In short, I never should have gotten this far. Everything that happened to me screamed “You’re gonna fail!” But I was just too stubborn to give up!
- terry phong
I graduated from culinary school back in 1998. I made a career for myself in the hospitality industry. My claim to fame, I grilled up some lamb chops for Hugh Hefner at a party I once worked.
While I love what I did, the food industry is relentless. I quickly became burned out and with a growing family, I longed for a career change. An opportunity came knocking when the company I worked for went bankrupt and I found myself jobless. Fast forward, I became a stay-at-home dad. I love working from home. It affords me the opportunity to take care of my four girls and elderly mother.
I’m doing something now I never would've imagined 10 years ago. I’m helping people online. I help them by giving away free training to help them get their message or ideas out into the world. If you need coaching, go to My Main Website.
I love helping people who are just like I was not too long ago, burned out from their job and looking for a career change. Nobody is born knowing how to sell, let alone how to do it on the internet. Trust me, coming from the food industry it's different!
But the cool thing is, all that can be learned. In fact, a lot of times it’s easier for people with no sales experience because they don’t have to UNLEARN anything. They just need to jump into action. So, with that being said, If you need help get started online or just have some questions, please feel free to ask. And let's connect!