so Tik Tok ads many people get it wrong and it's a huge part of a lot of businesses but in this video I'll be showing you a proven formula on how to make successful Tik Tok ads how can you be sure that you're actually optimized on the way you're running your ads and are you just wasting money putting ads out there that you're buying a lot of views and ultimately are not converting as well as they should be to paying customers so like I said in this video we have a lot to talk about I've studied countless ads on Tik Tok to analyze exactly what works break down what they say when they say it how they frame certain things and ultimately come up with a formula on how to make a successful viral ad on Tik Tok and I've noticed on Tik Tok in particular the overlap between successful organic content and successful ads is really quite substantial now this is stuff that many people would charge hundreds of dollars for in a course some people might charge you for Consulting calls ultimately I just want to put this in a free video a lot of people have been asking me about it in my DMs so I figured let's just make one huge comprehensive video completely all free information we're not charging for any of this and uh it's something that hopefully can help your business and help you find more success on Tik Tok or Instagram or meta ads or whatever ads you're doing with that being said I want to split this into several different sections I'm going to have them timestamped down below but I highly recommend you go through all of them because they add on to each other so each section is going to be a really important preface for the following section so I recommend taking out a piece of paper a pen take some notes as you follow along with this video and hopefully this is going to be helpful so now getting started with Tik Tok ads what we want to do is go to sandrell Tik Tok or you can click the link in the top of the description or of course you could just copy and paste that link to a new tab it'll bring you to a page that looks something like this sometimes there are promotions uh you might find a Dollar match maybe spend some you know $30 get $50 or something like that uh this does change periodically so I recommend at least checking out the link to see if you can get any free money when you are signing up and using Tik Tok ads then you can click on get started and we are going to create our account here so for email I'm going to type in my email and make a password and then we want to make sure we select this box here and then I usually deselect this one uh just so there are no news and other marketing things and now we can set up our account it wants to know what the industry is so choose the best thing you can get I think e-commerce is going to be probably most of the viewers of this video and then I'm going to try to find uh if there's like Sports and Outdoor something like that would make sense I don't know we could just choose you know one that's somewhat relevant business name is going to could be uh let's select that right now and then of course enter your website and your phone number and that brings us into our Tik Tok dashboard I'm going to click on accept right here obviously read over that and then it brings us to essentially the the whole process that we're going to be going through on how to make a Tik Tok ad but we don't actually have the ad yet so now what we want to do is go and start talking about how to create the ad we're going to start off with a script we're going to go into different ways you can make it if you're filming it yourself or using AI to do that and then we are going to edit that and come back to here when we're done with that and we can upload the actual ad all right so let's start off section one understanding the Tik Tok algorithm I want to briefly go over what works on Tik Tok because like I said there is a lot of overlap between organic and ads right so on Tik Tok the algorithm works like this ultimately the goal of an algorithm is to serve the most interesting content the most captivating content to the audiences out there so how do you do that well on Tik Tok the feel generally is much more organic much less overproduced so I recommend not using you know crazy St stabilizers and Drone footage and everything like that a lot of times the content that works best on Tik Tok is going to be content that feels like you are on FaceTime with your friend it should be very very simple very kind of low-level produced it should feel a lot more organic and natural and ultimately that's the kind of content that works well it also tends to be very fast-paced being such short form content people have either a lot of cuts or at the very least they get to the point very very quickly so you need to start off with a really strong really captivating hope it doesn't have to be a verbal hook either this could be something that is shown on text on screen it could be something that's moving and happening but ultimately it needs to create a question in the viewer's mind it needs to be something that they see that and they're like whoa I need to know the answer to this and they stick around so for example this ad right here I don't even know if the the product is real or not but they have a fantastic hook on here we scanned the rental for hidden cameras they said we scanned the rental for hidden cameras that instantly creates a question in your mind of how many rentals have I been in that ad cameras How likely is it that they'll find one how do they find one where is it actually hidden it creates a lot of questions that you need to watch to see are they going to find a hidden camera in this Airbnb or whatever rental they have there so summarizing the Tik Tok algorithm you need to focus a lot on retention you need to tell a story you need to have it captivating and you need a really good hook it needs to feel very natural you can't have things very overproduced it needs to be very sharable and very interesting a lot of times a good product just naturally does that but you still need to tell the story of the product more so than that like technical aspects or anything like that so moving on to section two the elements of a viral ad right we have an idea of what works well on the on Tik Tok for the algorithm in general but what works really well for an ad well the first thing you need to really think about as with any kind of sales any kind of marketing it needs to be solution and emotion oriented this is something that a lot of people kind of the classic example is if you're selling a diary you can't talk about the quality of the paper you can't talk about the dimensions of it or how well it fits in your pocket or your purse or whatever you need to focus on what it actually does what the solution is that's provided by a diary or what the emotion is that you get with the diary so maybe rather than marketing the paper quality or the specs of it you could Market the memories that are saved from your honeymoon that you saved in your diary or maybe you could focus more on the fear aspect of what is what about all the memories that you could forget or maybe after you pass away somebody finds like you know you find your grandmother's diary and you read through it right and when I say emotions there's really four big motivators for people to buy things you have health you have wealth you have happiness and you have love or relationships so any one of those if you kind of focus in a little bit on that no matter what your product is ask which of those four you could really tie into and how could you just dial that up a little bit more right so whatever your ad idea is right now maybe you want to focus a little bit more on the the health aspect an example I gave in a previous video was something called the lar bottle it's a water bottle that has a little ultraviolet LED in the top and rather than just saying this is great because it keeps your water clean I wanted to focus more on the health aspect of it so you could really focus and say there's a lot of dangerous bacteria out there people get really sick they don't realize that a lot of things are in their water or if you're traveling you're almost guaranteed to get sick in foreign countries and this water bottle is the solution essentially keeping you safe keeping you healthy by disinfecting your water bottle every 10 minutes and I think you can understand just from that example right there that focusing on your health is so much more impactful than talking just about the specs of the product so remember that health wealth happiness and love or relationships all four of those are going to be very significant motivators for somebody to actually purchase something so I promise we'll get into the formula for what you have to say sentence by sentence for a Tik Tok ad but the first sentence is going to be your hook so element three of a viral Tik Tok ad or a successful Tik Tok ad is going to be a very very strong hook as I mentioned before it doesn't even have to be a verbal hook it could be on screen with text it could be something that just uh essentially is a non-verbal hook but going with the verbal ones there are a lot of good options out there all have some listed in the description down below but some that I like to go with a lot ultimately would be anything that creates an information Gap that's the whole purpose of the hook here so an example would be uh I can't believe more people aren't talking about this or uh I'm so I'm always so surprised that most people don't know about this when they're traveling or did you know whatever right so ultimately in the beginning you are establishing that you know something that they don't and you're going to share it in the Tik Tok that is really the most fundamental hook all right so for this ad let's just say we're going to talk about like a a golf simulator right just a rap SoDo mlm2 Pro it's a product I I like I bought one this summer it was fun but let's see how we can make this ad so the first sentence you want to have this is going to be your hook in essence you want to tell a story but you want to create that information Gap in the very very beginning so you could say like uh this summer I shaved 15 Strokes off my golf game with this one product right so that tell the story right it's a full sentence you you shaved Strokes off your golf game in the summer the information Gap when you said this is the product it's like all right how did you do it what's the product you know something you you achieved some level of success tell me what it is and then after that you want to tell a two sentence story it needs to be different from the first story but still tied into it just now two sentences long and in this one you really want to focus more on the pain points so before this summer I played golf for 2 years and I never made any significant Improvement and I felt like I was always going to the range but just not making the progress I wanted so that's one sentence and then your second sentence would be after I made this purchase I spent some time using this product and ultimately it made me way better to golf my friends were really impressed everyone's been asking me what I do differently so now you're deepening that information Gap and you're also telling a story that really resonates with a lot of viewers with those specific pain points then going into what is it sentence number 4 through 8 you want to tell a four sentence story here but generally you want to tell a slightly longer story here that presents the solution tion to the problem so you could say ultimately what I ended up doing was I purchased this product right here the golf the mlm2 pro and rather than driving 20 minutes to the range uh spending an hour there spending $10 a day there and then driving back and then like I'm late for dinner my wife doesn't like that instead I bought this product here I set it up in my garage and then every day I would go down there after dinner for 20 minutes no setup or anything swing my golf club a bunch of times and rather than just randomly swinging and not really practic in anything in particular I was able to playback every single swing and see videos of exactly what I did wrong with my swing and even zoomed in on the actual Club head itself and on top of that rather than just swinging and using it like a rangefinder to estimate how far I went I can actually play specific courses and learn how to play smarter Golf and manage different clubs figure out what my distances were and ultimately it was the biggest game changer going out and playing a game of golf now is just so much better so there you told the story of the product now this is offering the solution why you like the product and again notice that I'm not talking about the accuracy of the product I'm not talking about oh it has these lasers and these sensors and and it's going to be within like one degree of angle of where you actually hit it instead you're talking about it has a camera and it shows me what I'm doing wrong so the me aspect is really what matters there and then the very last sentence you want to add is going to be your call to action and the best thing is I found this on Tik Tok shop and they're running a promotion right now so if you want to fix your golf game I would buy one if you click the link below and enter code Mike you'll get $50 off so that's not a perfect ad I would definitely iterate on that that was all off the top of my head right now but but generally that's how I would set it up I would go with one sentence story two sentence story four sentence story and then summary and you want to of course make this within a minute usually if you can get it within like 40 seconds that would be great so sometimes you have to trim it down to uh like one sentence one sentence two sentences uh or something like that but generally that's going to be the setup that you would want to use for a spoken ad such as that one there so we have a pretty decent script right now it's not perfect I would iterate on this a little bit more but it's enough to really get started here I transcribed it as you can see right here and I did trim it down you know a couple sentences were taken out to make sure it definitely fits within 1 minute now as I mentioned before there are four ways we can make an ad using this script the first one the most straightforward one and the most cost- effective one is going to be filming yourself now many people won't want to film themselves either they're not comfortable on camera or they don't believe the ad will come out the way they want wanted to with themselves presenting or maybe they just aren't comfortable with the equipment they have maybe you have an older phone and the video quality is not up to par now whatever the reason is that may be ruled out for some people I'm not going to talk about that method too much in this video because if you are comfortable doing that awesome go ahead and do that I recommend everyone at least tries it uh kind of practices a little bit and you can learn a lot from making it and even if you don't boost it as a Tik Tok ad you can always put it on Tik Tok and kind of experiment with different script ideas and see what performs better than other things maybe you want to boost them as an ad to just like put a couple dollars behind them and see how they perform but ultimately that's going to be the most cost- effective but not always going to be the best one for everybody out there the second one is going to be a lot easier for anyone who doesn't want to be on camera and maybe doesn't like how their voice sounds or doesn't have the equipment to record that is going to be using AI to do this for you now trust me I am probably the biggest skeptic that AI can make good videos yet it's been improving a lot over the past couple years and I'm actually pretty confident in the tool I'm going to show you in this video of course like I said this is not sponsored by any means I've seen a ton of like i' trust me I get a lot of emails every day from a ton of AI ad makers a lot of them are total garbage this is one that I watched I was really impressed I I sampled a bunch of ads still very impressed I showed my brother he was very impressed and so this is like pretty well vetted for me in my opinion uh to kind of show you as a good option for you and that is called called Arc ads now I have a link down in the description so you can follow along but I'm going to copy this ad script over to here and just see what it actually comes up with so I have an account already but you could say login or sign up right here I'm going to sign in and I'll admit the dashboard is not the best looking but the product that it comes up with at the end the video really is quite impressive so from my dashboard right here yours might look slightly different but you want to see something that says add another product now you're going to add your product just give it the product name uh we are using a product that actually exists but I I'll call it something different so we're not like uh using a an actual company name there so I'm going to S I'm going to call it the map SoDo map SoDo M LS3 you know you kind of get the idea of what it actually is but just a total madeup word right there we'll say continue you want to have your logo in there of course as well and within the folders here we can click on plus and we are going to create new video so click on create new videos from here we can paste that script in so remember I copied this I transcribed the script over here I believe it was over in this tab right here just an edit pad copy this and over here I can paste it now we have that right there so we can generate some videos we have to choose some actors though so I'm going to click on ADD actors and I recommend going through these by the way they keep adding tons and tons of new ones and the newer ones a lot of times are better than the old ones let me mute this the way it works is like this some these are actually real people these are not AI generated people but they sign up to be voice actors and in essence what the AI is doing is using their voice to just put your script in there and it also like remaps their mouth somehow to make it look like they're actually saying what your script is which I'm just very very impressed I think it's probably the best way to execute AI generated ads now so they're not AI characters talking which obviously means they're more real because they are real humans and like if you just check out any one of these maybe this guy right here Adam let's see seems decent some of them are better than others like I said I like the one where this guy was walking let's see if we can find him again this guy Benjamin so I'm going to use that one right there I like that one and let's see if there's a couple others so let's just say I'm going to use Benjamin there's a couple different scenarios where he's kind of walking or talking or whatever so I'll use the one where he's in a garage lifting I'll use the one where he's walking and maybe this other one right here I can select these I will say next we have three actors you essentially pay by credit I have three credits right here so ready to go I can have each of these read the script we'll come up with all of them and then what I want to do instead of just having one long script where it's just like an AI guy talking and walking it will become detectable that it is AI but I think it's way less detectable if you have more B- roll on top of that and if you kind of mash together multiple different clips so we're going to try it like this we're going to see how it works I'm going to say generate videos we have 15 credits we need three for this I'm going to say generate all right these are generating I'm going to come back to these when it's done but let's talk about the third way you can actually make ads so if you don't want to do it yourself if you don't want AI to do it because you want it to be a little bit more natural than that maybe you don't want to do any editing at all the third option is going to be literally having other people do it and there's two ways to do this the first one is going to be using something called ugc user generated content this is incredibly popular in 2024 in 2025 everyone's talking about this and uh it's really a great way to make ads because you're hiring people who already have the equipment already have the experience and already do this basically as their everyday life like their livelihood to make the ads like this and yet they're doing it not through like a giant Ad Agency instead they're doing it in a much more natural environment because a lot of these people basically are just Tik tokers anyway so they already know how to make natural content now user generated content I want to split this into two subcategories one is going to be paid ugc which is going to be like you can see right here join Brands is a popular platform there are a ton of other ones out there but in essence all you do is say get started for free we're going to sign up as a brand uh I'm just going to sign up right now using my email and there we go now we are on the platform now in essence what you'll do here is you'll create a campaign or you could request demos as well and you can just go down and find shop around some different creators that you think would make a lot of sense it would resonate here of course you will have to get them the product they'll make the full video for you it's really easy to do but keep in mind this can be a little bit more expensive so let's just say create a campaign we could do this with images only starting at $15 again we're looking for a video had for Tik Tok here although carousels can work just fine for some people I'm going to go with videos so videos start at $60 I think a lot of times you'll be spending a bit more than that um so let's say this is going to be content only we'll say continue and the campaign name is going to be perfect putt video Perfect put video we'll say next and as far as the product delivery goes we could say are you going to send it yourself which if you have inventory is going to be the easiest or are you doing reimbursement so you could say hey go on my website order it you're going to be like a verified customer then which is one really benefit official if they're leaving reviews on there and two it's going to be possibly easier uh for you not to have to like if you're Drop Shipping for example it's going to be easier for you not to have to place the order and get their address and do that just reimburse them for their order so if you want to add your first product you can have an image right here the price of it and then down here we can choose the content type so is it going to be a how-to video where they just show how to use it is it going to be an unboxing video is it going to be a product review or is it going to be a product demo for example also the time of the video do we want it to be 15 seconds 30 seconds do we want it to be uh 3 to 5 minutes I'm really looking for about the 1 minute Mark but I'll say 30 seconds is probably going to be you know quite ideal for this so product demo should be just fine and then down below that do we want subtitles no subtitles I would just leave subtitles off if you ever do want to add that you can use cap cut as I'll show you later in the video to just add it there's it's literally one button and captions are automatically there don't spend $15 on that unless you're really trying to automate everything and then as far as the format uh definitely you want to choose portrait and then down here content brief uh you could either paste your script there or you could say like hey I want you to talk about this and kind of break it down in the way that I showed earlier in this video if you have references that's also super beneficial um to say like hey I like these other ads make it in this style and then you'll say next so let me actually populate this right now before we say next so I added the product in there and you'll see on the right side this shows you the cost per product so obviously if you are sending them the product which you do need to do for these videos it's going to cost you whatever the product costs so you added that up top $550 is the price I made up for this uh as well as $18 for the video duration $60 for the video and then $10 for shipping you're looking at about $628 per job doing five jobs here you're going to be spending about $3,600 for five videos so that is definitely not cheap most of that cost is obviously in the product itself if you're selling a cheaper product then that would be significantly less so let's just say the let's just say the product here is maybe like $10 just so you can kind of get a better idea not like a giant scary number there $10 and say save and then say shipping is going to be like $2 or something and just kind of you'll see $445 so you're still spending a lot of money even on a cheaper product to get five ads made but you're looking at about what is that $60 for the video so $78 per one that is created which again is very very cheap but these are 30 second ads I've seen a lot out there that are in the hundreds of dollars so let's see what we actually get out of this so then uh so then you'll finally add your credit card information your payment information you'll say create and uh you'll follow through and and you'll have your Jobs made through there now this is a method again just one of the many platforms for ugc I'll have some other ones linked down below uh but another option out there is if you already do have customers you can use the like the people who already purchase the product from you you don't have to reimburse people you can get people who already purchase it from you and start to kind of collect some some content from them and and you know possibly offer to reimburse them on some things or or send them promotions or whatever it might be and a good platform for that is called most that one links to Shopify so if you go to the link down below or just go to most.
You can say get started for free it'll link over to your Shopify store I already have a Shopify store logged in here so for me it says open otherwise it might say install and you can add that to your Shopify store but if I just say open that'll bring me over to the Shopify app this is all running within shop Shopify and as you can see here you customize your email template you send emails out to existing customers either new customers as they show up or you know previous customers in the past and you start collecting content from them it's going to be much more organic people already do Post reviews on Amazon for example so that kind of thing here if you're incentivizing people to make that for you that could be really really beneficial where you know maybe you say hey I'll send you another product like a second product for free if you send me an ad or you know not an ad but just like anything of you unboxing it or you talking about it something that is very very organic could be very useful in one obviously reducing your return so people can see other consumers using the product they get more answers that maybe you didn't think about maybe it's like just a 360 video of the product and they can see how it's used and things like that that that kind of stuff does really well obviously Amazon still uses it every single day so we could take notes from that of course on top of that it should be increasing sales lend your brand a a little bit more of a reputation which is nice and ultimately you could potentially you know work out some deals with those with those customers where you're allowed to promote that and run that as a Tik Tok ad so then finally the fourth way you can actually promote or create this ad is going to be using other actual creators so what I would do for this is go to YouTube you can also do this on Tik Tok but I'll show you how to do it on YouTube so if you go to YouTube and just look up golf or maybe something more specific golf simulator or something like that you can scroll down and you want to find channels that are going to be a little bit smaller uh so good good is like a gigantic Channel but maybe like golf sidekick let's check out his channel uh 302,000 subscriber so definitely a very sizable account but not going to be like a a gigantic you know Mega influencer this is somebody that may be interesting to us when we're getting started out if you're looking for more affordable content though you might want to go for somebody with a much smaller maybe 2 to 3,000 subscribers or somebody who's just getting started out but still making good content now whatever Channel you find browse around find good channels then you want to click on more on their Channel page typically as you scroll down you'll see view email address a lot of people have a business inbound email there you can click on view email address I'm going to blur it out on this video obviously um so I'm not just like doxing this person but you can go and find this for a lot of creators out there highlight that email address and then just go and send them an email and say hey look I'm interested in working with you I would love to sponsor a video and uh you can kind of work out a deal where either you sponsor a video on their Channel and make sure that you get the licensing rights for that so you can run that as an ad or maybe if you don't if it's cheaper if you don't want to do that you could also just get the licensing rights for a video that they ultimately never even publish it's something that I've done in the past on my channel as well where you know you make a you make a video for a brand uh they're allowed to run that as an ad but I never actually have to post that on my channel it's something that again a lot of a lot of creators do it either way the benefit of course if it does get posted on their account is that of course you get exposure to a lot of of potential customers who are already interested and already know this person so you might have a lot more leverage uh going through their account like that all right so now that we have the four methods pretty well understood the method that I'll be using for this video is the arc ads one just using the AI just to kind of see what we're able to do with that one I think it's the most approachable for most people it's going to be very cost effective it's also going to be something that you can really iterate quickly you can go and change the script and within maybe like 20 or 30 minutes this one wasin with like a couple minutes you get that version of the video back and ready to go so what we want to do now I'm still waiting for these other two to be created but we want to download a free software here this is actually called This is called cap cut so if you go to so if you just look up cap cut cap is where you can find it you'll say download it'll download it and we can install this software all right so I have some Boll Clips right here I have cap cut downloaded I have the arc ads videos right here I downloaded them so now we're just going to open up cap cut this is going to be a quick little segment showing kind of the basics of editing this is a free tool to use so uh I recommend a lot of people who are making ads use this cap cut is owned by the same company that owns Tik Tok bite dance so uh no surprise a lot of the tools here are going to be very optimized for Tik Tok and they may be very familiar as well so within cap cut I'm going to click on create project on the top um and then from here we can click on import I'll try to go kind of slow as well so you can follow along now I'm going to go over to I have Tik Tok ads right here and if you're doing this on Windows there won't be a whole lot that's different but I just want to make sure I am on the same folder here so here we have all the files I want to import I'm going to click import and you'll see they are all right here so now down here this is our timeline over here is going to be the player essentially showing us what the ad looks like at any given time these may be a slightly different speed of talking as well you can see 1 minute 1 second versus 56 seconds on this one and I think I probably want to start off with this one right here so I'm going to click on this you can click the Plus or you can just click and drag it down into your timeline right here and and um it looks like that is a weird aspect ratio so a weird scale rather so make sure oh it actually just jumped right to the full scale there we should be good so right about there that looks like the proper scale to me and then we can start adding some b roll on top of that so I'm going to click and drag this down and I want to drop it right above so you drop it right there and it says all right multiple audio tracks we're going to get rid of the audio track on this one so we're going to right click on this and we can say extract audio that'll be down here and just click on audio and delete that so now we just have this is going to just be b roll now we can move it left right in the timeline and you'll see this little bar right here this is our timeline so the video as you play through goes this way uh we put it right around maybe like the 10 10c Mark I would say so let's see what it looks like okay so I show the product right there let's see what this sounds like right now this summer I shaved 15 Strokes off my golf game with and then let's say this right here we'll do the same [Music] thing we'll write click we'll say separate audio no sorry we will say extract audio go down here and delete that one product before this I played so move that away drag it down so it's a little bit shorter and I'll bring this down into the second track there so from the beginning this summer I shaved 15 Strokes off my golf game with this one product all right so that's a good start right there let's say that is going to be essentially the first sentence that's the hook right right there now if we zoom in so right here you see a little zoom button if I click zoom in we can kind of zoom in to expand the timeline right here so now we're looking at from zero to the first 40 seconds and we can even go a little bit more than that we can go zero to the first 20 seconds or so okay so let's see what it looks like all right so that's where I want to cut it right there and we want to switch over to the second b roll maybe that would be a good time to switch over so from here you'll see a little split button right there split we'll say split and from here I want to drop in maybe the second clip right here so we can drag this one down and put it right there this summer I shaved 15 Strokes off my golf game with this one product so here I want to split this one split it right there and then click on this click delete and so now these two should flow within the same script the audio is going to be different which is expected but uh for something like this that might make it feel a little bit more natural and a little bit more like a mashup of multiple different viewers or users um who purchased this product so let's try this out right now see what it sounds like product before this I played golf for 2 years and struggled to improve it all ultimately what I ended up doing was purchasing the all right so now he's going to talk about what he's purchasing so we can click and drag the more Boll right here put it right there no more reminders for that I'm going to right click it I think you can remember what we're doing now we're going to extract the audio we're going to delete that audio and now more b roll right here I set it up in my garage and then let's get this right here some more Boll now I'm just going to edit Ed a little bit of this not waste too much of your time with this segment but you get the idea of how the editing tools really work here all right so now we have the video pretty much edited this is the first version here it's not perfect of course I would iterate on this a lot but just as like a general demonstration of how I might make an ad like this uh this is how it's going to look let's just play it back right here you'll see how I kind of stitch it together and again this is just a first version so let me know what you think this summer I shaved 15 Strokes off my golf game with this one product before this I played golf for two years and struggled to improve at all ultimately what I ended up doing was purchasing the rapsodo mlm2 pro I set it up in my garage and just practiced at home for 20 minutes a day and it is way more effective instead of just swinging a bunch and hoping to improve I could actually playback every swing and determine what happened using the swing playback and the zoomed in Ultra slow-mo impact vision and it was more fun than a range because I could use this in simulator mode to play all the local golf courses from my garage now I know my club distances I fixed my swing and I play smarter golf at the course and the best thing is I found this on Tik Tock shop and they are running a promotion right until this weekend so if you want to fix your golf game I would buy one if you click the link below and enter code mik you get $50 off all right so once you're done on the top right you can click on export uh we can name the file so this is going to be Tik Tock add one and then I I usually add an underscore and then the name of the product so WS we're going to call map SoDo map SoDo and we can choose where we're exporting it to choose the folder and then as far as the resolution the bit rate all of that I'm not going to change any of that I think that's all quite good and so we can export that right now but I want to show you another tool it's kind of a second version that we are going to export this this one's going to be with captions if you wanted to say cancel right here now if we wanted to add captions it's really quite easy to do especially on mobile but if we go over to text we can say autoc captions right here and we can choose generate it'll generate the captions and this does it again for free we have five uses here on mobile I don't think it actually limits you to five but on desktop it seems to do that unless you upgrade to Pro and who knows if this works very well for you maybe eventually you will upgrade to Pro um I'm just using the free version here and that usually works quite well for me so you'll see the captions right here if I click on them they pop up right there we can change how they look uh so if you click on them so like on the right side you can change the color you could change if you wanted to change the font size make it bold make it not bold different things like that and if you change one of them it should change all of them but let's leave it like that for now um just you know fairly subtle and you can see this automatically is based on uh you know what was said it transcribes the entire video so we could export this as a second version if we wanted to so you can click on export and get the second version like that all right so back to the Tik Tok ads manager I'm going to say accept you should be on this page right here if not of course just go to sandal to enter your information you'll end up on something like this now there are three tiers to an ad on Tik Tok the first one is your campaign you can look at this as like a pyramid the very top you have your campaign underneath the campaign you'll have multiple ad groups and within each ad group you'll have multiple ads I'll explain what each of those are as we go through them but the highest level of campaign is generally going to be for this product for a smaller store that's usually the way I would set it up so for this campaign we can decide what our objective is I'm going to be saying web conversions uh because we do have a Shopify store I want to connect the Shopify store and I want to really make sure that every ad is optimized for the best conversions on this site right here but there are other options as well if you're making an ad for the purpose of reaching more people maybe that is like a political campaign for example if you're looking for traffic or video views uh kind of similar to like fundraisers and campaigns as well would make sense there maybe you're looking for Community interaction trying to like sign petitions or something like that or maybe you're trying to promote an app you're trying to generate leads for a you know small business um or of course product sales if you have your product on Tik Tok shop which is actually very easy to do if you have a Shopify store however for our Shopify store I'm going to be going with website conversion so over on Shopify you can also do this on many other platforms out there this is not essential that you have Shopify but I will be demonstrating it with Shopify we can go down to add apps now within ad apps you'll see there are a lot to choose from I'm going to click on Shopify by App Store and we're going to search for Tik Tok so I'm going to type in Tik Tok it's also right there but we're going to type it in anyway Tik Tok we'll find Tik Tok and we can say install this is adding it to our Shopify store and the reason we're doing this is because we want to set up what's called a Tik Tock pixel so let's click on install as I continue to explain this a Tik Tock pixel tracks the activity on your website and kind of uses that information to optimize the ads so for example if somebody goes to you know clicks on the ad they go to your site and they don't make a purchase but then somebody else you know clicks the ad and then uh you know goes to your site makes a purchase that feedback is going to tell Tik Talk's algorithm hey show the ad more to you know person B and less to person a because it's more effective uh with that second demographic there whoever that you know whoever whatever their interests are any similar audiences like that so here once we added the Tik Tok channel the Tik Tok app to to uh to Shopify here first I like clicking the little pin button there so it's easier to find in the future it'll just be write in your sales channels here and we have two options one is going to be selling on Tik Tok that's another video I made a video on that actually already uh Tik Tok shop and that's a very useful feature but kind of out of the scope of this video here we want to set up Tik Tok ads so I'll say set up now and this should really walk us through pretty much everything they make it very seamless here as long as you're signed into both your Shopify account and your Tik Tok account in the same browser so I'll say connect it's going to connect the Tik TI Tok account hopefully the one that is already signed in right here uh as you can see right there it already populated it it knows our user number we can confirm that over here on Tik Tok if you wanted to you can see that big user ID right there I'll say connect and then we can click connect again make sure that the sandal golf product shop that's the name of the store right here so that is correct and then data sharing there are several options we have for data sharing so again this is how much of the data is actually being tracked by that pixel I recommend just leaving that on maximum I will say confirm and then last year we have to enter our company information just generally like you know address and name of company and stuff like that so I'll say set up we'll say confirm Shopify already has that information so it should Auto automatically populate that and then we can say finish setup so now we have that it's pending account review so that may take a minute for that to actually uh you know populate and be ready to go um but we can always just refresh this it really should not take very long at all now back to the Tik Tok ads manager I'm going to click on website conversions we scroll down we can name this campaign so I'm going to call this one map so I'm going to call this golf simulator golf launch monitor campaign one uh any AD categories this is not housing this is not credit this is not employment so I don't have to declare anything specific there we can create split tests I'm not doing that right now we could do CBO campaign budget optimization uh which is going to essentially allocate budget you know you know with different bidding strategies throughout different ad groups uh just to optimize everything overall at the highest level a lot of AI built into that I'm not going to be doing CBO in this uh because I do want to do some Hands-On testing and I'll show you that in a minute and we could also set an overall campaign budget sometimes I do that just as like a fail safe in case I accidentally set the wrong budgets on the lower level so maybe let's say I want to spend no more than uh maybe like $300 a day for this business just like a a maximum fail safe never get more than that now we can say continue and the second level down remember I said level one the highest level is the campaign but below that you have ad groups so we're going to make our first ad group right here the ad group usually is going to be who you're marketing to who is the audience here you can see on the top it shows us the available audience it's very very broad right now but if you scroll down and we'll we'll edit this stuff in a second but I just want to kind of demonstrate this if you scroll down and say hey we only want people who are you know maybe 35 to 44 you'll see that the available audience decreases you know pretty substantially right there so I'll reselect those and we'll be you know we'll kind of play around with this in just a minute but going back up to the top let's choose a name for this ad group I'm going to call this one US primary and this is going to be uh audience audience one and then down here you'll see we should be able to connect our account right here our Shopify account should be very easy to connect so now if you did everything correctly you should see data connection right here and below that you should see your Tik Tok pixel so just click on that make sure that's showing up right there uh if you don't see it you may instead see a little box that says connect your your pixel and if you just click through that you should be able to connect your Shopify very easily but as long as we have the app installed on Shopify over here and we added the Tik Tok ads one specifically it should automatically populate the pixel now below that you see optimization event if we click on the drop down the one that we really want to optimize for is going to be complete payment now I believe because I didn't set up Shopify payments on this little sample store over here it's not allowing me to do that so on your Shopify store it should say complete payment that should be a regular black option uh I'm just going to stick with add to cart for now because that is what is already selected uh but that is essentially what you would want to optimize for right there scrolling down we can have automatic placement or manual placement I'm going to leave this on automatic placement but I do want to click the little Advanced setting dropdown and change a couple things here so I do not want to allow video download I don't want other people to download this video start selling the exact same product and then use my exact ad for their product so I'm going to disable allow download video but I will allow uh sharing of the video I think that's actually quite beneficial for for us and for our product gaining some more awareness right there we allow comments that's fine and I don't actually need to do a payle block list so I will leave it exactly like that scrolling down here you can choose a little bit more about uh the optimization or really essentially the audience you're going after I I really think Tik Tok does a great job of this on their own so there's not a whole lot you'll really need to do here but if you wanted to kind of get on you know the right track or if you know that for a fact this campaign is specifically marketing to male or female audiences you could easily select that down here and you'll see on the top right your available audience will become less and less broad as you start narrowing this down so you might want to say high spending power females uh you can see that's pretty balanced that's going to be a good audience to go after if you have it too broad it'll tell you so if I say all and all it should go up here and it'll probably say like very very broad or fairly Broad and uh that's not necessarily what we'd want so let's just stick for Now with uh I don't know male just say all genders High spending power uh you can actually estimate the household incomes as well and say hey maybe top 5% of zip codes in the US or something like that and then down here you can choose other things about interests uh that you want to include or exclude uh for your audience so again if you're doing like political ads this would be a really great way to Target a very specific group of people that are maybe interested in one thing or maybe not interested in something else down here we have our daily budget so I'm going to let's just say we're going to set this for $100 right now the start time and running continuously looks good we can choose day parting so if you want to have specific times in the day so maybe it's not running at night or maybe it is only running at night you can just select the boxes right here for when that is in fact running but I'm just going to say all day for now and then bidding and optimization I'm going to leave that as it is right now as you start to get more ads you will want to have a Target CPA you can really dial this in uh and kind of aim for a certain thing once you start you know really ramping up your ads and your ads spend here but now I'm going to say continue and finally we get to the third tier which is going to be the ad so the ad specifically is going to be pretty much exactly what you think it's the video that is being run as an ad this one specifically so I'm not using spark ads spark ads spark ads essentially use uh content that's already published on Tik Tok and you can promote it that way but we are publishing our own new video that we're uploading right here so I'm not going to change anything I'm not going to select that up here in the ad name we can just call this one I'm going to call it AI generated ad no captions one just kind of like specifics on this one so that when I'm running a bunch of ads I can kind of just look at the names of them and know which one's performing better and say all right maybe no captions was performing better than the captions one as we're AB testing all of those different variables in the ad scrolling down you can see do we want a single V video or a carousel you can have up to 35 images I swear that number keeps getting larger as well maybe it was always 35 but uh I I usually just go with the video anyway so we can go with the video we can upload the video right now so I'm just going to click to upload I'll select my ad right here and I'll say continue and while that's uploading right there we can modify the text down here we can also choose what the call to action is there are a lot that are available we can choose 10 of them so if we scroll down you can say uh read more interested visit store click to buy now all these make sense some of them might not make sense or some of them may be even better so if you have like a software thing or an ebook or you know music maybe download would make sense uh Tik tok's going to test all of these and see which one is actually the top performing one so right now I don't really see a need to change these I think these all make a lot of sense for what the call to action is going to be on the bottom down there we also have interactive add-ons so we can either choose from the library or we can create our own so if I say create there are a lot of kind of great options right here that are generally fairly pre-built so I can say okay and these are going to be things that maybe are just like a little discount that pops up uh maybe it's going to be just a stronger call to action so let's go with this one right here we can say create and based on this you'll see it will pop up so Shopify my store yes we want that product tagging you could choose a specific product that you wanted to link over to again I don't have a product on my store right now so I can't actually optimize for that and then we could say homepage right here so I could say confirm so looking a bit deeper at these the card is going to pop up on the bottom and as you can see the display card kind of just you know tells you a little bit more about it you have specific product tagging so if it's a video showing the product the product tag on the bottom makes it easier more clickable for somebody to go through that kind of a nice little call to action down there we also have the website info so you can say right there someone could just go to your website and buy it we can have stickers that pop up on screen so maybe like 15% off could be a good option right there if you want to kind of promote a discount or some type of coupon you have so let's just say maybe the gift code sticker if we wanted to add that we could say uh save save maybe save 10% with code and then here we could say code Mike we can make the sticker you know one of two colors we can say maybe the darker color is fine we can also change the size of it or the placement of it rather so we can move this all the way down so maybe it's going to be like right right there and we could say confirm so now we have that little thing popping up now that's not always going to be good for every ad but I'm just showing generally how you'd go about adding that uh if you wanted any of those stickers not everyone has to add them but they are interesting and it's something you can add now the destination you should go back to your store go back to your store and you want to find the link to your products so you click on products I currently don't have any products on this little demo store I just made for this video uh but generally you'd want to find your product you just want to you know view the product and then copy and paste the link on the top over there so I'm just going to kind of go to my store right now so if I go to online store I can then click on the little eyeball icon there so view your store right here I'm going to copy this but generally like I said you'll go to catalog you'll find your product you'll copy the link here and then go back over to Tik Tok ads manager select all and just paste it right there so we can preview that link I do recommend clicking that just to make sure it links over to the right page not some error not some 404 page that you know makes you run your ad a bunch and and doesn't have a viable Link in there definitely something you want to check on and then down here this ad does in fact create or contain I generate content uh so I will be selecting that but if you filmed it yourself of course you will not need to select that and we can authorize the ad to be associated with performance metrics and of course we want to make sure we have some text for this ad as well so for this ad I'm just going to say I'll say that right there and we can also set a custom identity by the way so uh if you wanted to show you know your logo and your name and everything instead of just this little like uh megaphone I'm just going to choose a logo so I could go down to if we have a logo of course obviously use that one I'm just going to use let's just say this image right here I don't know some image I have on my on my laptop here I'll just go with this image and we could say we could say golf shop we'll say create and that way that's going to be popping up right over there so somebody can see that custom identity uh even though it's not an actual account that's going to be how it's showing up on Tik Tok so now that we have that I can say publish all and by the way we don't have to go through this entire process for every single ad it's very easy to duplicate it and just change one variable at a time so what we have to do is we have to add a payment method of course CU we are running an ad you're going have to pay to run the ad for whatever your budget is so I'll choose I'll enter my card details and I'll hit submit on the very bottom and then this might take a minute maybe you get a popup to verify your account or something like that but uh generally you know it should pop up and say payment method added creating ad again it'll take a minute for this and uh then our ad will be ready to run so there we go it says congratulations now we can click on back to campaigns and this will bring us back to our our kind of dashboard here with all of our different campaigns and you can see on the top campaigns add groups and ads so campaigns right now the entire campaign is on if we don't want to spend any money if we want to shut off the entire campaign your kill switch is right here you click on this little button right here it toggles it to off and now this is no longer active you're no longer spending money on this it's no longer being run as an ad if we go over to the ad groups the same thing can be done right here you can toggle that off and then over on ads again well you can toggle this off if you wanted to but what I really wanted to show you here is you can make cop I of this so if you wanted to just have another ad running identical to this one but instead maybe change the text on there or the call to action or the landing page maybe it's linking to a slightly different product page on your site that maybe is the same product but just looks a little bit different uh what we would do is click on copy right here and we can choose is this going in the same ad group yes is it going in the same ad or campaign yes and how many copies do we want let's just say we were making two more copies I can then say copy and those will be populating uh right there but first is going to actually bring us in and allow us to kind of edit these you can see on the left side the first and the second copy right here so the first copy first things first you want to change the name of this one so I'm going to highlight that and in this one just going to be-2 then down here if we wanted to change anything so literally just like this text right here um maybe I'll say like you can or just say maybe just a subtle difference like that I'll say publish there or actually I should have edited both and then clicked publish all but essentially that's all you need to do it creates ads right there there and uh these will be then ready to run but if you want to go back and change something now so let's say we want to go and change the ad group maybe we want to change who it's targeting where it's being shown different things like that so let's go back to add group or you can do the same thing with campaign of course and uh you just click on edit and then from here if you wanted to scroll down and change anything uh for example the placements maybe you wanted to have manual placement instead maybe you wanted automatic placement or maybe you wanted to change your budget or anything else like that that is where you'll go about doing that so let's close out of this let's see so now now we know a lot about how to make campaigns how to make ad groups how to make ads and a lot of these tools are going to be identical across these three tabs if you wanted another campaign just clicking copy here is going to do the same thing we did with the duplicating of the ad so I'm going to actually just get out of this hit back but that's where you'd go to do that uh you can also look on the top so we have analytics over here you get some reports there's a lot of detailed insights as you start to run your ad and start getting some real numbers uh to see what's working what's not working where your money is being spent uh what ads are going to cost different amounts and a lot like that so I would say that is probably all you need to know for now on how to get started running Tik Tok ads I hope you found this video helpful I hope you found at least some tips on how to make better ads or at the very least how to set up your Tik Tok ads manager if you enjoyed the video which you watched it this long so I hope that means you did please consider subscribing to the channel and leave a comment below with any questions you have or any future video recommendations thanks for watching guys I'm Michael Brian with sandral media and I'll see you in the next video what