No matter what you decide, you need to plan ahead. You need to know exactly where you’re going and what you’re doing. You can’t hop from one business model to the next. You can’t always have the feeling that “this time, it’s going to work!” Make it work for you. Stick with it until it does. You should wake up each morning knowing exactly what you’re going to do that day. You should know what you’re doing for the next week. You should have a pretty firm understanding of what you’re doing over the next month. You should also have a workable plan for the next year and beyond. Yes, things will grow and change over time. But you can’t effectively adjust your plans if you don’t know what they are in the first place.
Very successful people are really good at analyzing their life and their business. Yet, they don’t dwell. They know who they are and what they want to do. But they don’t let the little things hang them up. Always think about why you’re doing things and what you ultimately want to achieve. Be very truthful with yourself in making changes. Have a vision that you’re willing to do anything to achieve. This vision should be so clear to you that it almost feels real already.
Why You Need To Know Your Why
Your “why” is the reason you do what you do. The “what” is the things you do to help you achieve your why. But why do you need to know your why?
When you know your why, you have the freedom to decide on what you do, how you do it. Before you make any changes in your life, ask yourself why? Why do I want to take this action?
The answer may not be completely clear. One way to know you’re not living your why is through your daily life. Here are some clues:
If you’ve become frustrated with yourself because you never finish what you start or you don’t even start, your answer comes from your why. You don’t have a big enough reason to follow through when you don’t know your why.
Take a step back when you find yourself in any of these situations. Are the lists, plans, or strategies in alignment with what you genuinely want to do? Does it bring you excitement? Take the time to find out your why and then adjust your plans, lists, and projects to fit your purpose.
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You have to know what you want to do before you can be successful. Many people I work with and talk to feel lost. They know they want to earn more money and they dabble in a variety of business models, but they aren’t really clear on their next steps.
The world’s most successful people know exactly what they’re doing and where they’re going. They have a clear plan of action and will stop at nothing to make success happen. If you want to be successful, you have to do the same. You have to plan ahead, stay the course, and always make changes where necessary to do even better.
In addition to knowing what you want to do, you need to know why you’re doing it. A strong why is a foundation for success. It will keep you going when you’re tired when you’re frustrated when you’re wondering if it’s all worth it because the answer is always the catalyst for moving forward.
What are you doing in business right now? Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a slump and you’re ready for some major changes. Maybe you have no idea— you buy various products and courses that are supposed to teach you how to be successful with this business model or that but it hasn’t happened for you yet.
It’s probably because what you’re doing right now isn’t truly in alignment with who you are. You’re dabbling in things; desperately clinging to the idea that one of the “things” is going to help you hit the big time. But the difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is that they aren’t waiting for a product or a method to make them successful.
They have the mindset that they are the ones who hold the success. They turn the method into a success, not the other way around.
Do you have that mindset? I’d guess you might not. This switch in mindset can have amazingly wonderful results for you.
Consider Your Values
I strongly believe that you’ll be a lot more successful if you align your business with your value system. You have to believe in what you’re doing. Yes, you can be successful even if you don’t follow your passions and even if it’s not exactly in line with who you are as a person, but if everything is in alignment, it will be much easier and much more satisfying.
So, what are your values? Will you feel lost if you aren’t in an area of business that helps people? Do you value creativity and innovation? Are you an artist at heart? These things are closely related to your value systems and what you’re naturally drawn to. Consider this when you plan and shift your business.
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