5 Best Email Marketing Platforms for 2025

  • October 31, 2024

in this video I'm going to share five email marketing platforms that you can use in 2025 so each one of these five different platforms are going to have different benefits or different use cases depending on the type of business that you are running so uh we're going to go ahead and get into this video but let me just say that email marketing has some of the best Roi in the game now if you look at different types of marketing email marketing can be extremely cost effective yet most people don't use it at all or if they do use it they're underutilizing it and they're not using it properly and so I really would urge anyone who is running a business to use email marketing because you own your distribution you own your audience your followers your repeat customers you can reach out to them very easily like that and so let's go ahead and talk about these five different platforms the first one is going to be the best email marketing platform for e-commerce which is omniscent now omnisend we like this platform for a number of reasons we personally use it ourselves but this is arguably the best platform for e-commerce because of the different features that they have available for example let's say that you are running a store on Shopify or you're using woocommerce and you want to send out emails to your potential customers or already existing customers on omniscent they already have templates available for you and they kind of hold your hand through this process of creating different designs for sending out emails um you can have automatic coupons for reaching your customers and I think most importantly if you're you're running a business you want to be able to track how well your email marketing is converting for your products right and so that's one of the best features of omnisend is that you can actually look at how those emails are affecting your sales and you can see which ones are driving the sales you can track all of that inside of omnisend so that is something that is really incredible now let's just look at pricing as well because that is very important for a lot of people and it turns out that omnisend pricing is very reasonable so they even have a free plan for people who are just getting started so if you have 500 contacts on your email list you can send 6,000 emails a month all for just $16 a month which is extremely reasonable so this is a really great platform especially for people who are running e-commerce marketing they have SMS marketing as well so if you want to send text messages directly to your customers or potential customers who land on your page you can do that very easily and so all you have to do on this I'll leave a link to it down below we also have a full tutorial showing you how to use omnisend so that you know don't get confused on any of the steps there but building your list automating the process sending campaigns it's super important and it's something that you can set up uh pretty easily today with omnis I will leave a link to them down below if you're using some other email marketing platform that you're not happy with you can also migrate to omnisend and they help you out with this process so let's say that you're using MailChimp they have a full page dedicated to helping you migrate from one of these other platforms over to omnisense so I'll leave a link to them down below if you want to get started with that and also the tutorial on omnisend to help you out and just one more thing you know this is great for e-commerce people who are selling products like on Shopify or on woocommerce it plugs directly into those platforms but also if you're just running like a service business or some other type of business and you're not selling e-commerce products it's still very useful it's really great for all business owners okay so let's talk about another email marketing platform and that is Constant Contact now constant contact deserves a spot on this list because it's been around since 1995 that's about 30 30 years in business of email marketing so because they've been around for such a long time they're kind of like this just grandfathered into it where they really do provide a great service I would say that the best features of Constant Contact or kind of what sets them apart from some of the others is that you have this ability to do social media marketing on Constant Contact so let's say that you are posting on Instagram and on Facebook and on Tik Tok if you connect your accounts you can actually schedule content to go live on these different platforms using constant content that's in addition to email marketing and SMS marketing and you know a variety of other products that they have inside of Constant Contact let's just take a look at pricing real quick cuz I know that is important for a lot of people it generally does end up getting a little bit more expensive than something like omnisend so you could end up spending you know $80 a month for the Premium plan so that's up to you if that's something that you would want to spend some money on but I will also leave a link to it down below in the description it's very reliable it's kind of like Old Reliable we used to use contstant contact we don't use it anymore but I can still vouch for it and say that it's a pretty good platform to use okay now let's talk about the next one uh which is going to be very specific for people who are looking to connect with their followers or users but maybe not necessarily selling them something every day and so that's going to be beehive now this beehive is the best platform for people who are looking to run something more of like an email newsletter which is still constitutes as email marketing and the thing I like about beehive is that they seemingly have new features rolling out like every week I see the founder on Twitter posting that they just launched new features like I swear it's every single week there's something new that comes out but beehive a lot of your favorite newsletters that you read whether this is like morning Brew or we actually have a newsletter called the neural Frontier that's all about Ai and we run that on beehive where it's just coming out every week people are reading it for their news and honestly I think most newsletters that you read that come out on email are actually probably run on beehive it's a very fast growing company and they also an ad Network inside of there so like if you are running a newsletter you can put ads directly into your newsletter into your emails and make money inside of beehives platform I know we have made a good amount of money from that yeah it's it's overall just a great company we've been using them for a pretty long time for our newsletters and also pricing is very affordable as well if you have a lot of subscribers like if you have 50,000 people on your beehive email newsletter you're paying about between $200 and $300 a month which could be expensive but for the amount of people on there and having the ability to send you know hundreds of emails if you would like to it's probably worth it for you so I'll leave a link to them down below as well okay let's talk about another one that I think is really great for pricing especially and that is mend so as you can see on moen's website they have a lot of different features not only do they have email marketing but they also have these AI features and marketing Automation and then also tracking lots of reporting and analytics inside of their dashboard as well so if we just click on marketing animation it show you kind of some of the things that they have here available for us but if you want to set things on autopilot right like say user onboarding or like abandoned cart right and also by the way Amin does have most of these as well but like if you have an abandoned cart then you know say like a user adds something to the cart you can have its whole process where it waits today and then if they haven't purchased you can have an automatic email that gets sent out to that person that says you know I noticed that you left something in the card and then tries to convince them to go and buy it so you know you can have all these different things on here when you're using mend it's not really my favorite platform I just think it's not as smooth as something like omnisend um but it is still one that I think is worth looking into and the pricing is also pretty attractive as well so like if you have say like between a th000 and 2,000 people on there it's about $15 a month for using moose end but there are some hidden costs in there as well so like if you want to send out more emails you're going to end up paying more for that when you're using something like moose head so overall it's it's a pretty good platform it's not my absolute favorite but it is one that's helpful and they do have a lot of resources on their site as well to help you through the process of setting up your email campaign now now I was talking about the last one here which is called brevo now brevo is I would say probably best for people who are sending infrequent emails and that's because they generally don't charge you to just maintain like an email list I know for the longest time I was using MailChimp and MailChimp was charging me a lot of money like hundreds of dollars a month just for having an email list even though I wasn't sending emails out so that was kind of a ripoff and that's why I think brev which used to be called send and blue is a pretty great platform and we have used this in the past as well so I can vouch for it personally but whether you're doing marketing or you're trying to sell products it's pretty great and overall very low cost for the amount of features that are available for it so if you want to do like WhatsApp marketing you can do that on brevo if you want to have like set up sales pipelines as well they even have like some CRM features that are available inside of brevo so you can kind of use this more of like an all-in-one business platform outside of just email marketing which is why I think it deserves a spot on this list so those are the five different email marketing platforms that you should check out going into 2025 let me know if you have questions specifically about each one of them we've used all of them in the past so thanks for watching the video and I'll see everybody sometime in the future

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