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How Bitcoin is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Today I want to talk about bitcoin and how it is fulfilling Bible’s prophecy, discover what the bible says about bitcoin and understand what your focus should be as a Christian or disciple of Christ.

If you have been following the financial news lately, it would be impossible to miss the term bitcoin. No doubt bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could not be ignored anymore. Since its introduction on January 8, 2009, a single bitcoin, has soared to a staggering 30 thousand dollars.

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Cryptocurrencies are known to be highly volatile, so a lot of people are wondering whether it values can dramatically change in just a matter of weeks or not. Now I’m, not here to talk about how you can invest in bitcoins.

Alright, but I want to talk about what the mainstream media failed to address. I want to talk about something that’s more important than investing in bitcoin. What you are about to learn in this video is something you don’t hear from mainstream media such as CNN, BBC, or Fox News in this video.

Let us take a look at how bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are fulfilling the bible’s prophecy. Is bitcoin even mentioned in the bible? If it is, then what does the bible say about it? Most importantly, what should be our focus as Christians?

Let us briefly discuss what bitcoin is. Well, Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency. Today it is a form of digital asset that allows users to buy and sell products and services mainly over the internet because bitcoin is not governed by any central bank or single administrator.

Its potential as an internet currency is truly almost limitless with bitcoin. You can easily send and receive money from anywhere in the world without having to go through a bank. Making the transaction faster and more cost-effective.

Blockchain, it is difficult to cheat or commit fraud without other people noticing your activities. Everything can be tracked and anyone and at any time can verify bitcoin transactions. Andreas m Antonopoulos, the much-admired information security, expert and author wrote in his best-selling book, the internet of money.

He said there are almost 200 currencies in the world, but there’s only one international currency. There are almost 200 currencies controlled by central banks and governments, but there is only one mathematical currency today and that is bitcoin.

We are going to build more of them. Cryptographic. Currencies are going to be a mainstay of the creed of our financial future. They are going to be a part of the future of this planet because they have been invented.

It’s as simple as that. You cannot uninvent this technology. You cannot turn this omelet back into eggs. End of good, as you can see, bitcoin is undoubtedly touted as the future currency with the growing popularity of bitcoin.

It has not just attracted ordinary people, but also the big governments of this world. For the past years, world governments just basically waited and watched what bitcoin may mean for this world’s economy.

There’s a good indication and evidence that governments, tax authorities, and regulators, and other global elites are now looking into the possibility of using bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at or at least duplicate its system to advance their own interest.

Thus, in the near future, we are going to see how governments and authorities will try to take more control of digital currencies. Governments recognize how difficult it is to stop or eliminate cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, so instead of destroying bitcoin, they might be going to use it for their own good.

As they say, if you can’t beat them join them, join them. There’s no way for any government to let a financial system that is so good to escape their control. With all this in mind, many students of the bible speculate.

What role bitcoin might play in the fulfilling bible’s prophecy in the book of Daniel 12:4. “We have seen the prophecy about the explosive increase in knowledge we read, but you daniel, shut up the words and sealed the book.”

Until the time of the end, men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase there’s. No doubt that bitcoin is just one of the many amazing by-products of technological advancements predicted by Daniel thousands of years ago.

Indeed, we have seen how men have increased in knowledge astronomically in ways beyond our wildest imaginations. We have achieved technological breakthroughs that were inconceivable. Just a century ago, bitcoin is one of the ways we are reinventing, how we process finances and perform business transactions.

It is a revolutionary method of buying and selling, and if this method falls into the hands of an elite group, it may grant them tremendous and powerful financial control. This leads us to the question: could bitcoin be used to fulfill a bible prophecy about the mark of the beast? We read in Revelation 13:16-18.

“He causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive the mark on the right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell, except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, the number of his name here is wisdom. Let him was understanding, calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666”.

So, does this explicitly say that bitcoin will be the means for the beast to control the financial system of this world and in turn the people? Here’s the truth, the answer can be a yes or no.

It is still too early to be dogmatic. For now, everything is just speculation, yes, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be used by the government to take control of the buying and selling activities of the global population, but it can also be a no; if there comes something in the future that would replace cryptocurrencies as A better way for the beast to control people.

In short, we just don’t know as of yet we can speculate all day, but only God can show us how the apocalyptic prophecies in revelation would exactly come to pass. But one thing is for sure: the beast’s main platform is to promote prosperity, wealth, and abundance to everyone.

They can only achieve this if they can control everyone’s financial behavior from the global to a personal level, and that’s what is certain to happen since we don’t know yet whether bitcoin will be used by the beast or not? We must focus more on what we know.

Source: Youtube

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