so if you're looking to build a beautiful professional website in 2024 then choosing the right Builder is absolutely essential and it can be the difference between a successful website and a failed website where you spend too much time too much money and ultimately don't end up with a website that converts customers gets viewers or just otherwise does what you want it to do so in this video I'm going to break down the best website Builders by category and I'm not going to give you like a 100 different ones to choose from we're just talking about five in this video that I think Encompass essentially every website out there no matter what your reason for making a website is so if you're looking to get into e-commerce if you're looking to just get your local business online whether it's a fundraiser personal portfolio there will be something in this video that will be the best way to do it for you and the best part is I actually have a full tutorial on everything I talk about in this entire video I'll link all of those down in the description below so let's start off with category number one the best website for most people out there this is going to be great for small businesses just looking to get online anyone looking for a onepage website even influencers looking to sell merchandise online anyone who's looking to do a low-level e-commerce site so not like a gigantic you know 100 product website but if you're putting a couple products online and maybe you sell in a market in person as well that would be a great one here as well as local businesses getting online scheduling websites and kind of like I said most websites out there would be very good with this category right here in this one in the past I would have said Wix or Squarespace but I wouldn't say those anymore the truth Tru is they've raised their price a lot and the product really hasn't changed that much since launch but instead the winner of this category is none other than the hostinger website builder I made a tutorial about this just about a week and a half ago and I have to say it is an absolutely incredible Builder very very easy to use and the best part is even though it gives you so many tools and so many features it does this for a shockingly low price like this is either $3 a month or $4 a month those are the two plans they have three or $4 per month which like I said makes it easier for personal portfolios and things like that and the editor is a drag and drop editor so you have your tools on the left side you click and you drag over like a text box or a button you can move it around the website anywhere you want and so the barrier for beginners is very very low it's easy to edit easy to get it exactly how you want but the other thing we like about this it's not just a beginner website because honestly there are other cheap ones out there that are just quick little beginner websites hosting or Builder actually does scale pretty well so whenever you find that hey maybe you grew a blog you're very successful and you got to you know you have like five or six writers and you want to kind of move to the next level you want to be you know a WordPress website well there's actually a button there's literally a single button that you just click and you can migrate over to a WordPress website again hostinger also hosts WordPress websites so you can do all of that very easily and scale your website to that level so I know this sounds a little bit generic saying this is the best for most people but let's kind of break down who this was actually going to be best for like I said number one anyone making a simple one one or two or three page website whether that is a personal portfolio you want to connect your Instagram on there you can totally do that whether it's a local business you want scheduling you want people to you know book a yoga class or anything like that you can do that on here as well again if you are maybe looking for leads if you have a phone number on there and you just want like a billboard on the internet you don't need you know a $25 a month website just something simple again this does that if you want to sell products there's an e-commerce platform on here with no transaction fees again very compelling I think this would be best for influencers or anybody looking to have their own merch being sold on their website and fifth would be anyone looking for extra awareness that could be like fundraisers uh or events or planning or things like that so that's the first category right there it's kind of a lot of people I think many people watching this video will just be good with going with hosting or Builder but there are still four other options that I think are very very different and it's very important that if you're in those categories you choose the right one and hosting your Builder would not be the best for those next four and by the way of the five I'm talking about in this video if there's ever one that really resonates with you that you think is the right one I have two links for you in the description below one is going to be a discount link to get you the best price to get started either an extended free trial or a discount like like the first one hosting her we reached out to them we're able to get a discount code that gives you an extra 10% off that brings the price down for like a four-year plan to I think like $160 something dollar and the second link is a full tutorial it's like an hour and a half long for most of these and uh it's just on YouTube completely free and it walks you step by by step how to actually make your website so number two is going to be the best for very dedicated e-commerce websites so that is if you're trying to do Drop Shipping if you are exclusively selling products like you have a warehouse inventory you're trying to sell things maybe you're doing print on demand or maybe you are like selling at a local craft show but for the most part maybe you were selling on eBay or Etsy in the past you want your own website now where you can sell your own stuff Market on you know social media Tik Tok Facebook ads different things like that the winner here has to be Shopify this is hands down the best e-commerce platform that is built from the ground up for e-commerce of course it works as a regular website and you can have like an about page and different things on there but without a doubt this platform is geared towards e-commerce you're going to have a lot of good Inventory management tools a ton of different apps and plugins basically anyone out there who makes software that wants to integrate with anything related to e-commerce whether that's email marketing advertising inventory stuff uh shipment tracking different things like that they all have a Shopify app and it's always going to be their top priority because Shopify is essentially the largest e-commerce platform for online stores in the world oh and they also have point of sale as well so if you're selling things online and you also want to track that same inventory in person and accept credit cards in person you can just get the POS light it's like $49 and you can accept credit cards in person or even if you don't want to do that you can just accept credit cards with tap and pay on your iPhone using the Shopify app so there's really a lot it's kind of full spectrum here and I could go on and on for an hour and a half talking about the different ways to use Shopify but really The Big Three like I said if you have inventory and you're selling it Shopify is going to be great if you are Drop Shipping Shopify is like the go to for that everyone who does Drop Shipping integrates with Shopify and third is going to be print on demand which kind of is similar to drop shipping as well all right category number three then this is kind of interesting I I I mentioned it a little bit earlier in this video this is going to be anyone looking to make a very very large website if your purpose of your website is to be a Blog for example and you're going to have a library of hundreds of articles in the future or if you looking to sell uh you know more advanced products that Shopify Shopify is great but if you want to sell like digital products for example or anything like that that would that would kind of fall into this category right here so the much more advanced websites are really generally going to be run on WordPress WordPress Powers I believe 40% of the entire internet last I checked so most websites that you go to basically any blog out there if you Google something you click on a random link odds are it's going to be run on WordPress the good thing is WordPress is actually free don't go to I personally am not a big fan of that is the free version and you can actually use that with a host that's called hostinger so so WordPress can be intimidating to a lot of beginners but I'll walk you through essentially how it works it looks like this I like the example of typing up a document so say you're on a computer you're typeing up a Word document Microsoft Word is the software on which you're writing the document if you don't have word you're just typing letters on your computer and it does nothing right so Microsoft Word is equivalent to it's how you're building your website it's the tools you have available and is ultimately your content management system but you can't just close out of your website you have to save it somewhere and get other people to access that same that same website and so where you're saving it on on a computer you're going to save it to like your hard drive on a website you're saving that to a host so hostinger is the host that we recommend I mentioned hostinger earlier in the video for their website builder they actually first weree a WordPress host and again the price is like $2 or $3 per month so very very affordable and also great uptime great speed which is why we've been recommending them they're doing a lot right over at hostinger so that's your second pillar right there the third pillar is going to be any other plugins you want to add on top so that's going to be like if you want to add fun little widgets in there if you want to add other functionality so you're able to track who visits your website different things like that go on top of WordPress so that's essentially the way word press works I have a full tutorial walking you through step-by-step how to do that there is no coding even though it's much more advanced uh and it does take a little bit of learning to get used to the interfaces it's all drag and drop you don't have to do any coding and It ultimately is easy to use once you get used to those interfaces but WordPress like I said does allow you to have massive libraries of content uh you can have you know hundreds and hundreds of Articles it ranks very well on Google which is why most people use it and there are a lot of great search engine optimization or SEO plugins such as yoast for example that you could just get for free and start using and optimize so you can rank even better on Google on Bing or on any other search engines out there so I feel like I went on a pretty big tangent there talking about WordPress but ultimately that's that's my recommendation not people mix those up like weirdly capitalizes on the freew completely free does not cost you anything to use it you're only going to have to pay for your domain and your hosting which we recommend with hosting here moving on to number four something that is also very Advanced but very different from WordPress this is anybody looking for an animated website think of like the Coca-Cola website the iPhone website maybe it's going to be like the Oreos website where you scroll down and things move and they twist and and different things happen and it's going to be more of like an awareness play people will go to your website and kind of just be impressed by the way it looks as opposed to a static website and a lot of times this is more for just general marketing purposes like you're not going to be placing orders necess neily on the Oreo website but it still exists and people still go to it so if you're looking to make a website like that there are a lot of great options Wix studio is a relatively new one but we still recommend using web flow and again I have a tutorial on how to use web flow it's definitely the most complicated out of everything I'm talking about in this video but very very rewarding when you get that website at the end that just has really cool things going on and in the beginning you'd think like it seems impossible to make that without a lot of advanced coding but you really don't have to do any coding at all however if you do want to add some code in there again it's very easy to have like one little tab over on the right you can switch over and start writing some code to implement even more customizations onto your webflow website so webflow super awesome definitely more advanced but I would highly recommend it for agencies if you're trying to make websites for a lot of clients or you know just for yourself if you're trying to make that one website maybe you have a cool startup and you want to have like a really impressive landing page web flow is probably the way to do that then finally the fifth category here one that you can't really do well on any of the first four this is going to be an online course or a webinar or otherwise online coaching and you kind of can set those up with the other ones I talked about in this video but it's going to be like very kind of boot leggy like it's not going to be the right way to do it the right way to do it is going to be with a dedicated platform and the one that we recommend is actually kajabi so if you have a valuable skill set and you want to create either an online course or some online coaching the best way to do it is going to be through kjab people earn a lot of money on there it's a very reputable platform that handles basically everything you're going to do so you can upload everything all your content on there manage all your scheduling on there and of course accept payments on there as well and so ultimately like I said there are a lot of other options out there teachable is a great one there's plenty of others but kajabi is one that we've seen people have the best experience with and ultimately does seem to be very user friendly very easy for beginners and a great way for you to kind of reduce the barrier from having all your knowledge and not not being able to sell a course or share anything and just getting to that end goal of sharing the knowledge and earning the revenue that you deserve so those are the five different website platforms that we recommend for basically anybody out there making any kind of website whether that is a small business making a one-page website or a giant blog looking to have you know hundreds of employees and thousands of blog articles written whatever it is something in this video should be the right choice for you and I highly recommend the next steps would be to go in the links down in the description to either get started and or to watch a tutorial on how to get started with any one of these like I said I have step-by-step tutorials walking you through everything you need to know from absolute beginner up to full-blown power user on any one of these completely for free we do not sell online courses we don't want any payments from you we don't want your payment information uh it's really just free information just all uploaded on YouTube so thanks for watching the video I'm Mike O Brien with sandrell media and I'll see you in those tutorials