Do an Excellent Job of Planning Ahead

No matter what you decide, you need to plan ahead. You need to know exactly where you’re going and what you’re doing. You can’t hop from one business model to the next. You can’t always have the feeling that “this time, it’s going to work!” Make it work for you. Stick with it until it does. You should wake up each morning knowing exactly what you’re going to do that day. You should know what you’re doing for the next week. You should have a pretty firm understanding of what you’re doing over the next month. You should also have a workable plan for the next year and beyond. Yes, things will grow and change over time. But you can’t effectively adjust your plans if you don’t know what they are in the first place.

Very successful people are really good at analyzing their life and their business. Yet, they don’t dwell. They know who they are and what they want to do. But they don’t let the little things hang them up. Always think about why you’re doing things and what you ultimately want to achieve. Be very truthful with yourself in making changes. Have a vision that you’re willing to do anything to achieve. This vision should be so clear to you that it almost feels real already.

Why You Need To Know Your Why

Your “why” is the reason you do what you do. The “what” is the things you do to help you achieve your why. But why do you need to know your why?

When you know your why, you have the freedom to decide on what you do, how you do it. Before you make any changes in your life, ask yourself why? Why do I want to take this action?

The answer may not be completely clear. One way to know you’re not living your why is through your daily life. Here are some clues:

  • You make plans but leave them unfinished
  • You start projects but don’t complete them
  • Your goals get set but you don’t follow through
  • The to-do list you create never get completed
  • You set up a business strategy but don’t act on it consistently
  • You create a list of companies you’d like to work but fail to contact them

If you’ve become frustrated with yourself because you never finish what you start or you don’t even start, your answer comes from your why. You don’t have a big enough reason to follow through when you don’t know your why.

Take a step back when you find yourself in any of these situations. Are the lists, plans, or strategies in alignment with what you genuinely want to do? Does it bring you excitement? Take the time to find out your why and then adjust your plans, lists, and projects to fit your purpose.

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My Incomeway Review

My experience with the Incomeway program

Choosing a reliable online program that will actually work for you can be an uphill battle, especially if you are a beginner who is just starting out. My experience with IncomeWay thus far has been nothing short of stellar.

If you are still finding it difficult to generate Traffic, Leads, and Commissions online, look no further than IncomeWay!
Stan Thompson is a developer and mastermind behind Incomeway. He actually owns many websites (like Top-Surfer) and discovered that his Adboard type of website was very easy to get other marketers to submit their ads for free and also upgrade as well.

Stan knew that other people would want one of his websites, so he made it easy for them by renting them out or to put it another way, leasing them. Income Way Inc. is a small business that’s family-owned. Stan continues to manage Incomeway and develops other websites.

What I Like

First of all, it’s affordable! Second, you’ll be providing a service that all marketers want and need when you join Incomeway. If you ever wanted to own your own website and make money from it look no further.

With Income Way:
Your website is easily set up within minutes
You get to choose a real domain name of your choice
You get hosting for your website
You can customize your website to look the way you want it to
Your website is designed to go viral
You can create your own mailing list members joining to advertise for free
You get  awesome customer service, you are not alone
You don’t need an autoresponder to communicate with your leads

The last benefit alone is worth the measly $14 a month price. The admin area has several ways that you can email your subscribers. Send emails immediately, or send them later.  They also have an option for recurring emails that you can set and even emails that can go out in sequence. Priceless!

What I Dislike

Quite honestly, I haven’t come across anything I don’t like about Incomeway, but if I had to pick something it would be that I don’t own the domain name I choose. The domain name we pick becomes a part of Incomeway’s property if you ever decide to cancel your subscription.

Final Verdict

Incomeway works! I became a member last year in 2020 and have been making consistent money from it. This is one affiliate program that I have no hesitation recommending.


Figure out What You Want to Do and Why

You have to know what you want to do before you can be successful. Many people I work with and talk to feel lost. They know they want to earn more money and they dabble in a variety of business models, but they aren’t really clear on their next steps.

The world’s most successful people know exactly what they’re doing and where they’re going. They have a clear plan of action and will stop at nothing to make success happen. If you want to be successful, you have to do the same. You have to plan ahead, stay the course, and always make changes where necessary to do even better.blueprint

In addition to knowing what you want to do, you need to know why you’re doing it.  A strong why is a foundation for success.  It will keep you going when you’re tired when you’re frustrated when you’re wondering if it’s all worth it because the answer is always the catalyst for moving forward.

What are you doing in business right now? Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a slump and you’re ready for some major changes. Maybe you have no idea— you buy various products and courses that are supposed to teach you how to be successful with this business model or that but it hasn’t happened for you yet.

It’s probably because what you’re doing right now isn’t truly in alignment with who you are. You’re dabbling in things; desperately clinging to the idea that one of the “things” is going to help you hit the big time. But the difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is that they aren’t waiting for a product or a method to make them successful.

They have the mindset that they are the ones who hold the success. They turn the method into a success, not the other way around.

Do you have that mindset? I’d guess you might not. This switch in mindset can have amazingly wonderful results for you.

Consider Your Values

I strongly believe that you’ll be a lot more successful if you align your business with your value system. You have to believe in what you’re doing. Yes, you can be successful even if you don’t follow your passions and even if it’s not exactly in line with who you are as a person, but if everything is in alignment, it will be much easier and much more satisfying.

So, what are your values? Will you feel lost if you aren’t in an area of business that helps people? Do you value creativity and innovation? Are you an artist at heart? These things are closely related to your value systems and what you’re naturally drawn to. Consider this when you plan and shift your business.

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10 Commandments Of Marketing Online

Over the past few years, the Internet has completely changed the rules on how products are marketed with new and exciting advents in online marketing mediums and strategies.

However, online marketing is also ever-changing, and businesses need to change with the times. It could be likened to taking a journey. You may have taken the same road many times before and arrived at your destination successfully. However, if for some reason there are road works and road closures along the way, you will need to change your route and detour from time to time.

Trying to go the way you used to go will result in frustration, difficulties, and lost revenue. This is what can happen to a business if it relies on the old ways of online marketing.

What are the new 10 commandments of online marketing?

  1. You must write high-quality content. Gone are the days when cutting and pasting was a good way to add content. If the content is of high quality, people will be encouraged to share it, use it and buy from you. So spend enough time preparing content, which engages people.
  2. You must regularly update your content. Quality content is one thing, but you also need to post regularly on social media and blogs. This will keep people coming back for more.
  3. You must diversify. This means not just using one or two marketing ways. Have a blog on your website, use article marketing, pay per click, and press releases. Every piece of content that is published is one more way that the search engines will find you.
  4. You must use social media. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google are essential for online marketing. If you can add more, then, that is better. Don’t forget: post regularly and make sure that the content is of high quality. A word of warning – research your audience as not all social media platforms work for every audience.
  5. You must use images. Image-based content is becoming more and more popular to share. It is said that a picture says 1,000 words. Pictures and images will do more than you can ever write. Use also infographics – a combination of an image and text to make a point.
  6. You must not ask people to “like.” If the content is of high quality you will never need to ask a person to like it. It will come naturally. Asking people to like can seem desperate and a cheap way to increase your audience. Quality content will give your audience a great reason to “like” or re-tweet it.
  7. You must remember quality and quantity. Never sacrifice one for the other. There needs to be a balance of both quality and quantity.
  8. You must remember that marketing is not advertising. Marketing is a two-way relationship, which involves the business and the consumer. Therefore, don’t keep bombarding your customers will opportunities to buy. Offer information, training, advice, and the possibility to engage.
  9. You must use less to get more. People don’t like spending a lot of time examining a web page to try to decipher the message. More and more companies are taking a simplistic approach to online marketing. This is seen as a way to draw, not push, people in.
  10. You must be prepared to develop new strategies. The way that people respond to online marketing is constantly changing. Therefore, you need to keep up-to-date on what is trending. Even with established online marketing platforms, campaigns can be altered, changed, and adapted.

The rules of online marketing have changed. Follow these new 10 commandments of online marketing and watch the results of your efforts grow. You will increase the size of your audience; you will engage with more of your audience and in the end, your sales will grow.

7 Easy Head Start Steps To Teach Your Children To Read

Homeschooling on the Rise During COVID-19 Pandemic

I never thought I will be homeschooling my 4-year-old daughter, but then again no one really expects a pandemic to happen. I’m sure most parents don’t think about the process of learning to read until they have children of their own. As someone who homeschools my child, I cannot tell you how many times parents have come up to me asking questions about how they can teach their children to read at home. My response to each of them is always the same: learning to read is a process composed of various skills and strategies, and luckily, I have broken it down into simple and tested strategies to try in your own home.

  • Make Reading Fun!

Don’t be afraid to have fun while teaching your children to read. Simply asking questions like, “What sound does the word ___ start with?”, or “What word rhymes with ___?”, will have your children listening, identifying, and manipulating the sounds in words, building confidence and excitement towards learning how to read. Another tool that can be used is letter magnets. Sometimes sounding out vowels can be tricky for children, which is why magnets can be super helpful. Place magnets on your fridge, and place all the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to one side. Say out loud a CVC word (consonant-vowel-consonant), such as “cat”, and ask your child to spell it using the magnets. To help them along, say each vowel sound aloud while pointing to the corresponding letter, and ask your child which one makes the sound similar to the letter in the word.

  • Sing a Song! Makeup Songs or Use Nursery Rhymes

Songs and nursery rhymes aren’t just fun sounding to kids but are filled with rhymes and rhythms which help them hear sounds and syllables, which in turn help them with their reading. One of the most important skills needed when learning to read is phonetic awareness. Phonetic awareness is the ability to focus on the sound each letter makes within a word. For example, the word “mat” is made up of the sounds the letters /m/ /a/ /t/ make. To help your children build phonemic awareness using songs and nursery rhymes, clap to the rhythm and sing the songs together, and watch them become successful with reading.

  • Reading Everything – Print Environments Are Best

If children see printed words daily, like on posters, books, and labels, they will able to make connections between the letter sounds and the letter symbol. When out with your children, stop to point out letters on billboards and signs to encourage them to work on making letter sounds and eventually, sounding out the word.

  • Use Flashcards or Create Homemade Word Cards

Quick and easy, simply cut out cards (any size) from paper, and write one word with three sounds on each (e.g., Sat, cat, sun, pot, pig). Have your child select a card and read the word together, holding up three fingers. Once done, ask them to say the first sound they hear in the word they chose, then the second, and then the third. This activity requires very little prep time, and builds phonics skills, and helps them sound out words. If your child is just starting out, you can do the same exercise, except use letters of the alphabet instead of words.

  • See the Word, Say the Word

See the word, say the word, is the common expression used to describe “sight words”. Sight words are words that cannot easily be sounded out and need to be recognized on sight (for example, you, I, am, they, where, does). Learning to identify and read sight words is essential when young children are learning how to read, and the best way to teach them is by using flashcards with these sight words on them, and get them to “see the word, say the word”.

  • Learn Together

Reading to your child daily is one of the most effective ways to get your child to pick up the skills necessary for learning how to read. You are showing your child how to sound out words, building comprehension skills, growing their vocabulary, and letting them hear what a fluent reader sounds like; all needed for your child to be successful readers. While reading to your child, engage them by asking questions about the pictures they see (e.g., “What color is the dog? Do you see the stars?”), and if your children are older, ask them a question about what you just read (e.g., “Why do you think Sam was frustrated?”).

  • Build The Foundation

Remember, learning how to read involves multiple skills. Children need all of these skills, listed below, in order to successfully learn how to read.

  • Phonemic Awareness: the ability to hear the different sounds in words
  • Phonics: recognizing the connection between letters and the sounds they make
  • Vocabulary: understanding the meaning of words and their context
  • Reading Comprehension: understanding the meaning of texts in information and storybooks
  • Fluency: ability to read aloud with speed, understanding, and accuracy

Remember, every child learns at their own pace, so it’s best to make this process encouraging and enjoyable. By reading daily, having fun with activities, and even having your child pick their own books as their skills grow, will instill a love of reading and set them up for the ultimate reading success. Teaching children is not a simple task, and if after reading these steps you’re left feeling a little overwhelmed, no need to worry, I have a solution for that too! Click the link below to see how Sarah Shepard, a fellow teacher, has taught over 35,000 children how to read with her program Reading Head Start!

Email Spy Pro Review

Email Lead Pro is a cloud based search engine that is designed to find emails by Keyword.  It can also search for emails by Social Platform and even download all emails from Websites you are interested in getting contact info from.

Are you still wasting money on Lead Generation methods that don't work.

"FINALLY...The ONLY Way To Generate Targeted Leads Instantly Online Without Investing A Single Penny"

Let's say you are selling a product to Real Estate Agents.  You could simply use Email Lead Engine and be able to quickly get the email address of every Realtor at any Company you wanted.


Let's say you just wanted to find other online marketers to create Joint Venture partnerships with.  You could search terms like "Make Money Online" or "Affiliate Marketing" and have an unlimited amount of new leads you can connect with via email.

Imagine being able to use a powerful software like Email Lead Machine to search for customers via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any other social network.

Email Lead Pro provides me with unlimited fresh email leads for any type of product, service or opportunity I'm promoting.  Long gone are the days I chase people around Facebook.

This is the absolute easiest way to generate leads for any business.  The only limit is your imagination.  Type in any type of customer you're looking for and "BOOM"...get their emails delivered for instant use.

You can get all set up and ready to ROCK in under 5 min’s even if you haven’t got a single technical bone in your body…

Your ticket to unlimited leads on demand is getting access to Email Lead Machine today!

Lead Target App Review and Bonus


What is LeadTarget?

LeadTarget is an artificial intelligence lead generation software that has been in development for over a year.

It eliminates the need to create different forms manually for different pages on a users’ website/blog. The software automatically detects the content on the page and single handedly creates a custom targeted opt-in form for that page.

It also has interactive opt-in forms, that work like a chat box. These interactive chat boxes initiate conversations with visitors, and have an automated conversation with them. During this conversation and based on answers provided to the questions, the software collects the visitors information such as their email, name and more.

LeadTarget is super powerful Lead Generation software with advanced functionality but easy to use dashboard with the newbie friendly training.

So in a nutshell, it’s an automated solution to lead generation.

How Does LeadTarget Work?

Lead target works in 3 simple steps. They are as follows....

  • Step 1 - Set up your list in your autoresponder.
  • Step 2 - Install on your website once and add highly targeted and engaged leads the easy, hands-free, way with this artificial intelligence technology.
  • Step 3 - Sit back and enjoy increased opt-in conversions and sales.

Amazing Features Of LeadTarget 

  • The Chatbot 
  • Built-In Analytics 
  • Newbie Friendly Training
  • DFY Form Templates
  • Integrates With All Autoresponders 
  • Simple Installation On HTML, ANY Page Builder And WordPress Websites 

Lead Target App FAQ

Q & A - Lead Target

Affiliate Trax Review and Bonus

Affiliate Trax Review

If you looking for more knowledge about it Affiliate Trax you're in the right place? Please read through my honest review about Affiliate Trax before selecting it, to evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of it. Can it be worth your time and effort and cash?

Make $721+ Per Day And Build Your List Automatically While You Sell Other People's Products With The Most Complete System for Making Money!

Is that really possible or just 100 percent hype?  Read my review and see for yourself.  But first a quick demo from the Developer of Affiliate Trax...


  • You do not have to worry about creating a product of your own
  • You do not have to stress out about putting together a product launch, writing sales copy, & ensuring you have a converting sales funnel
  • There is no recruiting JVs or affiliates required
  • You can literally begin making money from Day #1
  • Getting begun is as easy as selecting a product to promote
  • Many affiliate programs pay high commissions… 50 percent – 100 percent commissions in most cases
  • & you can build your income to 6 FIGURES very quickly

Brett's Proof

Mike's Proof


Which offers are converting the best for us, so we can select the best offers to promote.

How much profit per client we are making on every offer, so we know how much money we can spend on ads (if we want to go that route) & still make money.

Our refund rates for the products we are promoting… Knowing which offers OUR traffic responds to the best can assist us select the best offers in the future… (and avoid the ones our traffic does not like)


Now, you can grow YOUR list while selling other people’s PRODUCTS…

It was time to put this software to the ultimate test before we released it to the public…
…and that is exactly what we did…

This Pretty Much Changes The Rules FOR AFFILIATE MARKETING..

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