is kind of like selling at a farmers market where there's already an established like area that people are going to they're walking by your table where you're selling things and Shopify is your own store that you have to like find customers and get them into the door now there are big differences between the two and we'll talk about these because Etsy does charge more fees and you know there are some downsides to it that I think are really important to go over and by the way we have a full tutorial on how to set up and run a Shopify store it's over an hour long I'll leave a link to that down below in the description if you want to check it out uh you can also get Shopify for $1 for the first month when you sign up using the link below in the description or you go to sandal Shopify I'll leave those links down below if you want to get started with that and just start building out your store right now so let's start off actually with talking about the ease to start which one is going to be the platform that's easier to use for beginners if you have really no experience of selling anything so first of all let's look at Etsy and then we'll look at Shopify on Etsy the beauty of this is that because it is an online Marketplace they already have a lot of things that are built out for the tens of thousands of other sellers on the platform and so this is very similar to if you've ever sold anything on eBay it's pretty similar so it's really easy to set up you can just go through their flow of opening your Etsy Shop I'll leave a link to that down below as well or you can just go to / sell and to open up your Etsy Shop you just need to put in your details and you can get up and running with that today it's pretty easy to get that started but with that you also don't have a lot of customization features but it is pretty straightforward and they do have a lot of resources showing you how to set up your store so I would say Etsy is very easy you're probably not going to get too confused when you start selling on that I will also make a full tutorial on how to sell on Etsy if that's something that you would like to see please let me know Down Below in the comment section Shopify is going to be a little bit more difficult to get up and running and that's just because they have so many different features and customization capabilities and so because Shopify is a little bit more difficult to get started with because you're building out your own store your own website they also do have this resources page on Shopify if you're on you can see all these different things they have 24/7 support for you if you have trouble building your store they can help you out with that and then they also have these how-to guides that are really useful for setting up your store like I said we also have like over an hour long to tutorial showing you how to set up a Shopify store so if you are worried about the difficulty of it don't worry like you can do it you don't need to have coding experience you don't need to be like super Highly Educated to make your own Shopify store it's just a little bit more difficult than Etsy I think it's worth it to go through that little bit of difficulty cuz I think overall this is going to be something that if you use Shopify you can really build a large professional brand off of it on your own website so that's the differences between both of those in terms of the ease to start on that the winner on this would probably be Etsy it's just easier and more straightforward to get started now let's talk about category number two which is customization okay so which one has more customization features this one is definitely Shopify so the beauty of Shopify is that we can choose from hundreds of different themes on the theme store and so you can make your store look like any of these different themes there are hundreds of these and so you have really an incredible amount of customization capabilities this is why some of the largest e-commerce brands in the world use Shopify I'm talking like Lulu Lemon some like multi-billion dollar companies they use Shopify and you don't really see them selling on Etsy as much and that's because it's just probably the most legit way to be an e-commerce seller is using Shopify so we have themes this has so many different options here you can see there's over 200 different themes there's 13 different free themes as well that you can use and so that is one of the features then also on top of that we have things like Shopify apps not to confuse you here but this is these are all these different things you can add into your store so you can have marketing integration into your Shopify store you can have reservations so like if you have any type of site and you want to you know build out like all these different features on here we have something called the Shopify app store which has thousands of different features and customization capabilities that you can add onto your site now you go back to what I said in the first point about ease of use this is why people get a little bit concerned about it because it's like overwhelming but we show you how to sell all of that up in the Shopify tutorial that I said earlier is going to be linked Below in the description so Shopify is really there's so many customization features on Etsy in terms of customization you really don't have much now if you do sign up for the premium version as an Etsy seller you do get a few more options for customization but you're really you're kind of limited on what you can do your storefront it's going to be pretty limited and that's just because you're selling on etsy's platform and they want it to look like all of the other listings that's the differences between Shopify and Etsy in terms of customization the winner here is definitely with Shopify and sometimes it can be just some simple little customization things that are going to completely put Shopify way higher of a category than something like Etsy for example on Shopify you can download Shopify apps on your store that will help you to have upsell so that when someone clicks on an item they add it to a cart you can upsell them some other type of item you can't really do that with Etsy like you can with Shopify so that's really a great benefit to it now let's talk about pricing which one is going to be better pricing for sell Shopify or Etsy now let's first of all look at the pricing on Etsy Etsy has a 20 listing fee for every item that you are listing on the platform now they also have a 6.5% transaction fee for every sale that you are making uh and then there's a payment processing fee of about 3% plus 25 for every purchase that's made through your Etsy store now when you add up all of these different fees you're coming out to probably around 10% of the total selling price goes towards fees on Etsy That's not including shipping that's literally just fees that Etsy is taking for selling on their platform now the reason why they're able to charge these very high fees is because well there's already people searching for products on Etsy and so maybe you don't have to do as much marketing on the platform because there's already customers coming in so they charge some pretty expensive fees now if you think about this if you're selling $500 a month in your products on Etsy you might be spending upwards of $50 a month on fees when it's all said and done between payment processing and Etsy fees and everything else so Etsy while it does look cheap it only says it's 20 cents plus you know 6.5% when you do add it up it does get pretty expensive I would say that Etsy is probably better for people who are selling a couple of items per month but now let's look at Shopify pricing which starts out at $29 per month for the basic plan now with this you're getting so many different features you have all those themes you can choose from you have a lot of different features that you're getting in here that you can use with Shopify for $29 a month now I know this can seem kind of expensive for some people but when you factor in how expensive these Etsy fees are when you are selling more than a few items per month Shopify actually ends up being a lot cheaper so this is what I said earlier about any like very large business almost all of them are using Shopify for selling their products and that's because you know they have all those customization features but pricing is actually really not bad when you're doing high volume now you still do have to deal with Payment Processing fees where which are going to come out to you know about 3% give or take a little bit but you don't have to deal with that 6.5% platform fee that Etsy would be charging and you don't have listing fees for every product that you're listing as well so that's the benefit to using Shopify so which one is the winner here Shopify or Etsy in terms of pricing well the answer really does depend if you're selling more than a few items per month then Shopify actually probably would end up being cheaper I would say if you're selling more than three4 $500 a month in total products then Shopify can end up being cheaper if you're doing low volume and you're only selling a few items per month then Etsy might be cheaper because you're not paying that $29 per month so that's up to you to decide which one is going to be better I know a lot of sellers who use both they use Etsy and they also use Shopify and it works pretty well okay so now another category that I think is really important to look at is search engine optimization and marketing basically how are you getting your customers to buy your product and on these platforms it's actually going to be very different so with Etsy like I said there's over 500 mill monthly people visiting the site and so because of this there's a lot of people coming in looking at your Etsy listings and you probably didn't have to pay any marketing expenses to get them there they just organically searched it up and found your product on Etsy and sometimes they end up buying it and so your marketing cost when you're selling an Etsy can be a lot lower because you don't have to go out and find as many customers a lot of them are coming directly to you kind of like what I said earlier about how I view it like selling at like a farmers market there's people going by and they see your product and they buy it so that's with Etsy you can rank in Etsy search and if you rank well on some of those terms you can just sell products without having to do very much now there all also is more increased competition because they can compare your product to dozens of other products inside of etsy's dashboard so that can be a positive and a negative but with Shopify in terms of marketing you're going to have to do more on your own so I would recommend Shopify for people who maybe you already have a social media presence like you've built up an Instagram following for your brand or you're starting to make Tik toks for your brand and you can directly drive those viewers those fans to your Shopify store that can be a really great method for doing that you can also learn how to run Google ads Facebook ads Instagram ads we actually have videos for all of these different ads platforms so I will link to those down below if you want to run Pinterest ads Snapchat ads like we have ads tutorials on pretty much every platform it's really useful to know when you are selling products how to run ads because they can be very effective and really useful for if you're selling on Shopify now also you can rank on Google with your Shopify store so if you write blog articles on your Shopify store you can actually start to rank in Google when someone searches something up and they can find your online store and that is going to be organic free traffic for you to get to your site now also with Shopify I would say that it really legitimizes your brand because you're going to have your own custom domain and so instead of you know if someone asks you what is your store like where can I buy your product instead of telling them you know it's uh you know know whatever my store name is you can just tell them you know it's my store it can be like NES cool right and that could be my Shopify domain that I can send people to so it's a lot easier to Market that and you know it does really legitimize your brand when you have a Shopify store now overall pros and cons some other just pointers and the important things I think are important to understand before you make a decision on whether you want to use Shopify or Etsy is that one of my biggest concerns with Etsy or one of the downsides to Etsy is that you don't own your store and so I've seen this happen before you can get kicked off of selling on Etsy or if there's any type of dispute between you and the buyer of a product they usually side with the buyer and so I've seen this happen a lot on Etsy and on eBay and on Amazon for people who are selling on Amazon where because you don't own your store like you're selling on a third-party Marketplace there's a lot of cases where yeah you just don't own your store and they can kick you off you can be doing a million dollar a year in sales on Etsy and maybe if you violate their terms of service or there's some disputes they can just kick you off whenever they want they don't aren't not legally obligated to have you selling on their platform I've seen it happen to people and it's just because you don't own your store you're you're you're basically on rented land you want to use that terminology there instead of actually owning your store so that's one of the biggest downsides to Etsy I just say be careful with that and I think if you want to build a really legitimate very large business then I really would suggest figuring out how to sell on Shopify some of the largest companies in the world multi-billion dollar companies sell on Shopify so I'll leave a link to that down below like I said for the Shopify tutorial so you can get started with that we really try to help you out as much as possible to make sure that you set up a successful store and I will also create an SD tutorial if that's something you would like to see please let me know and maybe if you're watching this video I've already made it by now so I'll link to that down below as well okay so hopefully this video was helpful for you in deciding which platform to use as an online seller a lot of people choose to use both Etsy and Shopify uh you can use both of them at the same time I think overall what I think is really important to understand is that longterm I think Shopify should be a goal for most people that's how you're going to build the biggest brand there are people who sell millions of dollars on Etsy but there's not anyone who sells billions of dollars with the product on Etsy that's not the case with Shopify there are multi-billion dollar companies on Shopify and so I would say really the sky's the limit with Shopify you can scale to infinite levels versus Etsy which is a little bit harder to get to the millions of dollars so it really just depends on your goals and what you're looking for both are great platforms I hope this video was valuable to you in a number of ways if it was make sure you subscribe to the channel let me know your thoughts or questions Down Below in the comment section and don't forget to check out that full Shopify tutorial I think it should be helpful for a lot of people trying to get started so thanks for watching and I'll see everybody sometime in a future video

Affiliate News

Forget WordPress! Use These Website Builders Instead.

  • December 30, 2023

so if you're looking to make a website you've probably done some searching and most people probably told you you should be using WordPress but the truth is WordPress is pretty archaic it's very confusing there's a lot of plugins and it takes a lot of time to search for all the different tools you need to put it together which ultimately gives you a really steep learning curve and just makes it a bigger barrier to make your website and furthermore it's going to be even harder to make a successful website because you have all these extra steps and and just more that can go wrong when you're using WordPress now that's not to say WordPress is bad but the three tools I'm about to show you in this video in my opinion are much better and it's not 2015 anymore so anybody who says that you can't rank on Google with these or otherwise they're just not as good as WordPress like that's just not true anymore these are really powerful tools I'm going to show you that are incredibly userfriendly and honestly give you more flexibility than WordPress in many aspects and we like these for beginners because like I said it's just so easy to learn them the three that I have for you in this video the three WordPress Alternatives I guarantee are are going to be very user friendly and depending on what you're trying to do really uh Exel sell in different categories so the first one we're going to talk about is kind of just a jack of all trades the second one is great for selling things online and the third one is really great for optimizing and making a very unique website that I'll talk about when we get there but the first one of these three like I said the ability to make a website just a jack of all trades where you don't have to get all these different plugins you don't have to update things all the time you don't have to do any kind of weird backend stuff this I'm sure you've heard of is just Squarespace Squarespace is incredibly popular and it does all the stuff I mentioned without having to go and get plugins so for example somebody reached out and they have like a limousine business and they want to have scheduling built into your website if you did this with WordPress you'd have to get WordPress you'd have to get your hosting you'd have to get Elementor or some website builder on top of that and then you'd also have to get a scheduling tool so you have all these different tools and you need to make sure they all linked together you don't want anything to break on the flip side Squarespace has a native scheduling service so you can build a Squarespace website it integrates automatically nothing's going to break on the back end and you don't have to worry about potentially losing out on clients that tried to schedule and it failed because your WordPress website didn't work Squarespace does that so much more easily and it's also very flexible when you're designing it it's a drag and drop editor so if I want like a photo to go on one side of my screen I can click and drag any element there's a grid layout you can drop it anywhere you want and it's going to look good both on desktop as well as on mobile so if somebody's visiting your website on their phone Squarespace makes it very modular and very easy for that website to look great on any device thirdly it's very powerful Beyond just what I said with scheduling and e-commerce and stuff like that you can actually like host a full podcast on there you can sell different products on there you can have a Blog on there and it doesn't have to have all of that though so Squarespace makes it incredibly easy to start off with a very simple website and then as you expand just add other things onto your dashboard it doesn't necessarily have to cost more it doesn't necessarily have to require going out and searching for more stuff Squarespace just has them kind of tued away in the corner ready for when you need them but not in the way when you're learning so if you want to get started with Squarespace I have a full tutorial I'll link that down below I have actually links to tutorials on all three of these I'm going to WP recommend as well as discount links to get started with them if you're looking to get started but Squarespace number one super easy recommendation and it's one that I've always personally really liked using no matter what kind of business or fundraiser or personal portfolio you're trying to do with one big exception now if you are trying to sell things it definitely works on Squarespace but if you're trying to sell a lot of things or if you're trying to sell some more advanced things say you're doing Drop Shipping say you're selling a lot of digital products and you really want to organize things maybe track inventory and have a lot more control on the back end then number two on this list is going to be substantially better and it's not just me saying this this is validated by some of the biggest online stores out there if you've bought anything from like Kim Kardashian or a lot of the other really big businesses out there that are selling as an individual many of them probably most of them I would argue are using Shopify Shopify I'm sure you've heard of it it's incredibly powerful because not only do they make it very easy to build your website you can just use a template swap out your your text and your images and your website's ready to go that's probably the less important part the more important part is the back end which is really designed from start to finish around e-commerce which is going to make it easier for like I said tracking inventory making some more advanced product options so rather than just a single product maybe you've got some different variables in your product different t-shirt sizes different t-shirt colors maybe some custom text that the user can put in there whatever it might be Shopify has you covered on all of those and because it is so popular as an e-commerce platform it also has a lot of Integrations and a lot of plugins that are available so if you are going to maybe sell a little trink a little product something like a phone charger for example and sure that's a great product but if you want to Market that say on Tik Tok there's actually a really easy way to integrate with Tik Tok and have a really solid stack for how those ads are running so you can create an ad run the ad and then automatically track who clicks on that link from Tik Tok and what they actually do on your Shopify store so you can go back and see hey this ad LED people to go and added through cart and then they didn't buy it but this other AD had people purchasing more and that can give you a lot of insights into what's working best that could really off optimize your store simply because Shopify makes it so easy to integrate with something like Tik Tok ads and that's just one of many examples they integrate well with MailChimp for email marketing campaigns and pretty much anything else out there so Shopify like I said I have a full tutorial I have a lot of tutorials actually on Shopify talking about how to use Shopify how to make it in a couple minutes how to do Drop Shipping print on demand like there's so many things you do with Shopify we got videos for all of them I'll link a couple of them down below and then the third option here this one is actually my favorite so I'm glad you guys stuck around for this one of all the website tools out there this is the one that I like if I was going to make a personal website for myself this is going to be the one that is just most interesting to me because you have so much more flexibility than the other ones out there so sure Squarespace and Wix and and all these other tools allow you to kind of customize the website but the last one right here allows you to add other animations there an extra little touch of excitement on your website that as you can see on these examples right here really make it more of an appealing and interactive website and this is called Web flow so starting off this can be a drag and drop editor much like Wix and Squarespace but if you wanted to add those little interactions those animations it's also very easy to do so you can click on any item on your page maybe an entire Banner maybe just a button and then you can choose different triggers and you can choose what the animations are actually going to be so a simple example would be maybe on your website you just want like this button or this text to kind of fade in after somebody goes to your website after it loads or maybe as they scroll down it's something very subtle but it can make your website look a lot more professional and ultimately can give the user a better end experience but in addition you can still sell things e-commerce still works on webflow and if you wanted to go to the next level and actually do some coding and you actually had a little bit more technical expertise on the back end you can still do that on web flow or here's another idea if you don't have that expertise but maybe further on down the road you see yourself maybe hiring somebody to come in and do that or you know somebody who could just you know build a couple parts of your website then webflow might be a good option to get started and then eventually hire somebody to make those other intricate things so that's why I personally like webflow it's really powerful really interesting to use as well but those are three Alternatives that I like to recommend as alternatives to WordPress of course WordPress is great it's powerful if you have it there's a lot of benefits to it but like I said it's a little bit archaic definitely a big learning curve and it's not for everybody so I hope you found this video helpful if you did consider subscribing and don't forget to check out the full tutorial next

Affiliate News

TrafficMate Product Review

Without traffic to your website, you have no online business. In other words, you have a store but no customers! No wonder traffic is considered the lifeblood of your websites. However, the price of converting website traffic into sales is more vital than just quantity. The quality of your website traffic matters too. Let’s face it, no one wants a bunch of looky-loos inside their stores who aren’t going to buy something.

You need to produce quality traffic to your websites. Introducing TrafficMate!


Nowadays, you can discover plenty of tools that help you to get even more traffic, but most of them include a low conversion rate.

Luckily Mike Mckay has actually released a brand-new tool that provides you with 3 superior ways to get more top-quality website traffic. It is called TrafficMate.

What Is TrafficMate?

TrafficMate is an amazing new SEO/Traffic app that delivers viral traffic via social traffic / SEO traffic + article content generator! This powerful cloud-based tool provides you with three distinct ways to generate traffic for your website. To be more specific, the tool allows you to create backlinks, make unique content, and find the keyword in any niche. Therefore, the SEO optimization process for your sites would be much more simple and more effective. On top of that, the tool is newbie-friendly, so you can easily use it without any special technical skills.

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Social Media Traffic Generation

This feature of built-in-one-click social media traffic generation also allows you to leverage some top social sites for driving amounts of free traffic into your website. TrafficMate will generate quality traffic for you through social media sites that can easily be converted into sales.

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TrafficMate also helps you to build effective backlink campaigns that improve your site’s ranking on Google. In short, TrafficMate will give you the ability to convert your traffic into sales, thus enhancing the profits of your sites with the least amount of effort.

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You can watch a quick demo video on how TrafficMate works below.


Free Copywriting Checklist

FREE Report! Download the 100K Copywriting Formula and Checklist (start selling anything you like online)

Whenever I coach newbies online, one of the first things I get them to do is start putting together good offers, write sales pages and work on their copywriting. Why?… Because if you can’t convince people to click on your ad, click on an affiliate link, refer a friend, sign up to a mailing list, or place an order then you will not make any money online.

Whilst traffic, web design, graphics, and other elements play an important role, copywriting is what gets your visitors to take action. Afterall,
there’s no point getting traffic if your site doesn’t convert.

This is why today’s newsletter is solely focused on writing not good, but GREAT sales copy.

Inside the free report below you’ll discover…

* What is Copywriting & Why Is It So Important?
* The Basics of Copywriting
* Focusing On Your Target Market
* Creating A USP Unique Selling Prosition
* Selling The Features
* Selling The Benefits To Sell The Features
* Summarizing Ideas With Bullets
* Capture The Visitor With Headlines
* Getting Visitors To Read With Subheadlines
* Social Proofing With Testimonials
* Making The Sale With A Call To Action
* Creating An Irresistible Offer

* Tips for Writing Great Copy
* Speak to Your Audience
* Avoid Excessive Adjectives
* Be Specific
* Don’t Worry So Much about Grammar
* Keep it Simple
* Keep Layouts Simple
* Be Succinct & Edit
* Sense of Urgency – Get Them to Buy Now
* Close the Deal – Call-to-Action
* Putting it All Together

You can download 100K CopywritingFormula directly from the link below along with other cool freebies:

To Your Success!
Terry – Your Online Teacher.

P.S. Want to start producing content really fast and easy? You can check out the demo video on the grab bag download page.

5 Step List Building Process

Fail-proof methods that work…

Here’s a question for you… Are you ‘storing’ your traffic?

Why work so hard to promote a website only to have a fraction of them actually buy anything?

It can take as much as 100 people to see your website before anyone buys your offer… and that’s on the optimistic side.

This is why list building is SO important and why ‘storing’ your traffic is crucial to your long-term success.

So today we’ll look into 5 fail-proof ways you can use to get traffic to your squeeze page in order to build your list.

Download the free report from the link below:



Eliminate These 3 Time ⌛ Suckers 🍭🍭

Here are 3 “time suckers” to avoid so I can enjoy more of what you love.


#1 Unnecessary Interruptions

Most people are not able to switch quickly from task to task, yet interruptions are common problems we encounter when trying to improve our productivity.
Remember, multitasking is counter-productive, so remove all the distractions/disruptions from your day. Create and stick to a schedule for each thing that you need to do.
Ensure that you inform those around you not to interrupt you during specific times of the day or if you have to, put up a “do not disturb” sign. Believe it or not, they do work but only if you enforce it.


#2 Lack of Planning

When you don’t plan something out, you are just winging it. That’s never good (according to the wife😁). When you sit down and write out a plan, it gives you an opportunity to test the waters and to anticipate roadblocks, bottlenecks, and other issues that cause time management issues throughout your day.
Every day you should save some time from your day to engage in short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning. Whether it’s losing weight, getting your home organized, or starting and running a business, plans made with SMART goals will always perform better than going by the seat of your pants.


#3 Thinking You Have to Do It All Yourself

It doesn’t matter who you are, but you really don’t have to do everything yourself. If you’re like me (the stay-at-home dad), raising kids, starting a business, running a business, running a household, and caretaker, there are people to help.
You can engage your spouse, your kids, other family members, or simply pay someone to do the things you don’t want to do (it’s called outsourcing 😉). Plus, believe it or not, someone else might do the task much better than you can do it.


Use Technology to Boost Your Productivity

As a side note, some activities may require you to invest your time upfront but the payoff, in the long run, is priceless! “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln


Don’t forget to use technology to boost your productivity and gain more time in your day. For example, if you automate your bill-paying or use savings and investments like Acorns, you can remove hours of work each month from your schedule.

As an affiliate marketer, I’m always on the lookout for time-saving tools for my marketing and if you haven’t heard of or used Commission Gorilla yet, I invite you to take a look.

Once you stop these time⏲️ wasters 🗑️, you’ll start seeing a massive difference in your productivity and income. The benefits will be less stress while also getting more of what’s needed to be done.

What Does The Bible Say About Time Management?


Time management is important because of the brevity of our lives. Our earthly sojourn is significantly shorter than we are inclined to think. As David so aptly points out, “You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath” Psalm 39:4–5.

The apostle James echoes this: “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” James 4:14. Indeed, our time on earth is fleeting—in fact, it is infinitesimally small compared to eternity. To live as God would have us live, it is essential we make the best possible use of our allotted time (source:

Discover 5 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Blog For Independence Day

Independence Day!

A day where consumers open their wallets and buy buy buy just about anything imaginable regarding the 4th of July:

  • Patriotic clothing!
  • Fireworks!
  • Outdoor picnics!
  • Family fun!

Which is all very well and good but…

What if you wanted to profit from Independence Day yourself….

But you didn’t know how to do so?

Well, the easiest way to profit online for beginners, of course, is to monetize a blog.

Quick, easy, simple… and it can even be done free at sites like

But here’s the thing.

If there’s one mantra that every beginner blogger needs to repeat every single day, it’s this – “I only make money when I am responsible for *something* to be sold!”

It’s a simple fact, and yet, it’s often forgotten by bloggers who miss that sadly truthful point.

See, to make money online during Independence Day (especially as a blogger), there’s one thing you HAVE to do.

And it’s this:


marketing 101

Well, actually, let me amend that.

YOU don’t have to be the direct seller all the time… did you know there are some ways that enable you to profit via Independence Day that simply requires you to provide direct affiliate links to OPPs (other peoples’ products)?

But I digress.

Selling… it’s crucial.  Sure, you can create valuable content that makes the heavens open up and choirs of angels sing but you know something…

That ain’t a’gonna put income into your Paypal account at all.

No siree!   You might end up with offering superb value, but that’s about as profitable as selling ice to the elegant Elves who live at the top of the North Pole

So what can you do?


You sell in ways that make you comfortable.

Let me repeat that in great big letters:

You make sales happen in ways that make YOU comfortable. 

But how can you do that if you’re nervous *about* selling?

(and remember, even if you’re displaying sponsored content on your blog, you’re still being compensated for ads to appear on your pages).

Remember – money is only made when someone clicks on a buy button (or an affiliate link and buys, or fills in a CPA form, or … you get what I mean).

THAT is how you can profit via Independence Day online!

And that’s what this report is all about. You’re going to learn 5 ways to make money during the 4th of July holiday – not 1, not 2 but 5.

Ready for the adventure?

Let’s begin with:

Sell Independence Day Goodies via Your Affiliate Link


This is probably the easiest monetization method of all.

You don’t have to worry about customer service.

You don’t have to follow up regarding customer satisfaction.

You provide the affiliate link and when someone buys from it… you get the commission (and the vendor gets the customer).

Here, your focus is only on pre-selling, creating persuasive reviews of Independence Day affiliate products, perhaps making videos about them that have your affiliate link embedded and the like.

There are several platforms that allow affiliates to promote products, both physical AND digital.

Places like:

Once you’re registered with these platforms, it’s just a matter of adding your Independence Day affiliate links (on your blog) to RELEVANT products in your niche.

You don’t even have to recommend particular Independence Day products… you could simply blog about the specifics and let your readers make up their own minds.


You wouldn’t want to promote a patriotic football on a gardening blog just because that football has a higher pay-out, you know?  Remember, you’ll earn 0 if nobody buys either!

Ideally, you should promote a mix of both physical and digital products. And please…   promote products on different platforms!  That way if your affiliate account is canceled, your eBay affiliate account can be swapped in.  This helps ensure you are not at the whim of any one eCom giant.

‘Waaaay too many bloggers rely entirely on Amazon Associates (with its teeny tiny commission rates). Then they see their earnings dry up overnight if Amazon kicks them off of their platform.

Same thing goes for eBay.

Unfortunately, this happens all the time and the affiliates are not even given a reason as to why they were banned.   ☹

Your takeaway?

Promoting Independence Day products on your blog via affiliate links is quick, easy, and doesn’t require you to do any *active* selling!

What else can you do?  What about something that requires zero shipping and handling?  I’m talking about, of course:

Sell Digital Niche Independence Day products

sell digital products

This is a highly profitable way to generate an income from promoting Independence Day niche products from your niche blog… that you yourself create.

But even if you do NOT want to create them, you can go to any printables site like Etsy or Zazzle or RedBubble, etc…

… sign up as an affiliate, search for niche-related products and then add them to an article about Independence Day (remembering to use your niche affiliate link!).

And if you want to make your OWN Independence Day printables to sell?

Well, it’s more technical because you’ll need to set up a sales page, funnel, etc.  You’ll also need to create a product and have good sales copy so that your sales conversions are high.


You can simply go to a free image site like, download some Independence Day images (or even niche images) for free, upload them in a site like, add some hearts and Independence Day imagery, and then create eCards or notebook covers or what have you… that way!

Need some help with that?  Consider:

All this may seem like a lot of work, creating your own niche Independence Day goodies… but the rewards can be excellent indeed.

What’s required?

Well, if you’re going to sell YOUR OWN Digital Independence Day product, you’ll need a sales page.

And a thank you page.

And a way to deliver the product.

Luckily, there are tutorials on how to create effective sales pages – just look at this search:

And if you don’t want to do it yourself?

Why then, just outsource it like so:

That way, you can focus on what you do best.

(And if you worry about writing sales pages, there’s an awesome program called ScriptDoll.  This asks you questions about how your product will solve a problem for your readers, and creates sales pages for you).

After all, think on the following.

When people know/like/trust you, they are ‘way more likely to buy products created by you, compared to Joe or Jane Earlobe down the street.  Right?

‘Of course right!

When you’re creating and selling your own niche products (in this case, slanted towards Independence Day), you’ll have a lot more flexibility and be in control of:

  • Customer service
  • If it’s a one-time fee or a recurring monthly/yearly membership
  • Product pricing
  • The depth of the sales funnel (upgrades, down sells, etc.)
  • What the product will be about

It’s more work, but it’s also more freedom from a business standpoint… and can generate a fantastically grand income online.

How else can you profit via Independence Day?  Let’s now move to:

Selling tangible Independence Day products

tangible july 4th products

If you have time (so if not by this Independence Day, the next!), consider your *own* Independence Day niche goodies.

This is similar to earlier ways to profiting via Independence Day, but now you’re selling physical (and not digital) products.

You’ll need an online store.

You’ll need an online shopping cart.

(and don’t think you have to pay for a Shopify store… lets you get started for free!).

Does this sound intimidating?  If so, it’s understandable (especially if you’re new at this).  But remember – Google is your friend!  Consider this search:

Wasn’t that simple?

Some ideas that you can think about:

What kinds of products will you sell?

Will you do dropshipping?

Will you instead use a Print on Demand company?  (those are cool – they only print when people buy).

Let’s tackle some resources to help you learn!

Print on Demand Products Tutorials

Etsy Product Tutorials

Fulfillment by Amazon Tutorials

There are several options here and you’ll need to do your research and see which model is best for your business.

Thinking of building an eCommerce site?  Check out:

I mean, chances are you don’t want to end up in a situation where you’re making lots of sales but the post office has become your second home.

How else can you monetize your blog?  How about:

Independence Day eMail Marketing

independence day email marketing

One of the best ways for profiting online in just about any niche for just about any holiday like Independence Day (especially if you’ve worked to build up a relationship with the people on your list) is via (drumroll please!):

eMail Marketing!

And even if you hear:

“eMail marketing is Dead!”

Nothing can be further from the truth because…

eMail marketing really DOES work!

Let me repeat that in great big neon letters:

eMail marketing really DOES work!

Unlike social media marketing which can be blocked by your audience, most people check their emails.


So ideally, you want to show up in their inbox… so your readers will buy.

Interestingly enough – I’ve personally found that sending freebies with great quality info can result in hate mail and unsubscribers, while pure product promotions…. Are accepted happily and quietly.

Go figure.

But first things first – you need to build a list from your blog so you can promote your Independence Day goodies!

One of the easiest ways to do this is to invest in an autoresponder like:

and embed their forms to build your list.

Want list-building plugins for free?  You can consider the results from:

Consider popular autoresponder tie-ins found at:

Now it’s just a matter of connecting your opt-in form to your chosen autoresponder… and make it sew!

That’s all that building a list is about, really… ensuring that you have a way to collect email opt-ins on your blog (and then follow up with an automated sequence that lets your subscribers get to know you and the value you offer.

Do remember to promote your own Independence Day products (if you have any) or affiliate products in your emails.


Because money is good!


The email list you build that will enable you to promote Independence Day goodies…

Well, it will be more useless than a spaghetti strainer is for carrying 3 quarts of your favorite beverages during a 3 mile jog IF you never MAIL that list!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people DO build lists but then never mail them!

Remember – building a list is to help YOU build YOUR business.

And just like it’s a privilege to have people on your list… its a privilege as well for them to be on YOUR list!

It’s a 2-way street.

And those people who cannot respect that – they do not deserve the wisdom you have to give them.

You know… the above would make for a grand one problem one solution report as well! You could boil it down to:

Step 1.) Give yourself permission to value what you have to share

Step 2.) Armed with that, research list building and build a list in the best way that resonates with *you*

Step 3.) Zero in on a newsletter/email structure… and mail your new list!

Your takeaway?

Building your list is a great way to increase your bottom line profits…

Why not start that today?

Let’s pause and see where we are…

We’ve covered 4 nifty coolio ways to make money during the Independence Day holiday via your blog.  Let’s finish our quick roundup with an idea personalized with the human touch:

Sell your own Niche Independence Day services

sell independence day services

Think about this just for one moment.

Sure, you might have a niche site that (normally!) does NOT deal with Independence Day…

But consider…

Your site might deal with general affiliate marketing, or how to train service dogs, or how to win at Poker, or…

These sites ideally have the following one thing in common:

They have *fans* of that particular niche!

And you can segue to offering your own quick Independence Day services to said fans.

I mean, just look at this search:

And an easy way to create a niche Independence Day goodie is simply to search for royalty-free images on, say, Pixabay:

And then use free online editing software:

And then create/offer your images/photos/etc via Fiverr!

You can learn all about Fiverr over at:

Need additional help?  This should be of use:

But back to what I was saying…

You can easily (once you give yourself permission!) dash up Independence Day goodness that is slanted towards your niche.

Look at these searches.

You can take just about any niche-related image, add some Independence Day goodness to it via the free photo editors, and boom.

Instant niche-related Independence Day products you can sell on your website!

And if you just want to cut to the chase and use direct Paypal for that, consider:

Good stuff!


The idea of selling niche Independence Day goodies was saved for last because it generally has one downside, not only for Independence Day but also for any other particular holiday as well.

As long as you’re providing a service that requires your direct involvement, you’ll only be trading your own precious time for money.

This is so much not a good thing.

Life is short.

It really is.

And you know… you should be able to build your business around the life you desire, NOT build your life around your business!

Trading time for money means you limit your earning potential.  There are only 24 hours in 1 day…

… you just can’t *get* any more time!

Common examples of services for Independence Day include:

  • Graphics Design (logos)
  • Apparel Design (t-shirts, hats, jackets, etc.)
  • Kitchenware (coffee cups!)
  • Sales materials (flyers, banner ads, business cards)
  • Video Design (for local businesses)

But it’s *your* call and nobody else’s!

What else could you do regarding Independence Day?

What about software?  Meh, maybe not for Independence Day, but for other ideas?  Check out:

Alternatively, you could be a middleman and use service arbitrage to sell services that others deliver. You’ll charge a higher rate and hire a cheaper freelancer to do the job for you.

There are SO many ways to do arbitrage, really…

You can buy Independence Day products at dollar stores and flip them online (think FB Marketplace, Craigslist, etc.) as one example.

In conclusion, the 5 methods mentioned above are really ALL you need to profit from this year’s Independence Day!  You can apply 2 or 3 of the methods above and then rotate them for each holiday as they occur…

IF you put in the time and effort and Do The Work (hattip to Terry Trahan of Cutting Edge Gifts).

Your takeaway?

Start your Independence Day profiting *now*… and remember the following.

Money Likes Speed.

Get up to speed… starting today!

