Category Archives for Affiliate Marketing

How To Build A Website in 16 Minutes (Wix AI Builder Tutorial 2024)

  • August 27, 2024

hey my name is Mike and in this video I'll be showing you the easiest and most effective way to make a website and this works well if you are a business making a personal portfolio maybe you have a fundraiser whatever your reason for making a website is it doesn't need to be hard so in this video like I said this is the best and easiest way to make a website and we're going to do this in just about 15 minutes we're going to Leverage The Power of AI and one of the most powerful and popular website Builders out there being Wix to get started we're going to go over to to my laptop all right so we're going to go to sandal swix and don't worry if it looks a little bit different from this you should see somewhere that says enter your email address and then a button that says start now so I'm going to enter my email address then we can choose a password and then for this it doesn't actually matter which one you choose I'm making one for my business this does matter we're not going to do Wix Studio you want to continue with Wix instead it's very important you do this Wix studio is a little bit more advanced and then here it's very tempting to start this I'm going to set up without the chat I just found it's a little bit too buggy for some reason whenever I do this I end up with a blank page when I get to my website so let's start without the chat we're going to choose maybe the example here is a a surf shop I'm just going to make a surf shop that's the website I want to make so I can just type in maybe like a surf instructor uh maybe surf surf instructor right there there we go so we can say continue and that'll bring us to the dashboard now from here we're going to get a popup that says tell us a bit about your business we're going to choose a name and an address so perhaps we're Nantucket surf Supply say continue and the next question is what hours are we working so let's just say every day of the week and maybe 6:00 a.m.

To 6:00 p.m. let's say we work kind of a lot and then we can choose the services now depending on what your website is like if you are an online store you might not have this but because we're having Services uh it suggests some that we can add and we can customize these in Greater detail later so right here let's just say maybe we can scroll through they're not going to be related to surfing we're going to rename them but pick ones that make a lot of sense like a private lesson makes sense oneon-one maybe you have like a package where somebody can do this multiple times and maybe the third one is going going to be I saw it somewhere on here equipment inspection there we go so maybe they can bring in their surfboard and our our experts are going to fix it or something like that then we can say continue and now we have the the staff members so I'm going to add my name as one of the instructors and so people could potentially book different coaches here and what else do we want with our business so I do want to accept payments in person as well as online I would like to have automated emails and SMS reminders so people are not late or skipping their appointments and I want to make sure that we have uh the ability to manage this on the let's continue to the dashboard now we're going to have a popup here that wants us to get a domain as well as upgrade don't worry about any of that right now close out of that and we're going to go to design site the button on the top right now we have two options I'm going to go with design based on AI so on the left we're going to click on that and it's going to walk us through a couple different questions and it's going to generate a site first just based on our name although we will be able to customize it with the different prompts on the left in just a second so you can see we have a pretty rough start to our website right here not exactly what we're looking for but we do need to customize all these little blue phrases on the left side so starting off with our site profile we have the name of course but we have to add a logo for example I'm just going to upload a logo I made in canva uh just a little quick free logo I made and then we can add our site description as well and of course our contact info down here so once you have all that click on apply changes or actually wait no we want to add these Social Links as well here so you can add your Instagram your your Tik Tok whatever and keep in mind each one is basically just FL and then whatever your username is so for me Mike O'Brien we can add one again for Facebook we can add one for YouTube for any of your socials that you have and it'll be very convenient as you're working throughout your website so I'm going to add YouTube right here Sandell media and maybe we're going to add a Facebook by the way I recommend every business gets at the very least a Facebook business page and an Instagram business page I have a tutorial on how to set up both of those I'll link those down below all right now we're going to have the same thing pop up again but we do have our site profile set up now so it's regener ating the website great now we're making progress moving in the right direction here at least we have a logo and some more relevant details you can see site structure is going to be what you want on your homepage so if we want to have maybe an about section we want to have testimonials we want to have an Instagram section and then down here what other Pages do we want on our website maybe I do want an about page and a contact page and now it's going to rebuild the website again version three including all of those different pages that's our site structure all right so we have site profile structure and description now we just need the theme and the layout starting off with the theme this is really going to be the fonts the colors the transitions things like that so by default it gave us the one that was a bold style sand sah font and stuff like that so we can either type in different things here or generate a new theme or just Shuffle the colors that they currently have so maybe I'll say please change the primary color to a bluish mint color let's just say that and see what it does it's not really going to interpret that as a human wood but it should shift it a little bit more to some shade of blue usually is what I've been seeing like uh let's see what we get all right a little bit more light blue gray all right so like I said it's not going to do exactly what I said not a bluish mint but it is a light blue gray by the way we can customize all of that later on very very easily it's just kind of good to get an idea of how to kind of push it in the right direction right now now we can change the layout so again you can either just generate a new layout or Shuffle this layout around if you kind of like it a little bit this one is not a terrible start but there is a lot that I would like to change about it all right so now we're moving in the right direction here I like this one a lot better it's still not not perfect but I think this is really a great start for us it already populated a lot of the the photos and the text I think there's a lot we can definitely use here so I'm just going to go back to the brief and continue with this design now before we go and edit this we can actually get a domain I recommend doing this now it prompts us now it makes sense to do that mine is uh let's see if we can get an anet surf Supply I might have used this in a previous video let's see if it is available it looks like it was taken so I'm just going to say Nantucket surf it is available just easy to get that domain I recommend a shorter one than that but now we have to choose a plan you could just buy the domain you're not going to be able to connect it but I like I said I recommend getting the plan anyway it'll give you a free domain for a year there are four different plans most websites are totally fine with the light one the smallest cheapest plan available unless you're doing more e-commerce stuff but because core is cheaper they have like a promo going on right now it seems I'm going to go with core in the future I can always downgrade to light if I want I get the free domain so it makes sense for me to do this I'm just going to go with this one right here now as far as the billing plan goes you only get the free domain if you get yearly or two years or three years you could like if you do monthly you're not going to get that free domain and you end up spending like three times the price per month so uh yearly just makes the most sense to me for this one so I'm going to continue to check out then we just enter our payment information and submit the purchase and again you could always continue with a free website on Wix there's nothing wrong with that but I generally only recommend that to anybody who is doing it for like a school project or if you're just doing it for fun but for just about anybody else I really recommend getting the upgrade here so you don't have the branding so you do get the storage so you have a professional domain it just makes a lot more sense now we can enter our contact information to legally register the domain now we can choose if we want to have private registration it's an extra $10 per year or public registration the difference is if somebody goes to who is they can find your personal information unless you do private registration this is very common practice to do this I would recommend getting private but again you could always save the $10 if you have like a physical business and your information is perhaps not private at all and you don't care if anyone else knows that now we can submit our purchase of zero doar and it's prompting us to get a professional business email I'm I recommend doing that eventually but don't bother with that right now let's close out of this tab it'll bring us back to the previous tab we were on which is the Wix editor so if we just kind of reload this you should see our domain show up at the top there instead of like the my site.

Wix thing let's see what it does right here and I'm also going to show you how to do everything in the editor yeah there we go so the new domain is there and now kind of a quick rundown of this editor with is using what's called a section layout so everything highlighted in this light purple here is the welcome section usually the different sections have different backgrounds so this is a section this is a section down here and each section has your settings on the top right so if we click on that it outlines the whole thing in a darker purple we can move it up or down we can do quick edit that'll change the background the title of it on some Bas basic contents within it of course uh this is something you can do for every single section let's close out of that go down to the next one now if you want to resize this one here on the very bottom you see this little arrow this little arrow right here if we click and drag that up or down that'll resize this section and kind of extend the same background if we do it on the one above us it it extends that one above and so we can make this one a little bit longer we go down here maybe we want more space above feedback and reviews we can drag it down the dark green gets a little bigger and same thing down here just kind of space out the website a little bit more now on the left side if we want to do anything else with sections there are a lot of tools over there but if we click on ADD section there are a lot of pre-made sections as well as an AI generator too but if I go down here and let's just say we want to add maybe testimonials a testimonial section let's add it somewhere I don't know if we have one yet let's add it towards the bottom of our website so right around there if I click on testimonials in the left side testimonials and say maybe I like this one I can click and drag it just drop it onto the website and now it has like we have a testimonial section all you have to do is change the different elements within that so that brings us one layer deeper we have all these different SE sections and within each section we have a bunch of elements so this one right here we've got a title we have some text below that and if you click on any one of them you can move it around simply by clicking and dragging so we can move it over there if you don't like it you can just click the undo button and it brings it back to where it was and of course we could resize it we could double click on it and change the contents of it uh there's a lot of things we can do with this so double clicking it let's change what it says maybe we're going to add our title right here our business name n Tucket surf Supply company and then down here we can add like a little tagline maybe we were like voted number one or something like that let's say we were voted number one there we go and now let's make this font a little bit bigger so the controls are on the right side of course you can make it bold or metallic or whatever very familiar controls I think a lot of people are used to these let's make it centered and of course we could resize this as well and you'll see it kind of snaps on with these magenta lines to different things on our page now another thing you'll notice something between sections and elements is actually going to be what we have right here these little strips they're essentially containers that hold different things so this one right here has two different images in it uh we can move the entire strip around and it's just easier to move kind of multiple things at the same time for example these two titles at the very top the title and the text they're both in one strip you can click and see the outline is a strip right there and we can click and move drag this around wherever we want higher and lower on the page and it just moves both of them they're kind of grouped together it's an easy way to think of that now if we want to add other elements we click on the little blue Plus on the left go to add elements there are a ton on here I'm not going to go through all of them in this video but of course text image button let's say we want to add a button to this page maybe so let's say right below the title we want to add a button that says book now just encouraging like a call to action high up somebody goes to the website they can book their lesson or their rental right here now the first four buttons are based on your theme so when you change your theme which we will do change some of the colors that'll change the button as well it keeps it within the theme I think that's very important we could resize the button and if you double click on it just like every other element you're able to edit that we can change what it says to book now we can change the icon we can choose a link and this can link to a number of different sources of course you can go to a section on this page you can go to a document an email anything else and let's just say we want to go down to the service the services list section on this page so I'm going to say done next up let's talk about editing our site design if we click on site design on the left we can choose a bunch of different themes and these are just a combination of of colors and of course fonts as well and transitions so let's say maybe I really like the technical one right here it changes some things and we're going to have to kind of tweak the website but I like this a lot better than what we had before so I can go with this theme click on back and for any theme of course down here you are able to change the color the text the page background the page transitions let's go to the color and say maybe of the four accent colors I want to change this one right here and I can you know I have a full hex you know I can change it however I want let's say maybe that's the color I'm looking for and maybe it's green I want it to be a little bit more of like a teal or something I don't know something like that now we have these four colors now if we click on it again that makes that go away and we can go back to editing this we need to kind of change the font size a little bit so that it actually fits all in one space here and I'm still not really happy with this first section I want to change the background of it I don't want it to just be a color I'm going to add an image and I'm going to delete the two images down below that so if we go over to section background we can change that you can see other colors it just doesn't quite look right I'm not really happy with that so let's click on image now we can change this section it's stretched right now I'd rather have it just fit in the middle of the page I think that looks a lot better so it's centered all the time and now I still don't really like the background I chose this kind of ocean picture washed out I'm going to change it again find one maybe more related to surfing if I click on image we can look up surf uh surfing and uh based on the Wix ones yeah this one looks awesome this is exactly what I'm looking for I'll change to this and I know this is going to be a great website look at that okay so now maybe make the section A little bit longer and look at that now we're getting somewhere now we're really getting somewhere with this website that is exactly what what I want to see on the top of this website down here I can change the background of this we could make it again maybe like a color it could be a gradient for example now we have the first two sections pretty much looking good we can save it and at the top you'll see switch to mobile this is a really important button because you actually have a separate mobile editor it copies the desktop site but then you can tweak it a little bit to make things look good on mobile devices which is honestly going to be probably more than half of your website visitors so right here we can customize the header I think that looks good we can have our our quick actions on the bottom I'm okay with that as well and do we want to have a back to top button I don't really think I need that so I'm going to say no it's kind of a short website and we can go to the mobile editor now within the mobile editor we're able to move things around so if I want this text to be a little bit lower I could just click and drag the strip down I think that looks a little better just some more head space up there a little bit less claustrophobic and then as you scroll down if everything everything looks good then there's nothing else you need to change but you can make a slightly different website here so again save it preview it publish it click on view site you can see your entire website right there I'm going to close out of this and go back to the desktop editor now going down the left side some other things to know on the on the very top we have the pages so we have all these different pages the about page the contact page if I just click on about we can edit this all the same editing tools we had before additionally going further down we didn't talk about the app market yet if you click on the little four four dot array this is the Wix app market I recommend checking out the Wix ones in particular they're the most optimized most of them are free some of them like you pay a little bit for but you've got cool things like a pro Gallery if you are a photographer and you want high resolution photos you can have bookings on here you can have a Blog you can have online programs like maybe a course for example a members area you can have videos file sharing a restaurant ordering thing like you've got a lot of different apps that Wix has available so it's not always in your face you only add them if they're relevant to your website these are just ones that like I said maybe the restaurant one I don't know maybe they have a fee for that I haven't checked all of them but a lot of them are just free to add and you're able to use them just natively on here but there are a lot of non- Wix apps as well in this Wix app market for example MailChimp or a lot of other email marketing softwares you can get ones for like running ads on Tik Tok or Facebook setting up your pixels like that there's a lot of great options you have available so that's a crash course on how to make a website with Wix I think it looks pretty good right now I hope you found this helpful if you did I recommend checking out our full tutorial it's 1 hour long and I really dive into details on how to set up your business email how to set up your search engine optimization so you rank on Google how to add different apps like really a lot of nitty-gritty things that really would be the next step but this is a crash course like I said in about 15ish minutes on how to make a website using Wix we did that I think it looks great it's up and running it's on the domain and I wish you all the best of luck with your website so leave a comment below let me know what your website's about and any questions you might have thanks for watching I'm Michael Bryan with santal media and I'll see you in the next one

Affiliate News

Shopify vs Etsy – Which Platform Should You Sell on?

  • August 20, 2024

so Shopify versus Etsy which is the better platform to use as an e-commerce seller we're going to go over a number of different categories in this video looking at Shopify some of the pros and cons of it and then compare it to Etsy both of these are really prominent platforms for selling online and you want to make sure that you are using the right one to sell your products on now there's going to be a lot of things we're talking about in this video first of all we're looking at some of the differences between the two and then I want to share some of the uh features that I think are really important to understand from both of them looking at the ease to start on both Shopify and Etsy comparing some of the customization capabilities of both platforms then we're going to talk about pricing which is something that's very important to a lot of sellers which one is going to be the best for pricing how much is it going to cost you we're going to look at the differences between those two and then we're also going to talk about things like SEO and marketing which one is going to be the better platform overall to build and scale your online business so let's go ahead and get started with this video right now we're going to start off with understanding first of all the differences between both Shopify and Etsy Shopify and Etsy these are two very different platforms so with Shopify it is a standalone store this is going to be your own website you'll have your own domain and you're going to sell your products on there now with that it means that you have to go out and find your customers because you're building your own website you're building your Standalone website that you own you can customize so many things in there with Etsy Etsy is actually what we call an online Marketplace similar to things like Amazon and eBay where there are already about 500 million monthly visits to etsy's website and so you can sell on that Marketplace I kind of think of these two as like Etsy is kind of like selling at a farmers market where there's already an established like area that people are going to they're walking by your table where you're selling things and Shopify is your own store that you have to like find customers and get them into the door now there are big differences between the two and we'll talk about these because Etsy does charge more fees and you know there are some downsides to it that I think are really important to go over and by the way we have a full tutorial on how to set up and run a Shopify store it's over an hour long I'll leave a link to that down below in the description if you want to check it out uh you can also get Shopify for $1 for the first month when you sign up using the link below in the description or you go to sandal Shopify I'll leave those links down below if you want to get started with that and just start building out your store right now so let's start off actually with talking about the ease to start which one is going to be the platform that's easier to use for beginners if you have really no experience of selling anything so first of all let's look at Etsy and then we'll look at Shopify on Etsy the beauty of this is that because it is an online Marketplace they already have a lot of things that are built out for the tens of thousands of other sellers on the platform and so this is very similar to if you've ever sold anything on eBay it's pretty similar so it's really easy to set up you can just go through their flow of opening your Etsy Shop I'll leave a link to that down below as well or you can just go to / sell and to open up your Etsy Shop you just need to put in your details and you can get up and running with that today it's pretty easy to get that started but with that you also don't have a lot of customization features but it is pretty straightforward and they do have a lot of resources showing you how to set up your store so I would say Etsy is very easy you're probably not going to get too confused when you start selling on that I will also make a full tutorial on how to sell on Etsy if that's something that you would like to see please let me know Down Below in the comment section Shopify is going to be a little bit more difficult to get up and running and that's just because they have so many different features and customization capabilities and so because Shopify is a little bit more difficult to get started with because you're building out your own store your own website they also do have this resources page on Shopify if you're on you can see all these different things they have 24/7 support for you if you have trouble building your store they can help you out with that and then they also have these how-to guides that are really useful for setting up your store like I said we also have like over an hour long to tutorial showing you how to set up a Shopify store so if you are worried about the difficulty of it don't worry like you can do it you don't need to have coding experience you don't need to be like super Highly Educated to make your own Shopify store it's just a little bit more difficult than Etsy I think it's worth it to go through that little bit of difficulty cuz I think overall this is going to be something that if you use Shopify you can really build a large professional brand off of it on your own website so that's the differences between both of those in terms of the ease to start on that the winner on this would probably be Etsy it's just easier and more straightforward to get started now let's talk about category number two which is customization okay so which one has more customization features this one is definitely Shopify so the beauty of Shopify is that we can choose from hundreds of different themes on the theme store and so you can make your store look like any of these different themes there are hundreds of these and so you have really an incredible amount of customization capabilities this is why some of the largest e-commerce brands in the world use Shopify I'm talking like Lulu Lemon some like multi-billion dollar companies they use Shopify and you don't really see them selling on Etsy as much and that's because it's just probably the most legit way to be an e-commerce seller is using Shopify so we have themes this has so many different options here you can see there's over 200 different themes there's 13 different free themes as well that you can use and so that is one of the features then also on top of that we have things like Shopify apps not to confuse you here but this is these are all these different things you can add into your store so you can have marketing integration into your Shopify store you can have reservations so like if you have any type of site and you want to you know build out like all these different features on here we have something called the Shopify app store which has thousands of different features and customization capabilities that you can add onto your site now you go back to what I said in the first point about ease of use this is why people get a little bit concerned about it because it's like overwhelming but we show you how to sell all of that up in the Shopify tutorial that I said earlier is going to be linked Below in the description so Shopify is really there's so many customization features on Etsy in terms of customization you really don't have much now if you do sign up for the premium version as an Etsy seller you do get a few more options for customization but you're really you're kind of limited on what you can do your storefront it's going to be pretty limited and that's just because you're selling on etsy's platform and they want it to look like all of the other listings that's the differences between Shopify and Etsy in terms of customization the winner here is definitely with Shopify and sometimes it can be just some simple little customization things that are going to completely put Shopify way higher of a category than something like Etsy for example on Shopify you can download Shopify apps on your store that will help you to have upsell so that when someone clicks on an item they add it to a cart you can upsell them some other type of item you can't really do that with Etsy like you can with Shopify so that's really a great benefit to it now let's talk about pricing which one is going to be better pricing for sell Shopify or Etsy now let's first of all look at the pricing on Etsy Etsy has a 20 listing fee for every item that you are listing on the platform now they also have a 6.5% transaction fee for every sale that you are making uh and then there's a payment processing fee of about 3% plus 25 for every purchase that's made through your Etsy store now when you add up all of these different fees you're coming out to probably around 10% of the total selling price goes towards fees on Etsy That's not including shipping that's literally just fees that Etsy is taking for selling on their platform now the reason why they're able to charge these very high fees is because well there's already people searching for products on Etsy and so maybe you don't have to do as much marketing on the platform because there's already customers coming in so they charge some pretty expensive fees now if you think about this if you're selling $500 a month in your products on Etsy you might be spending upwards of $50 a month on fees when it's all said and done between payment processing and Etsy fees and everything else so Etsy while it does look cheap it only says it's 20 cents plus you know 6.5% when you do add it up it does get pretty expensive I would say that Etsy is probably better for people who are selling a couple of items per month but now let's look at Shopify pricing which starts out at $29 per month for the basic plan now with this you're getting so many different features you have all those themes you can choose from you have a lot of different features that you're getting in here that you can use with Shopify for $29 a month now I know this can seem kind of expensive for some people but when you factor in how expensive these Etsy fees are when you are selling more than a few items per month Shopify actually ends up being a lot cheaper so this is what I said earlier about any like very large business almost all of them are using Shopify for selling their products and that's because you know they have all those customization features but pricing is actually really not bad when you're doing high volume now you still do have to deal with Payment Processing fees where which are going to come out to you know about 3% give or take a little bit but you don't have to deal with that 6.5% platform fee that Etsy would be charging and you don't have listing fees for every product that you're listing as well so that's the benefit to using Shopify so which one is the winner here Shopify or Etsy in terms of pricing well the answer really does depend if you're selling more than a few items per month then Shopify actually probably would end up being cheaper I would say if you're selling more than three4 $500 a month in total products then Shopify can end up being cheaper if you're doing low volume and you're only selling a few items per month then Etsy might be cheaper because you're not paying that $29 per month so that's up to you to decide which one is going to be better I know a lot of sellers who use both they use Etsy and they also use Shopify and it works pretty well okay so now another category that I think is really important to look at is search engine optimization and marketing basically how are you getting your customers to buy your product and on these platforms it's actually going to be very different so with Etsy like I said there's over 500 mill monthly people visiting the site and so because of this there's a lot of people coming in looking at your Etsy listings and you probably didn't have to pay any marketing expenses to get them there they just organically searched it up and found your product on Etsy and sometimes they end up buying it and so your marketing cost when you're selling an Etsy can be a lot lower because you don't have to go out and find as many customers a lot of them are coming directly to you kind of like what I said earlier about how I view it like selling at like a farmers market there's people going by and they see your product and they buy it so that's with Etsy you can rank in Etsy search and if you rank well on some of those terms you can just sell products without having to do very much now there all also is more increased competition because they can compare your product to dozens of other products inside of etsy's dashboard so that can be a positive and a negative but with Shopify in terms of marketing you're going to have to do more on your own so I would recommend Shopify for people who maybe you already have a social media presence like you've built up an Instagram following for your brand or you're starting to make Tik toks for your brand and you can directly drive those viewers those fans to your Shopify store that can be a really great method for doing that you can also learn how to run Google ads Facebook ads Instagram ads we actually have videos for all of these different ads platforms so I will link to those down below if you want to run Pinterest ads Snapchat ads like we have ads tutorials on pretty much every platform it's really useful to know when you are selling products how to run ads because they can be very effective and really useful for if you're selling on Shopify now also you can rank on Google with your Shopify store so if you write blog articles on your Shopify store you can actually start to rank in Google when someone searches something up and they can find your online store and that is going to be organic free traffic for you to get to your site now also with Shopify I would say that it really legitimizes your brand because you're going to have your own custom domain and so instead of you know if someone asks you what is your store like where can I buy your product instead of telling them you know it's uh you know know whatever my store name is you can just tell them you know it's my store it can be like NES cool right and that could be my Shopify domain that I can send people to so it's a lot easier to Market that and you know it does really legitimize your brand when you have a Shopify store now overall pros and cons some other just pointers and the important things I think are important to understand before you make a decision on whether you want to use Shopify or Etsy is that one of my biggest concerns with Etsy or one of the downsides to Etsy is that you don't own your store and so I've seen this happen before you can get kicked off of selling on Etsy or if there's any type of dispute between you and the buyer of a product they usually side with the buyer and so I've seen this happen a lot on Etsy and on eBay and on Amazon for people who are selling on Amazon where because you don't own your store like you're selling on a third-party Marketplace there's a lot of cases where yeah you just don't own your store and they can kick you off you can be doing a million dollar a year in sales on Etsy and maybe if you violate their terms of service or there's some disputes they can just kick you off whenever they want they don't aren't not legally obligated to have you selling on their platform I've seen it happen to people and it's just because you don't own your store you're you're you're basically on rented land you want to use that terminology there instead of actually owning your store so that's one of the biggest downsides to Etsy I just say be careful with that and I think if you want to build a really legitimate very large business then I really would suggest figuring out how to sell on Shopify some of the largest companies in the world multi-billion dollar companies sell on Shopify so I'll leave a link to that down below like I said for the Shopify tutorial so you can get started with that we really try to help you out as much as possible to make sure that you set up a successful store and I will also create an SD tutorial if that's something you would like to see please let me know and maybe if you're watching this video I've already made it by now so I'll link to that down below as well okay so hopefully this video was helpful for you in deciding which platform to use as an online seller a lot of people choose to use both Etsy and Shopify uh you can use both of them at the same time I think overall what I think is really important to understand is that longterm I think Shopify should be a goal for most people that's how you're going to build the biggest brand there are people who sell millions of dollars on Etsy but there's not anyone who sells billions of dollars with the product on Etsy that's not the case with Shopify there are multi-billion dollar companies on Shopify and so I would say really the sky's the limit with Shopify you can scale to infinite levels versus Etsy which is a little bit harder to get to the millions of dollars so it really just depends on your goals and what you're looking for both are great platforms I hope this video was valuable to you in a number of ways if it was make sure you subscribe to the channel let me know your thoughts or questions Down Below in the comment section and don't forget to check out that full Shopify tutorial I think it should be helpful for a lot of people trying to get started so thanks for watching and I'll see everybody sometime in a future video

Affiliate News

Forget WordPress! Use These Website Builders Instead.

  • December 30, 2023

so if you're looking to make a website you've probably done some searching and most people probably told you you should be using WordPress but the truth is WordPress is pretty archaic it's very confusing there's a lot of plugins and it takes a lot of time to search for all the different tools you need to put it together which ultimately gives you a really steep learning curve and just makes it a bigger barrier to make your website and furthermore it's going to be even harder to make a successful website because you have all these extra steps and and just more that can go wrong when you're using WordPress now that's not to say WordPress is bad but the three tools I'm about to show you in this video in my opinion are much better and it's not 2015 anymore so anybody who says that you can't rank on Google with these or otherwise they're just not as good as WordPress like that's just not true anymore these are really powerful tools I'm going to show you that are incredibly userfriendly and honestly give you more flexibility than WordPress in many aspects and we like these for beginners because like I said it's just so easy to learn them the three that I have for you in this video the three WordPress Alternatives I guarantee are are going to be very user friendly and depending on what you're trying to do really uh Exel sell in different categories so the first one we're going to talk about is kind of just a jack of all trades the second one is great for selling things online and the third one is really great for optimizing and making a very unique website that I'll talk about when we get there but the first one of these three like I said the ability to make a website just a jack of all trades where you don't have to get all these different plugins you don't have to update things all the time you don't have to do any kind of weird backend stuff this I'm sure you've heard of is just Squarespace Squarespace is incredibly popular and it does all the stuff I mentioned without having to go and get plugins so for example somebody reached out and they have like a limousine business and they want to have scheduling built into your website if you did this with WordPress you'd have to get WordPress you'd have to get your hosting you'd have to get Elementor or some website builder on top of that and then you'd also have to get a scheduling tool so you have all these different tools and you need to make sure they all linked together you don't want anything to break on the flip side Squarespace has a native scheduling service so you can build a Squarespace website it integrates automatically nothing's going to break on the back end and you don't have to worry about potentially losing out on clients that tried to schedule and it failed because your WordPress website didn't work Squarespace does that so much more easily and it's also very flexible when you're designing it it's a drag and drop editor so if I want like a photo to go on one side of my screen I can click and drag any element there's a grid layout you can drop it anywhere you want and it's going to look good both on desktop as well as on mobile so if somebody's visiting your website on their phone Squarespace makes it very modular and very easy for that website to look great on any device thirdly it's very powerful Beyond just what I said with scheduling and e-commerce and stuff like that you can actually like host a full podcast on there you can sell different products on there you can have a Blog on there and it doesn't have to have all of that though so Squarespace makes it incredibly easy to start off with a very simple website and then as you expand just add other things onto your dashboard it doesn't necessarily have to cost more it doesn't necessarily have to require going out and searching for more stuff Squarespace just has them kind of tued away in the corner ready for when you need them but not in the way when you're learning so if you want to get started with Squarespace I have a full tutorial I'll link that down below I have actually links to tutorials on all three of these I'm going to WP recommend as well as discount links to get started with them if you're looking to get started but Squarespace number one super easy recommendation and it's one that I've always personally really liked using no matter what kind of business or fundraiser or personal portfolio you're trying to do with one big exception now if you are trying to sell things it definitely works on Squarespace but if you're trying to sell a lot of things or if you're trying to sell some more advanced things say you're doing Drop Shipping say you're selling a lot of digital products and you really want to organize things maybe track inventory and have a lot more control on the back end then number two on this list is going to be substantially better and it's not just me saying this this is validated by some of the biggest online stores out there if you've bought anything from like Kim Kardashian or a lot of the other really big businesses out there that are selling as an individual many of them probably most of them I would argue are using Shopify Shopify I'm sure you've heard of it it's incredibly powerful because not only do they make it very easy to build your website you can just use a template swap out your your text and your images and your website's ready to go that's probably the less important part the more important part is the back end which is really designed from start to finish around e-commerce which is going to make it easier for like I said tracking inventory making some more advanced product options so rather than just a single product maybe you've got some different variables in your product different t-shirt sizes different t-shirt colors maybe some custom text that the user can put in there whatever it might be Shopify has you covered on all of those and because it is so popular as an e-commerce platform it also has a lot of Integrations and a lot of plugins that are available so if you are going to maybe sell a little trink a little product something like a phone charger for example and sure that's a great product but if you want to Market that say on Tik Tok there's actually a really easy way to integrate with Tik Tok and have a really solid stack for how those ads are running so you can create an ad run the ad and then automatically track who clicks on that link from Tik Tok and what they actually do on your Shopify store so you can go back and see hey this ad LED people to go and added through cart and then they didn't buy it but this other AD had people purchasing more and that can give you a lot of insights into what's working best that could really off optimize your store simply because Shopify makes it so easy to integrate with something like Tik Tok ads and that's just one of many examples they integrate well with MailChimp for email marketing campaigns and pretty much anything else out there so Shopify like I said I have a full tutorial I have a lot of tutorials actually on Shopify talking about how to use Shopify how to make it in a couple minutes how to do Drop Shipping print on demand like there's so many things you do with Shopify we got videos for all of them I'll link a couple of them down below and then the third option here this one is actually my favorite so I'm glad you guys stuck around for this one of all the website tools out there this is the one that I like if I was going to make a personal website for myself this is going to be the one that is just most interesting to me because you have so much more flexibility than the other ones out there so sure Squarespace and Wix and and all these other tools allow you to kind of customize the website but the last one right here allows you to add other animations there an extra little touch of excitement on your website that as you can see on these examples right here really make it more of an appealing and interactive website and this is called Web flow so starting off this can be a drag and drop editor much like Wix and Squarespace but if you wanted to add those little interactions those animations it's also very easy to do so you can click on any item on your page maybe an entire Banner maybe just a button and then you can choose different triggers and you can choose what the animations are actually going to be so a simple example would be maybe on your website you just want like this button or this text to kind of fade in after somebody goes to your website after it loads or maybe as they scroll down it's something very subtle but it can make your website look a lot more professional and ultimately can give the user a better end experience but in addition you can still sell things e-commerce still works on webflow and if you wanted to go to the next level and actually do some coding and you actually had a little bit more technical expertise on the back end you can still do that on web flow or here's another idea if you don't have that expertise but maybe further on down the road you see yourself maybe hiring somebody to come in and do that or you know somebody who could just you know build a couple parts of your website then webflow might be a good option to get started and then eventually hire somebody to make those other intricate things so that's why I personally like webflow it's really powerful really interesting to use as well but those are three Alternatives that I like to recommend as alternatives to WordPress of course WordPress is great it's powerful if you have it there's a lot of benefits to it but like I said it's a little bit archaic definitely a big learning curve and it's not for everybody so I hope you found this video helpful if you did consider subscribing and don't forget to check out the full tutorial next

Affiliate News

TrafficMate Product Review

Without traffic to your website, you have no online business. In other words, you have a store but no customers! No wonder traffic is considered the lifeblood of your websites. However, the price of converting website traffic into sales is more vital than just quantity. The quality of your website traffic matters too. Let’s face it, no one wants a bunch of looky-loos inside their stores who aren’t going to buy something.

You need to produce quality traffic to your websites. Introducing TrafficMate!


Nowadays, you can discover plenty of tools that help you to get even more traffic, but most of them include a low conversion rate.

Luckily Mike Mckay has actually released a brand-new tool that provides you with 3 superior ways to get more top-quality website traffic. It is called TrafficMate.

What Is TrafficMate?

TrafficMate is an amazing new SEO/Traffic app that delivers viral traffic via social traffic / SEO traffic + article content generator! This powerful cloud-based tool provides you with three distinct ways to generate traffic for your website. To be more specific, the tool allows you to create backlinks, make unique content, and find the keyword in any niche. Therefore, the SEO optimization process for your sites would be much more simple and more effective. On top of that, the tool is newbie-friendly, so you can easily use it without any special technical skills.

3 Way Traffic

Social Media Traffic Generation

This feature of built-in-one-click social media traffic generation also allows you to leverage some top social sites for driving amounts of free traffic into your website. TrafficMate will generate quality traffic for you through social media sites that can easily be converted into sales.

Content Creation

You do not need to spend hours creating content unless you want to. TrafficMate provides some great features to create unique video, text, and image content in seconds. It also allows you to post your content on WordPress sites quickly.

Backlink Creation

TrafficMate also helps you to build effective backlink campaigns that improve your site’s ranking on Google. In short, TrafficMate will give you the ability to convert your traffic into sales, thus enhancing the profits of your sites with the least amount of effort.

Your Bonuses When You Purchase Through My Link Below




You can watch a quick demo video on how TrafficMate works below.


Free Copywriting Checklist

FREE Report! Download the 100K Copywriting Formula and Checklist (start selling anything you like online)

Whenever I coach newbies online, one of the first things I get them to do is start putting together good offers, write sales pages and work on their copywriting. Why?… Because if you can’t convince people to click on your ad, click on an affiliate link, refer a friend, sign up to a mailing list, or place an order then you will not make any money online.

Whilst traffic, web design, graphics, and other elements play an important role, copywriting is what gets your visitors to take action. Afterall,
there’s no point getting traffic if your site doesn’t convert.

This is why today’s newsletter is solely focused on writing not good, but GREAT sales copy.

Inside the free report below you’ll discover…

* What is Copywriting & Why Is It So Important?
* The Basics of Copywriting
* Focusing On Your Target Market
* Creating A USP Unique Selling Prosition
* Selling The Features
* Selling The Benefits To Sell The Features
* Summarizing Ideas With Bullets
* Capture The Visitor With Headlines
* Getting Visitors To Read With Subheadlines
* Social Proofing With Testimonials
* Making The Sale With A Call To Action
* Creating An Irresistible Offer

* Tips for Writing Great Copy
* Speak to Your Audience
* Avoid Excessive Adjectives
* Be Specific
* Don’t Worry So Much about Grammar
* Keep it Simple
* Keep Layouts Simple
* Be Succinct & Edit
* Sense of Urgency – Get Them to Buy Now
* Close the Deal – Call-to-Action
* Putting it All Together

You can download 100K CopywritingFormula directly from the link below along with other cool freebies:

To Your Success!
Terry – Your Online Teacher.

P.S. Want to start producing content really fast and easy? You can check out the demo video on the grab bag download page.

5 Step List Building Process

Fail-proof methods that work…

Here’s a question for you… Are you ‘storing’ your traffic?

Why work so hard to promote a website only to have a fraction of them actually buy anything?

It can take as much as 100 people to see your website before anyone buys your offer… and that’s on the optimistic side.

This is why list building is SO important and why ‘storing’ your traffic is crucial to your long-term success.

So today we’ll look into 5 fail-proof ways you can use to get traffic to your squeeze page in order to build your list.

Download the free report from the link below:



Eliminate These 3 Time ⌛ Suckers 🍭🍭

Here are 3 “time suckers” to avoid so I can enjoy more of what you love.


#1 Unnecessary Interruptions

Most people are not able to switch quickly from task to task, yet interruptions are common problems we encounter when trying to improve our productivity.
Remember, multitasking is counter-productive, so remove all the distractions/disruptions from your day. Create and stick to a schedule for each thing that you need to do.
Ensure that you inform those around you not to interrupt you during specific times of the day or if you have to, put up a “do not disturb” sign. Believe it or not, they do work but only if you enforce it.


#2 Lack of Planning

When you don’t plan something out, you are just winging it. That’s never good (according to the wife😁). When you sit down and write out a plan, it gives you an opportunity to test the waters and to anticipate roadblocks, bottlenecks, and other issues that cause time management issues throughout your day.
Every day you should save some time from your day to engage in short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning. Whether it’s losing weight, getting your home organized, or starting and running a business, plans made with SMART goals will always perform better than going by the seat of your pants.


#3 Thinking You Have to Do It All Yourself

It doesn’t matter who you are, but you really don’t have to do everything yourself. If you’re like me (the stay-at-home dad), raising kids, starting a business, running a business, running a household, and caretaker, there are people to help.
You can engage your spouse, your kids, other family members, or simply pay someone to do the things you don’t want to do (it’s called outsourcing 😉). Plus, believe it or not, someone else might do the task much better than you can do it.


Use Technology to Boost Your Productivity

As a side note, some activities may require you to invest your time upfront but the payoff, in the long run, is priceless! “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln


Don’t forget to use technology to boost your productivity and gain more time in your day. For example, if you automate your bill-paying or use savings and investments like Acorns, you can remove hours of work each month from your schedule.

As an affiliate marketer, I’m always on the lookout for time-saving tools for my marketing and if you haven’t heard of or used Commission Gorilla yet, I invite you to take a look.

Once you stop these time⏲️ wasters 🗑️, you’ll start seeing a massive difference in your productivity and income. The benefits will be less stress while also getting more of what’s needed to be done.

What Does The Bible Say About Time Management?


Time management is important because of the brevity of our lives. Our earthly sojourn is significantly shorter than we are inclined to think. As David so aptly points out, “You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath” Psalm 39:4–5.

The apostle James echoes this: “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” James 4:14. Indeed, our time on earth is fleeting—in fact, it is infinitesimally small compared to eternity. To live as God would have us live, it is essential we make the best possible use of our allotted time (source:

Discover 5 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Blog For Independence Day

Independence Day!

A day where consumers open their wallets and buy buy buy just about anything imaginable regarding the 4th of July:

  • Patriotic clothing!
  • Fireworks!
  • Outdoor picnics!
  • Family fun!

Which is all very well and good but…

What if you wanted to profit from Independence Day yourself….

But you didn’t know how to do so?

Well, the easiest way to profit online for beginners, of course, is to monetize a blog.

Quick, easy, simple… and it can even be done free at sites like

But here’s the thing.

If there’s one mantra that every beginner blogger needs to repeat every single day, it’s this – “I only make money when I am responsible for *something* to be sold!”

It’s a simple fact, and yet, it’s often forgotten by bloggers who miss that sadly truthful point.

See, to make money online during Independence Day (especially as a blogger), there’s one thing you HAVE to do.

And it’s this:


marketing 101

Well, actually, let me amend that.

YOU don’t have to be the direct seller all the time… did you know there are some ways that enable you to profit via Independence Day that simply requires you to provide direct affiliate links to OPPs (other peoples’ products)?

But I digress.

Selling… it’s crucial.  Sure, you can create valuable content that makes the heavens open up and choirs of angels sing but you know something…

That ain’t a’gonna put income into your Paypal account at all.

No siree!   You might end up with offering superb value, but that’s about as profitable as selling ice to the elegant Elves who live at the top of the North Pole

So what can you do?


You sell in ways that make you comfortable.

Let me repeat that in great big letters:

You make sales happen in ways that make YOU comfortable. 

But how can you do that if you’re nervous *about* selling?

(and remember, even if you’re displaying sponsored content on your blog, you’re still being compensated for ads to appear on your pages).

Remember – money is only made when someone clicks on a buy button (or an affiliate link and buys, or fills in a CPA form, or … you get what I mean).

THAT is how you can profit via Independence Day online!

And that’s what this report is all about. You’re going to learn 5 ways to make money during the 4th of July holiday – not 1, not 2 but 5.

Ready for the adventure?

Let’s begin with:

Sell Independence Day Goodies via Your Affiliate Link


This is probably the easiest monetization method of all.

You don’t have to worry about customer service.

You don’t have to follow up regarding customer satisfaction.

You provide the affiliate link and when someone buys from it… you get the commission (and the vendor gets the customer).

Here, your focus is only on pre-selling, creating persuasive reviews of Independence Day affiliate products, perhaps making videos about them that have your affiliate link embedded and the like.

There are several platforms that allow affiliates to promote products, both physical AND digital.

Places like:

Once you’re registered with these platforms, it’s just a matter of adding your Independence Day affiliate links (on your blog) to RELEVANT products in your niche.

You don’t even have to recommend particular Independence Day products… you could simply blog about the specifics and let your readers make up their own minds.


You wouldn’t want to promote a patriotic football on a gardening blog just because that football has a higher pay-out, you know?  Remember, you’ll earn 0 if nobody buys either!

Ideally, you should promote a mix of both physical and digital products. And please…   promote products on different platforms!  That way if your affiliate account is canceled, your eBay affiliate account can be swapped in.  This helps ensure you are not at the whim of any one eCom giant.

‘Waaaay too many bloggers rely entirely on Amazon Associates (with its teeny tiny commission rates). Then they see their earnings dry up overnight if Amazon kicks them off of their platform.

Same thing goes for eBay.

Unfortunately, this happens all the time and the affiliates are not even given a reason as to why they were banned.   ☹

Your takeaway?

Promoting Independence Day products on your blog via affiliate links is quick, easy, and doesn’t require you to do any *active* selling!

What else can you do?  What about something that requires zero shipping and handling?  I’m talking about, of course:

Sell Digital Niche Independence Day products

sell digital products

This is a highly profitable way to generate an income from promoting Independence Day niche products from your niche blog… that you yourself create.

But even if you do NOT want to create them, you can go to any printables site like Etsy or Zazzle or RedBubble, etc…

… sign up as an affiliate, search for niche-related products and then add them to an article about Independence Day (remembering to use your niche affiliate link!).

And if you want to make your OWN Independence Day printables to sell?

Well, it’s more technical because you’ll need to set up a sales page, funnel, etc.  You’ll also need to create a product and have good sales copy so that your sales conversions are high.


You can simply go to a free image site like, download some Independence Day images (or even niche images) for free, upload them in a site like, add some hearts and Independence Day imagery, and then create eCards or notebook covers or what have you… that way!

Need some help with that?  Consider:

All this may seem like a lot of work, creating your own niche Independence Day goodies… but the rewards can be excellent indeed.

What’s required?

Well, if you’re going to sell YOUR OWN Digital Independence Day product, you’ll need a sales page.

And a thank you page.

And a way to deliver the product.

Luckily, there are tutorials on how to create effective sales pages – just look at this search:

And if you don’t want to do it yourself?

Why then, just outsource it like so:

That way, you can focus on what you do best.

(And if you worry about writing sales pages, there’s an awesome program called ScriptDoll.  This asks you questions about how your product will solve a problem for your readers, and creates sales pages for you).

After all, think on the following.

When people know/like/trust you, they are ‘way more likely to buy products created by you, compared to Joe or Jane Earlobe down the street.  Right?

‘Of course right!

When you’re creating and selling your own niche products (in this case, slanted towards Independence Day), you’ll have a lot more flexibility and be in control of:

  • Customer service
  • If it’s a one-time fee or a recurring monthly/yearly membership
  • Product pricing
  • The depth of the sales funnel (upgrades, down sells, etc.)
  • What the product will be about

It’s more work, but it’s also more freedom from a business standpoint… and can generate a fantastically grand income online.

How else can you profit via Independence Day?  Let’s now move to:

Selling tangible Independence Day products

tangible july 4th products

If you have time (so if not by this Independence Day, the next!), consider your *own* Independence Day niche goodies.

This is similar to earlier ways to profiting via Independence Day, but now you’re selling physical (and not digital) products.

You’ll need an online store.

You’ll need an online shopping cart.

(and don’t think you have to pay for a Shopify store… lets you get started for free!).

Does this sound intimidating?  If so, it’s understandable (especially if you’re new at this).  But remember – Google is your friend!  Consider this search:

Wasn’t that simple?

Some ideas that you can think about:

What kinds of products will you sell?

Will you do dropshipping?

Will you instead use a Print on Demand company?  (those are cool – they only print when people buy).

Let’s tackle some resources to help you learn!

Print on Demand Products Tutorials

Etsy Product Tutorials

Fulfillment by Amazon Tutorials

There are several options here and you’ll need to do your research and see which model is best for your business.

Thinking of building an eCommerce site?  Check out:

I mean, chances are you don’t want to end up in a situation where you’re making lots of sales but the post office has become your second home.

How else can you monetize your blog?  How about:

Independence Day eMail Marketing

independence day email marketing

One of the best ways for profiting online in just about any niche for just about any holiday like Independence Day (especially if you’ve worked to build up a relationship with the people on your list) is via (drumroll please!):

eMail Marketing!

And even if you hear:

“eMail marketing is Dead!”

Nothing can be further from the truth because…

eMail marketing really DOES work!

Let me repeat that in great big neon letters:

eMail marketing really DOES work!

Unlike social media marketing which can be blocked by your audience, most people check their emails.


So ideally, you want to show up in their inbox… so your readers will buy.

Interestingly enough – I’ve personally found that sending freebies with great quality info can result in hate mail and unsubscribers, while pure product promotions…. Are accepted happily and quietly.

Go figure.

But first things first – you need to build a list from your blog so you can promote your Independence Day goodies!

One of the easiest ways to do this is to invest in an autoresponder like:

and embed their forms to build your list.

Want list-building plugins for free?  You can consider the results from:

Consider popular autoresponder tie-ins found at:

Now it’s just a matter of connecting your opt-in form to your chosen autoresponder… and make it sew!

That’s all that building a list is about, really… ensuring that you have a way to collect email opt-ins on your blog (and then follow up with an automated sequence that lets your subscribers get to know you and the value you offer.

Do remember to promote your own Independence Day products (if you have any) or affiliate products in your emails.


Because money is good!


The email list you build that will enable you to promote Independence Day goodies…

Well, it will be more useless than a spaghetti strainer is for carrying 3 quarts of your favorite beverages during a 3 mile jog IF you never MAIL that list!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people DO build lists but then never mail them!

Remember – building a list is to help YOU build YOUR business.

And just like it’s a privilege to have people on your list… its a privilege as well for them to be on YOUR list!

It’s a 2-way street.

And those people who cannot respect that – they do not deserve the wisdom you have to give them.

You know… the above would make for a grand one problem one solution report as well! You could boil it down to:

Step 1.) Give yourself permission to value what you have to share

Step 2.) Armed with that, research list building and build a list in the best way that resonates with *you*

Step 3.) Zero in on a newsletter/email structure… and mail your new list!

Your takeaway?

Building your list is a great way to increase your bottom line profits…

Why not start that today?

Let’s pause and see where we are…

We’ve covered 4 nifty coolio ways to make money during the Independence Day holiday via your blog.  Let’s finish our quick roundup with an idea personalized with the human touch:

Sell your own Niche Independence Day services

sell independence day services

Think about this just for one moment.

Sure, you might have a niche site that (normally!) does NOT deal with Independence Day…

But consider…

Your site might deal with general affiliate marketing, or how to train service dogs, or how to win at Poker, or…

These sites ideally have the following one thing in common:

They have *fans* of that particular niche!

And you can segue to offering your own quick Independence Day services to said fans.

I mean, just look at this search:

And an easy way to create a niche Independence Day goodie is simply to search for royalty-free images on, say, Pixabay:

And then use free online editing software:

And then create/offer your images/photos/etc via Fiverr!

You can learn all about Fiverr over at:

Need additional help?  This should be of use:

But back to what I was saying…

You can easily (once you give yourself permission!) dash up Independence Day goodness that is slanted towards your niche.

Look at these searches.

You can take just about any niche-related image, add some Independence Day goodness to it via the free photo editors, and boom.

Instant niche-related Independence Day products you can sell on your website!

And if you just want to cut to the chase and use direct Paypal for that, consider:

Good stuff!


The idea of selling niche Independence Day goodies was saved for last because it generally has one downside, not only for Independence Day but also for any other particular holiday as well.

As long as you’re providing a service that requires your direct involvement, you’ll only be trading your own precious time for money.

This is so much not a good thing.

Life is short.

It really is.

And you know… you should be able to build your business around the life you desire, NOT build your life around your business!

Trading time for money means you limit your earning potential.  There are only 24 hours in 1 day…

… you just can’t *get* any more time!

Common examples of services for Independence Day include:

  • Graphics Design (logos)
  • Apparel Design (t-shirts, hats, jackets, etc.)
  • Kitchenware (coffee cups!)
  • Sales materials (flyers, banner ads, business cards)
  • Video Design (for local businesses)

But it’s *your* call and nobody else’s!

What else could you do regarding Independence Day?

What about software?  Meh, maybe not for Independence Day, but for other ideas?  Check out:

Alternatively, you could be a middleman and use service arbitrage to sell services that others deliver. You’ll charge a higher rate and hire a cheaper freelancer to do the job for you.

There are SO many ways to do arbitrage, really…

You can buy Independence Day products at dollar stores and flip them online (think FB Marketplace, Craigslist, etc.) as one example.

In conclusion, the 5 methods mentioned above are really ALL you need to profit from this year’s Independence Day!  You can apply 2 or 3 of the methods above and then rotate them for each holiday as they occur…

IF you put in the time and effort and Do The Work (hattip to Terry Trahan of Cutting Edge Gifts).

Your takeaway?

Start your Independence Day profiting *now*… and remember the following.

Money Likes Speed.

Get up to speed… starting today!


How Bitcoin is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Today I want to talk about bitcoin and how it is fulfilling Bible’s prophecy, discover what the bible says about bitcoin and understand what your focus should be as a Christian or disciple of Christ.

If you have been following the financial news lately, it would be impossible to miss the term bitcoin. No doubt bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could not be ignored anymore. Since its introduction on January 8, 2009, a single bitcoin, has soared to a staggering 30 thousand dollars.

Want to learn more about Bitcoin? Click Here

Cryptocurrencies are known to be highly volatile, so a lot of people are wondering whether it values can dramatically change in just a matter of weeks or not. Now I’m, not here to talk about how you can invest in bitcoins.

Alright, but I want to talk about what the mainstream media failed to address. I want to talk about something that’s more important than investing in bitcoin. What you are about to learn in this video is something you don’t hear from mainstream media such as CNN, BBC, or Fox News in this video.

Let us take a look at how bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are fulfilling the bible’s prophecy. Is bitcoin even mentioned in the bible? If it is, then what does the bible say about it? Most importantly, what should be our focus as Christians?

Let us briefly discuss what bitcoin is. Well, Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency. Today it is a form of digital asset that allows users to buy and sell products and services mainly over the internet because bitcoin is not governed by any central bank or single administrator.

Its potential as an internet currency is truly almost limitless with bitcoin. You can easily send and receive money from anywhere in the world without having to go through a bank. Making the transaction faster and more cost-effective.

Blockchain, it is difficult to cheat or commit fraud without other people noticing your activities. Everything can be tracked and anyone and at any time can verify bitcoin transactions. Andreas m Antonopoulos, the much-admired information security, expert and author wrote in his best-selling book, the internet of money.

He said there are almost 200 currencies in the world, but there’s only one international currency. There are almost 200 currencies controlled by central banks and governments, but there is only one mathematical currency today and that is bitcoin.

We are going to build more of them. Cryptographic. Currencies are going to be a mainstay of the creed of our financial future. They are going to be a part of the future of this planet because they have been invented.

It’s as simple as that. You cannot uninvent this technology. You cannot turn this omelet back into eggs. End of good, as you can see, bitcoin is undoubtedly touted as the future currency with the growing popularity of bitcoin.

It has not just attracted ordinary people, but also the big governments of this world. For the past years, world governments just basically waited and watched what bitcoin may mean for this world’s economy.

There’s a good indication and evidence that governments, tax authorities, and regulators, and other global elites are now looking into the possibility of using bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at or at least duplicate its system to advance their own interest.

Thus, in the near future, we are going to see how governments and authorities will try to take more control of digital currencies. Governments recognize how difficult it is to stop or eliminate cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, so instead of destroying bitcoin, they might be going to use it for their own good.

As they say, if you can’t beat them join them, join them. There’s no way for any government to let a financial system that is so good to escape their control. With all this in mind, many students of the bible speculate.

What role bitcoin might play in the fulfilling bible’s prophecy in the book of Daniel 12:4. “We have seen the prophecy about the explosive increase in knowledge we read, but you daniel, shut up the words and sealed the book.”

Until the time of the end, men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase there’s. No doubt that bitcoin is just one of the many amazing by-products of technological advancements predicted by Daniel thousands of years ago.

Indeed, we have seen how men have increased in knowledge astronomically in ways beyond our wildest imaginations. We have achieved technological breakthroughs that were inconceivable. Just a century ago, bitcoin is one of the ways we are reinventing, how we process finances and perform business transactions.

It is a revolutionary method of buying and selling, and if this method falls into the hands of an elite group, it may grant them tremendous and powerful financial control. This leads us to the question: could bitcoin be used to fulfill a bible prophecy about the mark of the beast? We read in Revelation 13:16-18.

“He causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive the mark on the right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell, except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, the number of his name here is wisdom. Let him was understanding, calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666”.

So, does this explicitly say that bitcoin will be the means for the beast to control the financial system of this world and in turn the people? Here’s the truth, the answer can be a yes or no.

It is still too early to be dogmatic. For now, everything is just speculation, yes, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be used by the government to take control of the buying and selling activities of the global population, but it can also be a no; if there comes something in the future that would replace cryptocurrencies as A better way for the beast to control people.

In short, we just don’t know as of yet we can speculate all day, but only God can show us how the apocalyptic prophecies in revelation would exactly come to pass. But one thing is for sure: the beast’s main platform is to promote prosperity, wealth, and abundance to everyone.

They can only achieve this if they can control everyone’s financial behavior from the global to a personal level, and that’s what is certain to happen since we don’t know yet whether bitcoin will be used by the beast or not? We must focus more on what we know.

Source: Youtube

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