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Eliminate These 3 Time ⌛ Suckers 🍭🍭

Here are 3 “time suckers” to avoid so I can enjoy more of what you love.


#1 Unnecessary Interruptions

Most people are not able to switch quickly from task to task, yet interruptions are common problems we encounter when trying to improve our productivity.
Remember, multitasking is counter-productive, so remove all the distractions/disruptions from your day. Create and stick to a schedule for each thing that you need to do.
Ensure that you inform those around you not to interrupt you during specific times of the day or if you have to, put up a “do not disturb” sign. Believe it or not, they do work but only if you enforce it.


#2 Lack of Planning

When you don’t plan something out, you are just winging it. That’s never good (according to the wife😁). When you sit down and write out a plan, it gives you an opportunity to test the waters and to anticipate roadblocks, bottlenecks, and other issues that cause time management issues throughout your day.
Every day you should save some time from your day to engage in short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning. Whether it’s losing weight, getting your home organized, or starting and running a business, plans made with SMART goals will always perform better than going by the seat of your pants.


#3 Thinking You Have to Do It All Yourself

It doesn’t matter who you are, but you really don’t have to do everything yourself. If you’re like me (the stay-at-home dad), raising kids, starting a business, running a business, running a household, and caretaker, there are people to help.
You can engage your spouse, your kids, other family members, or simply pay someone to do the things you don’t want to do (it’s called outsourcing 😉). Plus, believe it or not, someone else might do the task much better than you can do it.


Use Technology to Boost Your Productivity

As a side note, some activities may require you to invest your time upfront but the payoff, in the long run, is priceless! “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln


Don’t forget to use technology to boost your productivity and gain more time in your day. For example, if you automate your bill-paying or use savings and investments like Acorns, you can remove hours of work each month from your schedule.

As an affiliate marketer, I’m always on the lookout for time-saving tools for my marketing and if you haven’t heard of or used Commission Gorilla yet, I invite you to take a look.

Once you stop these time⏲️ wasters 🗑️, you’ll start seeing a massive difference in your productivity and income. The benefits will be less stress while also getting more of what’s needed to be done.

What Does The Bible Say About Time Management?


Time management is important because of the brevity of our lives. Our earthly sojourn is significantly shorter than we are inclined to think. As David so aptly points out, “You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath” Psalm 39:4–5.

The apostle James echoes this: “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” James 4:14. Indeed, our time on earth is fleeting—in fact, it is infinitesimally small compared to eternity. To live as God would have us live, it is essential we make the best possible use of our allotted time (source: gotquestions.org)