How To Make an Online Store in 2024 – Complete WooCommerce Website Tutorial

  • October 1, 2024

hey welcome back to the channel my name is Mike and in this video I'll be showing you step by- step how to make a woocommerce online store and this is something that although there are a lot of benefits it's more affordable it's more flexible and it has a lot of other plugins and Integrations it can be intimidating for beginners to get started with WordPress and with woocommerce so in this video I'll be going from absolute beginner to expert to power user here on how to set up your online store we're going to start off with the absolute basics of what really is the structure here and there's really three main pillars will be working working with so when you're working with a woocommerce website you're essentially built on top of WordPress which is built on top of a host I'll explain what each each of those are in detail but it's important to note that this is a very popular way to make a website so you AR in good company I believe woocommerce Powers almost 40% of online stores out there WordPress itself Powers more than 40% of the entire internet of of blogs and other websites as well but the way it works is like this I like to think of it similar to a document on your computer right so when you type up the document you're typing on say Microsoft Word or Google doc or something like that that is equivalent to WordPress it's the engine which you're using to create the document but when you're done you have to save that somewhere you can't just close out of it or else it goes away forever and that is where your host is going to be for a website it's where that website is actually saved so we like to use hostinger they're a great host they have really good uptime fantastic prices they have very good speed across the board they just do a really good job as a host so we like to use them and that's what I'm going to start with in this video so that's our host WordPress is going to be the engine that actually manages all of our content our website and just kind of builds everything out we'll have a theme on top of there a template so you don't have to worry about coding or anything like that it's very easy to drag and drop and then woocommerce is going to be the software that goes on top of that to manage our products to accept payments to track inventory do all those different things that you would want to do from an online store so I'm going to head over to my laptop and I want to start off by going to Sandell so we'll have a link in the description down below as well as an a pinned comment you could copy and paste that or just hit control and click that it'll open it in new tab that way you can follow along throughout this video it is also an affiliate link so it helps to fund the channel at absolutely no cost to you helps us make free content like this something that other people may be charging hundreds of dollars for in a course but like I said this is all free information we don't sell a course we don't want your money but if you want to support the channel you could go through that affiliate link down below santell woocommerce since we are using woocommerce and that'll bring you to this page right here that is giving us up to 71% off so what I want to do is instead of just clicking claim deal you could scroll down and check out the three different plans depending on if you're migrating a store if you already have a lot of products and expect more traffic maybe you'll be better off with the cloud startup but if you're just starting a brand new business whether that is print on demand or dropshipping or or maybe you have your own inventory but you're just getting started and you don't expect more than say 100,000 monthly visits the base plan could be the right one for you so $3.99 per month like I said very compelling I'm going to choose this plan right here and then that brings us to probably the first mistake a lot of people make they like to go with the one Monon plan I noticed that I don't know why though honestly if you're going to do this I highly recommend getting at least 12 months if you get one month you're going to spend an extra $5 on the setup fee you're going to have to pay for your domain which is another probably $15 to $20 and when it's all said and done for one month you're going to spend the same amount of money as you would if you got 12 months which gives you the free domain there's no setup fee it's $3.99 so $10 less at the bare minimum just trust me get the 12-month plan personally I prefer the 48-month plan because then it does Renew at a lower rate so that's what I'll be doing for this video but then going down here we can create our account so I'm going to type in my email address then I'll enter my credit card information and before you click submit go down to have a coupon code and just type in santrell and that should take off 10% so there we go I took off an additional 10% uh again just one of the other reasons I like to get the four-year plan you could like I said you could totally get the 12 month plan but four years you're saving 10% only one time and that's going to save it on the entire four years so you're getting four years of a website with daily backup 2 months for free a free domain name free setup free domain privacy like you're looking at four years for $172 I don't know that that's like one of the reasons we like using host you just you really can't find that anywhere else on the internet so I'm going to type in my credit card information uh and then hit submit secure payment all right now we have a couple questions here honestly it doesn't really matter how you answer these we're going to go through them and it's just really going to change your dashboard if anything at all so I'm going to say I'm making this for myself we'll say next we can create a website we're not going to migrate the website so we'll say next and we can now create our WordPress account so remember pillar number one was hosting here that's what we're setting up first but we're also making a WordPress account there technically two different accounts but I recommend kind of setting them up very similarly if not the same password just at the very least make sure you write the password down for both of them and then say next then it wants to know what kind of website we're going to make this is going to be an online store I will say next we can choose a template right now I'm not going to choose that I don't want to choose a template so we could either just uh let's just say create a blank site for now and then we can choose any plugins that we might want to add in here so woocommerce you definitely want to have that that makes perfect sense but some other things maybe you don't need to add this right now so email marketing we will be talking a lot about email marketing later on in the video we actually will be using omnisend as well but we're going to get to that later in the video let's get rid of all-in-one SEO let's get rid of the Google site kit we can keep WP forms we'll talk more about that later in the video as well actually I'll show you how to get it later just in case that doesn't pop up for you so let's deselect everything except for woocommerce then I'm going to say next and we could generate with AI I don't want to do that so I'm going to skip this for now we can claim our domain name remember that is free for the first year when you get this plan so let's say for the sake of example in this video I'm going to make an outdoor shop maybe selling like camping gear boots things like that so I'm just going to say sandrell outdoor santell outdoor gear maybe just santell Outdoors see if that's available let's see if it's available right now and it's available there we go so it's going to be $17 per year after the first year but $0 for for the first year that's pretty competitive you can look elsewhere like if you want to go to name chep and find a domain there and then connect it you may save a couple dollars but for how much of a headache it is to do that and and like Point your do all the DNS pointing and everything like it's just easier to get it directly here it might be an extra $3 per year I've tried it both ways just I don't know this is what I prefer to do I'm going to say next and then we can choose a little bit more about the registration here so your location I'm going to say next step contact details this is going to be just for your domain registration I can say finish registration and it's registering the domain by the way you should be getting an email check your email and you're going to have to confirm your your domain within like 7 to 14 days or else it goes away and your whole website's going to be down so just make sure you check your email and and find that search your spam box in case it ended up there now we can say next that's just choosing where your server is so for us it's going to be in the United States but if you want that anywhere else if you're you're making a website targeting another country right if you're selling things that are specifically going to be more useful in the EU for example or uh I don't know South America you know Brazil Wherever You Are by region or by country specifically you can choose a server location right there so now it is creating our credentials uploading files getting our whole thing set up so we're going to wait a minute or two and then come back when this is set up all right and now we are on the hosting or dashboard so pillar number one complete there's really not much else we have to do on this pretty much ever like now that it's set up maybe eventually we'll set up our free email but for now we're going to start making this website by the way see a little popup right there SSL is now installed which is great that's going to be the little lock that says your Rob site is secure on the top very good practice to have that but now let's actually go over to WordPress the next thing to do you'll see this little purple button right here let's click on admin panel it'll bring us over to WordPress and remember we do have to have our login for WordPress but because we went through hostinger I believe it'll sign us in automatically here yes it did and now we are on the WordPress dashboard so don't be intimidated by This I Promise by the end of this video you're going to know this like the back of your hand it's going to be very easy to use all of this I'll run you through everything in detail but the first thing we want to do is actually set up our store using a template so if we go down here to appearance and go to themes we can choose the theme that we are going to use there's three right there you don't really want to use those in my opinion let's go to add new theme personally I like to use Astra a lot of people use Astra it's free to use and by the way everything in this video is free except the hosting pretty much you know all the plugins I show you everything else like that for the most part they will be free there are upgraded plans available for them but for Astra let's just install Astra right now and start checking out some of the free templates we have available by the way once you install it we also need to click on activate so let's click activate there that will make it our new theme on the website but a theme and a template are two different things right the theme is going to be the fonts and and the overall styling of your website the template is going to be the the starting blocks of where we're actually getting this website going so you'll see right here starter templates that's a little popup that appears if it doesn't appear for you for some reason you can also access this in another way so on the left side if we go to Astra click on starter templates up on the top and we can say install and activate so I'm just going to go through this route because it's already here if you're still on that popup on the previous page you can go through that route no matter what it'll take you to this page right here everybody feels like they need to do an AI Builder I don't know why Try It Go ahead and try it maybe the AI website's going to work for you but in my opinion the classic starter templates are still a little bit better than AI built websites for now so I'm going to go with that we'll check out all of these that are available let's dismiss that right there and we can check out you know just kind of scroll through them and look at them if you want some of them are premium a lot of them are free though so what I want to do instead is go up here and choose e-commerce I'm going to look at just ones that are related to an online store maybe specifically a clothing store sports store I don't know I mean it really could be any of those I'm just going to say online shop kind of generically and see what we have available here don't worry about the picture specifically though because we are going to be replacing obviously all of the content on here but just take a look at what the general feel of the website is cuz that's going to save you a lot of effort in the future so because we're doing an online store for uh like an outdoor shop these three on the bottom already are like really exactly what we're looking for so I'm kind of split between these three they all look quite similar uh I really want to check out this one first so I'm going to click on this one it'll show you what it is if you like how it looks then you could just say continue you can also change like your logo you can change the font so maybe we want something a little bit more I kind of like this font a little bit better here the color palette let's make it more green I think that's kind of better it kind of fits the vibe here a little bit more and earthy one's pretty good as well no two green oh that's kind of aquatic I kind of like that one yeah I'm going to go with this color palette right here we can change this in the future but for now I'm going to stick with this also we can upload our file for our logo so I'm just going to go over to chat gbt just to make things simple I'm going to have it make a logo it's not going to be a great logo but just to kind of show you for the purposes of this video and to keep things moving this is what I will be doing of course we do actually have a video on how to make AI logos it's really quite easy to do I'll link that down below if you need to make a logo for yourself if you already have one though just disregard that so again not a perfect logo here but just for the sake of example I'm going to run with this logo right now it'll show up on the top ah I really don't like that we'll change that later we'll change it later um so now I'm going to say continue uh we can select some features on here I don't really need any of those right now so we're going to skip this step and now we have to enter just our first name and our email then say submit and start building my website so this will take about 1 minute and honestly I'm always very impressed by the website we end up with all right so now let's click on visit your website just to kind of show what it looks like and like I said based on the template so far um this looks pretty good we chose the colors we have our logo up on the top again I really don't like that logo but but we're going to ignore that for now going through the website we have upcoming events that's not an online store we will be customizing that in a minute but let's go up to uh let's go back to where we were so right here and we can just say visit dashboard that's going to take us back to the dashboard on WordPress and by the way in the future if you ever need to go to this dashboard and you don't feel like going through hosting or or you don't feel like going some other route to get here you just type in your domain SL WP p- admin WordPress admin that's that's how you get to this page right here and that will let you log in and end up on your dashboard so now we have a website for the most part our website's kind of structured let's go down to woocommerce and start talking about how to build out the online store aspect right that's the third pillar so we have hosting with hostinger we have WordPress setting up the website with a nice template on top and the third thing is going to be woocommerce let's get that configured just by clicking on woocommerce on the left that'll bring you into kind of a little setup process right here so we can just click on the purple button on the top from hostinger so it says continue setup and it's going to kind of walk us through what this is so let's set up on online store we're going to click on that first and then it has some questions about our business uh what type of products are we going to sell so let's say so I don't know just other seems fine our store is located in the United States United States and now I have to go ah and find the individual state that I'm in okay that's Pennsylvania and now I'm going to say continue so we can add our first product right here I'm going to walk you through how to add products in the future as well but let's go through this process because it's kind of an easy onboarding setup for your online store so I'm going to add a product so for the first product I'm going to say premium hydration pack and we can describe it so now we're going to create the description I'm going to use AI to do this you could also type it out yourself and let's see what it comes up with down here we can also add our media there's other ways to add media though I don't want to just add it right there in the product description instead we're going to add the product image on the right but let's see what this comes up with first so features of the product hydration pack wow that's actually quite a long description here uh so let's read through that and let's continue on down here so the regular price what are we charging for this so let's just say maybe it is uh $45 so 44 maybe $44.95 you could have a sale price maybe right now it's a little bit cheaper so maybe it's like 41.95 right now kind of a sale you can also schedule this maybe like day night different days of the week we can then go down and choose uh the inventory by the way this is a simple product we have many different kinds of products I'll go through all of them in this video but just simple one product that's going to be kind of exactly what you think it's a physical product with not a lot of variations so you don't have different sizes or different colors uh and it's going to be like again like a physical product not virtual or downloadable and it is uh something that you actually have that's a simple product now you can choose a skew which is a stock keeping unit um you just make up a number for however you want to track that I'll say 10,000 One stock management yes we do want to track inventory for this let's say I have a small Warehouse maybe a garage or whatever and I have uh maybe 150 of these right now just starting off with 150 and then once we sell out of those of course we will get notifications but after you sell out do you want to allow back orders can somebody order this and get it whenever you get stock back or is it like hey once it's done it's done and so for this I'm going to say sure allow but definitely notify the customer that it's going to take a little bit longer it's something that I know like L Bean and a lot of other brands in this Niche do so check out others in your Niche and see how they operate hopefully uh you don't run out of stock and you can stay on top of that though sold individually you could limit to one per order so if you're selling like toilet paper in 2020 that's what some people were doing limiting so everyone can kind of get some but hey I don't want to limit one if you're getting one for you and one for your spouse go ahead order two I'm happy with that um then down here we can go to shipping so the weight for this one let's just say it's going to be about 16 ounces uh the dimensions let's say it's 1T by 1T by uh 0.25 ft so kind of small shipping class we didn't set up shipping yet but we will set up that later that's going to be I promise we'll get through that uh linked products if you want to recommend any other thing upsells and cross cells I'll explain those when we get to them but hey our first product we're not going to be doing that yet attributes uh this is a simple product so I'm not going to add any kind of size or color on here of course we have advanced things if you want to uh add a purchase note and you can have other more options down here that's all I need right now this looks good the slug is going to be what comes after uh the product for this right now so the slug is going to be what comes after your domain so by default the peral link is just the name of that right there I'm going to leave it as that I think that's perfectly fine but if you wanted to change it to like sandal backpack keep it shorter easier to remember easier for people to find you could totally do that and then the product short description right here um let's just kind of copy the beginning of this right here let's make it a nice short description like that now going back up to the top on the right side we can set our product images click on set product images and I'm going to upload files let's upload files I'm going to upload all these files these are ones I'll use throughout the video again I don't actually have physical products right now so let's go with this one right here that's going to be our first product image we can add a couple more so that's going to be our primary product image or featured product image but let's add more product images for that Gallery so let's go with maybe this one right here we can add we can add that one as a second one we can add this as a third one so let's just have all three of these there I'm going to add all three so we'll say add now we have three down there we can add categories of course it is useful to as you start to have more products categorize them on your store maybe it's just like the fall collection the summer collection maybe it's going to be like uh clothing maybe it's going to be boots or however you want to categorize it this should be an easier way not just for you but also for the customer when they go into your store to kind of find things that make sense and like I said it's also going to be easier for you maybe you want to recommend everything in one category whenever somebody orders something from that category right so if it's uh backpacking stuff maybe they're buying boots and you recommend some socks and you have a whole category of socks that they can choose from so let's make the new category this is going to be hiking gear hiking gear uh this is going to be just the name of the category add that as a new category and there we go that is now included there we can add product tags as well I'm just going to say hiking hiking boots hiking and Boots we'll say add we got those right there keep it pretty simple and now that is our first product I can go up here here and click on publish we have one product on the store ready to go that is really a pretty big win there so congratulations if you made it this far in the video you already made it further than pretty much anybody like at least 90% of people out there who want to make an online store they just never got to this point right here so I think I would venture as far as to say you probably made it to the hardest part right like you understand the basics the three pillars that we're talking about and you now have all of them and your store is well on its way to finding success in reaching customers so now what we want to do I want to go and start adding some more products so now what do we want to do I want to add more products so on the left side right below woocommerce you'll see a couple things related to woocommerce one of them being products let's click on products and we have that first one there I want to make more products but let's kind of explain what the different kinds of products are going to be just in case you're not just making a simple product maybe you have something else going on so from products now I want to make the second product so let's go to add new and from here the product this is going to be hik let's say premium hiking boots premium hiking boots and this is something that we're going to have multiple sizes for we might even have multiple colors for these so if we go down here uh you'll see simple product let's make it a variable product so go down to attributes and the first variable we're going to make let's call it size first one is going to be size and we can make these so let's just say uh male and female sizes we'll do it like that so men's uh men's size let's start at like six I guess so for the product attributes I'm going to say size and then I just populated all these right here you want to separate them with this little vertical line here um and then when we save save attributes it'll save them all we can click the drop down and you'll see we can edit them in the future if we wanted to so save attributes let's go down to variations and we can generate these automatically based on the attributes so I'm going to say okay it should make a bunch based on there we go uh the different versions We had but this is only based on the sizes right so let's actually undo this let's remove all these I'm going to remove all of them let's remove the attributes and I just want to remove these to show you if we go back to attributes it actually is able to make a permutation so if you have say the next one's going to be color let's say add new let's say add color this one's going to be color and this is going to be let's say light brown and then a little vertical line and then dark brown dark brown save attributes and now it'll make a a full permutation of like men's size 12 light brown women's size six dark brown and so let's a let's say generate variations and this should have a ton of different ones right here so you can see yeah there we go so you can see the two different colors the sizes here and that is your permutation there so it does actually make a skew for all of these as well I think that's very very helpful to have that uh so that should be good let's make sure we're saved okay so now that we have all of these you can actually edit everything at once so if we look at bulk actions here we can set the regular prices for all of them and let's say they're all going to be maybe like $85 we'll say okay so now we have a price for all all of them but if you wanted to change the price of just one of them so maybe if it's only like size 12 or size 13 then maybe we do need to kind of change the price of those so so I can edit maybe just like men's size 12 here we can edit just this and you can change the price individually for this so maybe the larger sizes are going to be like $90 instead of 85 and we can then save that so that's how you're able to edit them individually of course you can also change a lot about each one so I would recommend adding an image at least for all the ones that are the same color uh maybe different sizes if you have images of those you can do that but you'll add that right here you can also add some other things sale price additional sizing um shipping class so different sizes might have different boxes and you can you can edit all that information in here so that is going to be essentially the details of attributes and variations a very important concept when you're setting up your store uh for you know most products out there so let's go up here and say update and while we're waiting on that I'm going to set the product image over here uh so I'm going to go with these I'll say this image right here just the boots and again if you guys remember you're probably getting the hang of this by now let's go and add some other product images for the gallery hold down command on Mac control on Windows select the images and then we'll have our product Gallery there so there we go we've got this right here water protection blah blah blah there's our little description linked products maybe we're going to upsell something uh you can I don't know let's just say hydration pack see if we can find our hydration pack there we go now we have two products before we go and flesh those out let's go to the first product and I want to show you how to check out what the product looks like if we just click on this right here you'll see the peral link at the top we can just click on that or hit command click or control click it'll open it in a new tab and you can see without really doing much this is our product page like we have we can add it to the checkout uh add it to the cart people can purchase it this looks really good in my opinion a really good start for an online store uh so let's just say someone wants to buy two of them they can add them to their cart that'll pop up they can say view the cart and then over in the cart you can see it walks them through it it shows how much they're saving um they can remove the item they can customize their cart or they could proceed to checkout and again the checkout page looks really good like they're able to um do pretty much everything but there is no payment method yet we will be setting up the payment methods in just a minute let's go back and talk about some of the other ways we can set up products though and now I want to show you how to actually go and check out the product and you kind of just look at it on your store so on the top you'll see the permal link right here you'll see the for your other product as well but let's check this one out first if I hold down command on a Mac or on Windows hold down control and then click on that link it'll bring it into a new tab it'll open it up there and if we click on that it brings us to our site and honestly I think this looks really quite good uh considering we haven't done that much work like we did zero coding we did zero like configuration of all this stuff but it's already there and I think it looks quite good so here you can see a customer ends up on this page they can see some products product images they can zoom in on this which is really nice they can check out other images here and zoom in on them as well so maybe like this image uh looks pretty good and if they want to choose a size maybe like women's size six and they want these in light brown now the image doesn't change here well it kind of did change but it didn't change to a light brown one because I didn't configure that but I showed you where you could do that now let's say somebody wants to uh order two of them they're going to add them to the cart and you'll see right here the little cart pops up they can say view cart that'll bring them to their cart and again the cart looks good they can add a coupon over here which we'll talk about how to structure that I think that's very very powerful actually omnis does that quite well uh and then of course they can proceed to check out when they click proceed to check out the contact information the billing address payment options you'll see a red box there because we have not yet configured that but don't worry we'll get into setting up the payment methods so you can accept payments but I would say this is a really good start and hopefully you're pretty happy with yours as well looking something like this so I'm going to close out of this tab bring us back to products I kind of I'm not going to go into like a ton of other products I don't want to get too repetitive here but just some really important things to note I'm going to go to add new and just kind of highlight some key differences down here so in product data we have different product types we talked about simple product we talked about uh variable product now if you make a simple product and then you go down and add attributes that's totally fine you can do that but variable product is an easier way to set that up we do have downloadable products so if you're selling maybe art maybe it is uh an Audi book maybe it's music and you have like an MP3 file or a WAV file you can upload those right here otherwise set up the product exactly the same and then at checkout uh they will be able to receive this file uh and they can download it they can get their own file so I think that for ebooks and like you know maybe an online course even not the best way for an online course because things can get pired if you just share the file maybe a wallpaper like a desktop wallpaper I know a lot of fellow Tech creators do stuff like that all cool stuff you can set up with a downloadable product you also have virtual products as well if you wanted to configure that uh ESS intangible they're not shipped very similar to a downloadable product as well typically if you're doing a downloadable product you'll just do virtual as well so it doesn't ask for shipping details like they don't need to put in their shipping information when they order it uh you can see the little shipping tab goes away when we select virtual there and then you have grouped product that's a little bit more complicated but I think the best example I could think of would be golf clubs right if you're selling a bunch of different irons you would have them all as a grouped product like hey this is this lineup of irons and they can go through and say all right I want the four iron I want the six iron or you just want all of them and they're all going to be on one page one description maybe one image for that as well um and so that's going to be kind of a very unique situation most stores probably won't use a grouped product but that is how you'd go about using that again if you select it uh you can have multiple products that are connected in there as you know like a list of them like it's again kind of tough to explain but if you go on like I said linked products you'll have all the different products that you want to include in there that make a group you could also do this if you have like a bundle or a kit or something like that um and it just kind of like I said a very probably more Uncommon way to set it up but one of the benefits again of using woocommerce here is that you can do things like that additionally I haven't mentioned talking about benefits here of woocommerce I probably should have mentioned earlier in the video like Shopify is great you know all those other platforms are great but for things like group products for things like digital products woocommerce is going to have the benefit of of just first of all being able to do that at all like Shopify is very very difficult to have digital products listed on there uh in unless you're going and adding in a lot of third party software so anyway continuing on here I I kind of just wanted to highlight those the last one is external or affiliate product it's not something that I've ever really done but if you are say an influencer and you have maybe your own merch but you also want to have a couple like recommended products on your store uh that could be affiliate links maybe on Amazon maybe your favorite book maybe your favorite uh camera gear whatever you can have those linked just by pasting the URL to your Amazon affiliate link or whatever affiliate link right here you can have a button text that says you know buy it on Amazon you can add an image in here obviously you're not tracking inventory because it's not a product that you have inventory for but otherwise you can have that set up and it's just going to be when they click on the product they go and click order it'll bring them over to Amazon or wherever it's actually being sold you can also do this with like software if you're an affiliate for somebody else's online course for example you could have that set up through woocommerce right here so that was kind of a lot right there kind of talking about the different products hope hopefully you have at least one or two products set up on your store by now now let's kind of continue on and talk about how we can get those actually showing up on our store and then we'll come back and set up the back end of shipping and different things like that so when we want to edit our website we haven't done this yet the way you want to do this is actually by going up to Pages click on pages you'll see we have all these different pages that were imported with that starter template we have a home page we have a contact page a checkout page an about page we're going to customize all of those so if we just go down to any one of these pages and we click on edit it's going to bring us into a fairly ugly editor this is the default WordPress editor makes it honestly quite difficult to move anything around and change anything uh it's all over on the right side what I really like to do is get a different editor these are free to get as well so Elementor is my favorite one uh let's go back and actually set that up so I'm going to go back and we can go down to plugin so remember in the very beginning we talked about the different plugins that were available when we were setting this up like WP forms and omnisend and those other ones well so far we really don't have a lot on here but the one that I definitely do want to get is like I said Elementor so we can actually go and customize the design of our website so I'm going to search for plugins I'm going to type in Elementor Elementor it should pop up right there Elementor I'm going to say install now also like I said this is a free one to use uh you could get a premium one if you want to get some other little things built into your your website uh more advanced elements but for the most part Elementor is able to build most of the websites that that I've ever built in the past so I really don't like the starter template that I ended up with here I'm going to just select the pages that I don't like and move them to trash you can always use some of the pages if you want to but now that we have Elementor here um which you know you just like I said go down to U plugins add Elementor I want to go up to Pages let's go up to pages right I want to go to pages and I want to add a new page we're going to add a new page here we're going to call this one home this is going to be our homepage we're going to call this home and we can edit this with Elementor of course you have settings on the right side we'll talk about that later but let's talk about how we can just build out this page from start from scratch so that'll bring us into the Elementor editor now if we want to get started from here I'm just going to click on this little s on the right side and we can choose from those templates again if we like a different template I I really didn't like that one because it just wasn't based on on shop that well I think it was actually this one good for a blog or a personal portfolio but I think maybe something like this would be a little bit better so if we click on that let's kind of import this one I think this is going to be better let's import uh this one as well as the required plugins so we're going to import this it's going to install it on our site and kind of we'll be able to use this one uh for our homepage here so let's give that a second no so I'm going to go with this one let's go with the homepage I'm going to save the template and there we go now that is our new homepage right here so this is being edited with Elementor as well so much easier to kind of manage everything here so this is using what's called a section layout you can see it's kind of pink box outlining the first section right here goes all the way down to right there and then below here this kind of dark darker background typically the backgrounds are a good indication of where one section starts and ends down here we have our next section in here um and of course if we wanted to move these sections you can click on the little six dots and just click and drag that up or down until you see the thick pink line and drop it and now it'll be up there so this was two different sections here if I want to move that one up as well we can drop that down here and you can kind of rearrange your website as needed with that if we wanted to add another section so maybe something uh right below here so maybe right in here we can click on the plus and it'll add a new section in there in this section you can add all kinds of different things so on the left side if I click on the little plus icon we can add elements So within each section you have what's called elements so with those elements you could have text you can have image you can have a title you can have a video a button there's a lot of things you can add in here even some Pro things as well so if you go beyond the free ones which by the way there are more free ones down on the bottom don't be fooled into thinking there are only these you know eight or 10 free ones up here you have a bunch on the bottom as well for you know uh image box Carousel gallery icon list progress bar a lot of different things that we could add in here so let's just say maybe I wanted to add an image and I want to add some text but if you want to add them on the left or the right side you'll need to split this into multiple columns so the best way to split it is to use columns we're going to click on the little plus we can choose if we want this to be a flexbox or a grid I'm going to say flex boox and I'm going to say I want to have maybe two columns right here so maybe on the right is the image and the left is the text or the other way around now if we click on the plus like I said all these elements appear and we can click and drag them over very easily so let's click and drag a title over there click on the plus and let's add a paragraph below that so right below right below the heading no right below the heading and then over here again just click on the little gray box click on the plus and then let's put a button down there as well click and drag a button over into that container as well and we can customize where that layout is actually placing those but now left side let's go and add an image we can go and again just click and drag image over to here and now we have this little section set up but let's say we want to customize this further we can customize the entire section by clicking on that little six do array and you'll have three tabs here the first tab is going to be generally based on delay out how you want it to be placed how much space you want above and below it uh if you have any gaps or anything like that usually there's not a whole lot you need to change right here but style is going to be where you can really customize how it looks so we can change the background maybe the background is going to be a classic just you know regular color background it could be a gradient it could be an image it could be a slideshow or when you hover over it maybe something could happen you can have a transition to another color so I'm going to say normal I'm going to choose a classic one and let's just say this is going to be again you could choose an image here or you could choose a color so to choose a color click on that and let's just say maybe we want something kind of Darker definitely more on the green Hue Spectrum so maybe like around there that could be good we can have an overlay on this as well so if you wanted to have uh the overlay being you know some type of image it's like classic we can choose an image to kind of overlay here now this won't necessarily be a great example of a background uh you can see it's like way too much going on makes it very hard to read stuff but the image you can choose the opacity of it so you can choose it to be incredibly transparent you can have it completely visible but if the opacity is like very very low it can add like a fun little tree line to the background and of course we can choose uh the background to be maybe a little bit darker maybe it's going to be like I said the background we can choose that color as well so maybe it's going to be a little bit darker something like that so you can still read everything very easily on here now that is going to be the summary of style background background overlay you can add a border if you wanted to um I'm not going to add one here and then we have advanced now over an advanced we can choose the margin and the padding so uh that is going to essentially Define how much space you have above and below and on the right and left of anything this works for elements this works for columns and of course this works for sections so if I wanted to add margin let's add it to the top let's say we're going to add 10 pixels of margin you can see that goes all the way around and you get that space on the outside so margin is going to be on the outside whereas padding is going to be on the inside so if I say 10 uh maybe just's make it like 30 so it's more visible you'll see the padding on the top and the bottom uh these are all linked together so if you change one they all change but if you don't want that click on this little chain icon and we can delete the right and the left maybe we don't want padding there but maybe we want this to instead be like 100 on the top and 100 on the bottom so kind of gives us a a little bit more real estate to work with there additionally in this Advanced section if we go down on the bottom we can go to responsive this is very very important and we can turn things on or off on mobile on desktop or on tablets so looking at this website right here there's a lot we need to work on of course but considering but it's important to edit it on desktop and then view it on mobile because many of your customers are going to be on mobile on their phone and if you don't think that you are probably very mistaken at the very least it's worth checking this out uh so this layout right here is responsive so it should be kind of morphing for the most part over to a mobile uh view but if you look at this and you're like hey you know what this just does not look good on mobile the whole background image gets weirdly smooshed I could just hide this on mobile so you hide it it's gray out that means when somebody goes to your site this just does not exist the bottom of this leads directly into the top of this and this grade out area will not be there so that's how you can go about changing things making them responsive and adding elements and and sections and everything else to just mobile or just desktop websites so that's kind of a summary of those three things now let's start customizing this website a little bit more I think by the examples I'll show you uh this will really start to make a lot more sense and and you'll probably get you know the hang of how you can actually edit your entire website so let's click on the image here I'm going to click on the pencil icon that'll bring it up over here we can change the image so let's delete the one that's there let's choose a new image and maybe for the first image we just want to have uh some camping gear shown out maybe maybe like uh the boots were kind of cool I like them but maybe this right here just a quick little image that was made with chat GPT it's a little bit too wide I'm not the biggest fan of that but if we wanted to customize that we can of course click on the image and then over here we can click on edit the image we can crop that in a little bit so if we just go to crop let's crop it in a little bit more make it more of a square I actually don't really like that text up top there we go so something a little square like that I'll say apply the crop save the edits and now if we go back to where we were with the image so we'll say select it should look a little bit better so there we go we have an image on the left side we can customize the background here so we can see that that's a little bit of an image overlay on the background like we talked about before let's kind of get rid of that so if we click on the six dots here so if we go over to style I I believe there should be a background overlay sure enough there is we can click on that and delete that get rid of that little leafy thing in the bottom corner I don't really like that so let's click on delete there we go that is now gone and same thing up here we have a little image on the very top I don't think we need that I'm going to delete that as well and so for that we can actually right click on the pencil icon and then click on delete that'll get rid of that right there and we can change all this text very easily by just clicking so we can just click on that text and just delete all of that and type whatever it is that we want to type there now if we highlight that text we can go to style over here now for this text if we click on the pencil icon this will pop up we can go to style make sure you select content here and we can choose the color of that so this is based on the template that it gave us it's like a weird blue color um I don't want that I want something a little more earthy maybe like more of a brownish green a warmer green tone so maybe maybe like that would be a good color right there and of course I recommend copying this color because we want to use it on other things as well so copy that little hex color code I'm going to click off this and now let's click up here on this one go to style click on the color and again just paste in that color makes it easier to match up your color same thing with the button down here I don't really like that button color let's go down to button go to style go to the green and then paste in our new green now that's kind of a summary of how you're going to be editing like this section right here but the button's also kind of in a weird spot there so if we click on position or look at position we can click on Center I think Center looks a little bit better and we can choose if we want it to be further up and down using our padding and our margin uh of course over in the advanced we do also have our padding and our margin here as well so we have weird padding on the top 25 I don't want that uh maybe I want like 15 on the top and I'd like some on the bottom as well 15 on the bottom kind of keeping it a little more balanced right there so that's looking a little bit better this is still not great honestly this is quite quite rough for the beginning of a website um but we do want to have our products somewhere up here so if I want to add to the product to the top there's a couple ways we could do this one is we could just go over here and search for product product product and you'll see we can have like our products but right now we do actually have to upgrade to do that so if we click on upgrade I'm not going to do it right now but Elementor you can upgrade to Elementor Pro uh and that'll allow you to add products like that or the other kind of back uh the other kind of workaround we could do here is just to kind of do what we did down here but for the product so let's close out of that and let's actually just duplicate this right here so if I I can right click on this and say duplicate now we have two of that section maybe the first one's going to be our product so let's click on the pencil icon I'm going to turn this into our product our kind of a way to order the first product let's make them the boots I'm going to say select and I'm just going to say uh this is going to be premium premium hiking boots and then we can have some text down here so this could be our product oh then we have some text down here this could be our product description uh I'm just going to leave it as that for now we also have weird spacing above here so I'm going to go to this section go to Advanced and we have that padding on the top and bottom I don't need that let's get rid of that on the top and the bottom maybe instead just make it like 10 on the top just so we have a little bit of space there a little bit of breathing room same thing on the bottom and then down here the shop now button we can link this here this shop now button let's customize that so that the content let's link it over to the product page so the way we can find that product page is of course if we go back to go back to our dashboard like I said we're just going to go back to the product and we're going to copy that link in there so we have the link to the product so the hiking boots I'm going to click on them I'm going to click on I'm just going to actually highlight this actually I can I can click it and just copy it from here we're going to copy this and then over in this shop now button I'm going to paste the link so we paste the link there and now it'll say shop now we can also add the price let's add the price in here so if I click on the little plus icon let's go and add that uh just as some text I'm going to add some text click and drag that maybe maybe right down here and we could say um price or we just write the price down this could be like 84.

99 this is kind of not the best way to do it it's kind of a backhanded way that you know it saves you money by doing this the free way here essentially um but it is a way that you can set up your product right there so let's cut let's kind of change a style on this one for this text uh let's make sure it is a darker color make this text black for the price and we can I don't know make it bold make it bold make this bold here we go and yeah so that so there we go now we can publish this so that is this page right here let's go back to our WordPress editor clicking on this button and say exit to WordPress from here this is called home uh so I want to make sure that this is actually the homepage we have set for the website So currently our homepage is that other one uh you see it says front page right there we want it to be this one instead so if I go down to settings you're going to go down to reading we're go to reading and then we can change it to new home so then we can change it to what I called new home that's our new homepage and of course go down here and save the changes so now that should be saved and now if we hold control and click on visit site so let's take a look at our website right now on the top we have our premium hiking boots you can see the price a little bit of a description about them if you hit shop now it brings you over to the purchasing page so if somebody adds one to their cart we can then go check out the cart right here it shows up on the right side you can say view cart uh this all looks great you can apply a coupon code right there which we will generate in a second we can also say buy now it'll take you over to the checkout page and here you can enter all your contact details like I said we still don't have the ability to accept payment so we're going to do that just actually right now let's go back to the WordPress dashboard and you'll see a little red thing on the top it says setup payments if not we can also access that down in the settings but let's go to the top click on setup payments we are going to connect with stripe so that's the first way that they have you setting it up I'm going to enter my email address and I'm just going to sign into a stripe account I already have if you don't already have one you can create a stripe account very easy to do uh it's going to ask for some Basics right now are you an individual are you a business are you a nonprofit We can say continue then we can enter our details our address our date of birth and things like that and then it's going to ask for our website so we can just type in our domain and the product description just uh here I'm just going to say some uh premium he boots and we can choose the industry as well so clothing accessories probably makes the most sense for this one now we can select an account for your payout so connect your bank account here and then once it says success we are done we going to click on done and then we can click on next now it's going to ask what the statement descriptor is make sure that this is something very U I don't know recognizable so the website makes perfect sense so people know when they're checking their credit card statement their bank statements what's actually going to appear there you don't want it to be some random string of characters so that looks good so if somebody you know sees that they're not going to dispute the charge they remember what they did with that also the short end one uh sandrell um let's say so we'll leave that we can have a customer we can have a customer support number I'm going to not show that on the receipts and then we can say continue then you can opt in or out for stripe tax so that's going to be your sales tax collection of course and if everything looks good you can agree and submit that will automatically take you to the next step of create a web hook so I'll say create save now we can connect to Gateway I'm going to say activate there's also other ways depending on where you are in the world we can also activate Express checkout for Google pay and Apple pay much easier for mobile orders and then it'll say congratulations you did it once we're done we can click on the X on the top right and we are now able to accept payments as long as everything went through and was actually uh processed and accepted by stripe so that is very important but now that we are here on the dashboard of WordPress I want to kind of go through everything kind of give you a little bit of a layout of the land here what we're actually working with so if you click on the WordPress logo on the top left that'll bring you to essentially like the main landing page you get to on WordPress if you click on dashboard this will give you a little bit of a rundown of any updates you might have you can see updates right here I recommend checking this out as frequently as possible at least once a week or whenever you log on to your site you want to go here and check out see if there are any updates for example we have two updates down here two plugins that need to be updated any themes that need to be updated will show up down here and what you want to do is select all of them and update the plugins now do not click off this page very very important you'll see things happening maintenance mode when that is enabled you do not want to click off this or you're going to have to go in and manually disable maintenance mode from uh hostinger dashboard so instead wait till it says disable main maintenance mode and it says all updates have been completed and now it is safe to click off of this page that's really really important that you do that otherwise uh it just a little bit more of a headache to get your website back going down of of course Astra and cart flows those that's the theme and that is a plug-in right there I'm not going to talk about those right now I want to talk about the fundamentals of WordPress and the dashboard here posts are going to be any kind of blog posts you have we don't have any posts right now except this little sample one so if you're writing more articles and you know if you want to use AI to do that be cautious because you know ranking in Google might be a little trickier when you're using AI written articles but if you have maybe a writer or if you're writing them yourself uh you'll see all of your articles right here and you can manage them quite easily by just going to edit or even just quick edit if you need to change the slug the title or the date that it was published going down we have media you probably won't be visiting this all too often this is just all of the media we uploaded or was given to us through a template on WordPress here and if you ever need to you know customize anything change anything swap out images you can do that right here but I rarely visit this page speaking of pages we have pages right here and these are going to be anything on your website that is not a Blog article so more more like your about page your check out page your homepage um anything like that so these Pages all show up here we kind of talked about this a little bit earlier on in the video as we made new pages of course go through these and if you want to change like this one's called plants I don't want that uh so maybe a quick edit could change the name of that quite easily and we could just say uh we could call this one shop shop page this could be shop and the slug could just be that looks good we'll say update and now we have a shop page right there and if you want to edit any of these of course clicking on edit right there will take you into the WordPress editor or if you edit with Elementor you can edit them with Elementor which is the way that I would recommend eding all editing all of your pages we have of course comments down here and this is going to be uh anytime somebody leaves a comment specifically on a blog or a post rather um you'll be seeing those right here you can manage them there are a lot of spam Bots out there so uh be cautious you know you can go through and select one and then you can choose if you want to approve it unapprove it Mark it a Spam or move it to the trash can Spectra is another we don't really need spect is going to be a plugin woocommerce of course is a plugin woocommerce has a lot of things in here though you can see your orders so as people place orders you'll see all of those right here you'll see the customers so if somebody calls you with a customer uh maybe like customer complaint or something related to that they want they have a question about their order you can go down here check out your customer Library uh and actually go to the individual customer and you know manage that a little bit more uh accurately once you have the details about them if you need to initiate a return or something like that of course products we talked a lot about products already we have analytics down here this is going to be kind of just one of the many analytics tools you have available this one's going to show you just in general total sales net sales orders product sold and some other charts down here however I highly recommend getting a Plugin or several plugins related to Google analytics and Google search console those are those are two that you should at least set up if not as a plug-in which you can do through like monster insites for example but if nothing else just go to a new tab go to Google and look up Google Search search console Google search console that's going to be one right here you can start this and I just walk through this I'm not going to do it in this video but set up Google search console it's going to show you where you rank in Google what keywords you're hitting on uh what keywords you might be missing what your competitors are doing like you can really learn a lot from this uh very very easily using Google search console also we have analytics and so Google analytics is the second one I recommend setting up and you can do this monster insights is a really easy way to set this up so if you go down to plugins um you could also just in a new tab go to but I'm going to say add new plugin and we're going to say monster insights monster insights and it should pop up first here we go monster insights and this like I said is going to show you a lot about your session time how long people are on your website where they go if they end up on like you know some broken links you can identify those pretty easily with this uh if a lot of people end up on like your 404 page for example really a powerful plugin uh it's free to install as well so I recommend getting that on your website But continuing down on the left side of course after analytics we have marketing there's not a whole lot in this particular tab I really want to talk about with marketing there is a lot of marketing that we will be doing uh and we'll do that in a minute but let's continue down we have templates right here so if you are making a lot of posts or a lot of pages that have a very similar format you can make a template uh with Elementor very easy to do and then you can kind of save yourself some effort in the future when you're making those similar posts of course going down we have appearance this is going to be where you can customize the theme as I mentioned before or we can go up on the left side to Astra right there and you can customize the theme a little bit more so if you wanted to change the color scheme or the font or or anything more specific maybe the header for example within your website you can do all of that right there we also have plugins down here we have users so if you have more authors there are several different formats you can have for the user so if I say add new user you'll see uh the permissions we can have them as a subscriber a customer a top manager a contributor an author an editor or an admin and I'll have a link in the description below that kind of explains what each of those actually do uh because you know for example if you want somebody to be able to see your analytics and also publish articles that might be different than somebody who can just write articles and can't publish them or somebody who uh you know can just view it in general and not really do much else on your website then down here in settings let's say cancel I didn't want to change anything here uh so let's let's go down so let's go down to settings say leave and within settings there are a couple things that we do want to do first of all make sure that it does say https that's going to be your SSL that the S is right there that's very very important Additionally you can change your date format your time format those both look good to me the week starts on Monday yes that sounds good uh going through these you can change anything related to writing settings reading settings uh if I want to go down to permal Links that's actually one that I might want to change you want to make sure that in my opinion this is the best one if you go to post name so if you have a Blog article I usually just leave it like that so thee name of the post you can always customize it of course but I think that's much better than question mark p equals 123 I think that's just a little bit less memorable uh and also I don't think Google really appreciates that quite as much all right so our website is definitely not complete but I think it's time we can actually get started with some of the marketing for this website our favorite tool to do this with is actually an email marketing platform great for remarketing when people go to your website maybe abandoned recovery or just you know upselling other products to potential customers in a new tab let's go to Sandell this is a second link in the description by the way santell omnisend omnisend you'll see this right here and we can start a free trial uh we can set this up right now I'm going to say C pricing uh because this doesn't actually have to be expensive there is a free version as well if you guys wanted to start off with a free version you can totally do that uh there's a standard plan for $16 per month and of course there is a Pro Plan as well uh omnis side has a lot of really cool benefits though so you can really easily set up automations for example for abandoned car recovery or anyone's birthday or just a welcome email different things like that I'm going to go with the standard plan right now so I'm going to sign up for the standard plan then we will connect that to WordPress over here in a second but let's start off right here I'm going to sign up with email we'll say sign up and then we have to go and confirm our email email confirmation link will bring you right here and now I can enter my name and the store details and we're building on woocommerce let's say continue There we go so now we are on the dashboard for omnisend if we go back to we go back to WordPress right here we go to plugins we can say add new plugin and now let's search for omnisend omnisend we'll say search omnisend should pop up right there the first one so we're going to say install now and then we can say activate now once it's active we can go back to that other tab where we have omnisend we'll say connect your store we're connecting woocommerce we have the omnisend plugin so now that we installed it we can go up to omniscent for woocommerce we can say connect your account it'll open a new tab and because we are already signed in we're already logged in we could just say approve and that will be setting it up very easily so this is going to do a couple things create web Hooks and stuff like that but really like I said the benefit is that it automates a lot for you it'll do the abandoned cart recovery and everything like that uh and actually make custom coupons for each individual recipient so you don't have to worry about the coupons you make being like fall 10 that then end up on every single coupon site out there and then every viewer is getting that same discount when it's really intended for a couple people in a strategic email marketing campaign so this wants to know the colors that looks good I'm going to say save brand assets it's great because it actually just pulled that from our website now we can say let's do this it's going to walk us through a couple cool automations as I mentioned the first one let's just say launch signup form I think that signup form looks pretty good is a basic one but of course we wanted if we wanted to customize it you could go and click on this and change anything or you can click and drag anything over here so if you want to know for example uh the date you can just ask for like birthday you can add that in there um you could have a checkbox you could have like for example if you wanted to say legal consent put that down here uh keep me up to date right depending on where in the world you're actually marketing that could be very very important and uh if you want to add anything else you could just drag it over so I'm going to say enable form it looks like I accidentally forgot to add my privacy policy so we're going to say fix issue and uh I I don't know if I have a link to my privacy policy page yet let's go and check that out on so if I go back to Pages there's my privacy policy right here I can say quick edit and so go back to Pages find my privacy policy I think I have a link to it right here where's the link there we go here's our privacy policy page so I'm going to copy this link back to where we were I'll paste that right here we will save this now we can say check for issues looks good and I'm going to say enable form there we go so now we have our our ability to collect subscribers now we can have a welcome email this next thing that's super easy to set up I'll say continue setup we can use only emails or you can do SMS as well if you wanted I'm going to say start workflow start my workflow and now that's enabled very little effort we had to do almost nothing for that right there now let's go back to the dashboard the next thing we have is abandoned cart recovery I'm going to launch this workflow as well and this kind of shows us what's going to happen so if somebody goes and adds something to the cart for whatever reason if they don't check out maybe like the example I use is if somebody knocks on door and or your laptop dies or something and then you just you get distracted you end up not purchasing something that you really wanted to purchase but for whatever reason like you just ended up not doing it maybe you needed more time to think about it this is going to be a reminder then saying hey 1 hour later like you have this in your cart like do you want to buy this now if they don't respond to that 11 hours later you can say hey like uh your cart misses you here's another thing and then wait another 12 hours and usually the last one's going to be a big a bit more of a heavy discount saying like hey you know just in case you're still considering it here's 20% off just to kind of push that sale through so let's say continue setup uh we can only use email start the workflow and now we can say show my workflow so there we go now we have abandoned cart and abandoned checkout as two separate things here and we can click on either one of them and kind of dial in exactly what I was saying so if you wanted to wait maybe 12 hours instead we could say wait 12 hours instead of 11 hours customize that and then down here if you wanted to change what that discount actually was uh we can change that down here as well by editing the content so we'll say yes Save I'll let them finish the workflow publish changes and from here you can well and from here we are able to customize a lot about this so we have little product recommendations down here for upsells and cross sales which is really great additionally if you wanted to add let's go and say a quick add let's see if we can add a discount in here a unique discount there static discount is going to be like fall 10 or spring 25 or whatever unique discount is going to be different for every individual user one it looks better for them so they're more likely to actually use that I think because it feels more custom uh and two like I said you're not going to end up on every coupon website out there so I'm going to click and drag that over here and we'll have our custom discount uh and this is going to be maybe 15% it'll automatically generate this it's linked up with woocommerce so it does that for you you don't have to worry about setting that up I'm going say finish editing and now that will actually send out to anyone who goes to the cart to enter their email and they don't actually proceed with checkout so I think that's pretty great now let's close out of this and I think there's one more automation the dashboard that we want to set up uh Drive traffic to your store with an email so we could create an email campaign I don't really feel like doing this right now but I'll show you guys essentially how you do it if you go to create email right here we can choose the subject the sender's name we can choose the preheader uh which you know when you get an email you see the little thing right here the preheader and you assume that is content from the email more often than not it's actually not it's very well thought out and and really designed to make you click on the email it's very important and part of click clickthrough rate uh the goal of emails of course is to get the highest click-through rate or the highest open rate possible so that you know Google or Gmail or whatever the this or whatever platform is being used by the recipients uh doesn't actually filter out your email as spam so you want to really high open rates so it gets recognized as an important email and doesn't go to spam uh for Gmail and things like that so I'm going to close out of this I'm not going to create an email at the moment but going back to automations this is really why I like omnisend the most uh if we go to create a workflow there are a ton of other ones as well so maybe a so maybe post purchase let's click on that there are a bunch of automations here you could cross- sell things and say hey since you bought this and you really liked it check out this other thing maybe it's an accessory that relates very well to the product they already ordered or just something that you know if you're selling a lot of phone cases maybe it's going to be uh like a a charging stand or something that you know people who are buying the phone case are very likely to want afterwards another idea would be maybe it's product reviews maybe like if you're really doing well and and you're selling some things you want people to go back and leave a review so that you can have like for one you can have honest feedback and two other potential buyers will see you know you know 200 reviews or 300 reviews and that'll give them more confidence to actually make the purchase uh because there are so many other people who said positive things about the product of course you also have the ability to set up like replenishment reminders so if you're selling supplements that could be a good idea there if you didn't already set it up as a subscription although I would recommend subscriptions as has an option for something like that and besides the type of email right here you can also choose what the goal is so maybe it's going to be to cross sell and they have two different types of cross cell right here maybe it is to build loyalty so again product reviews a birthday maybe they get a little birthday let's do this one since we collected uh the birthday on that little on the on the form in the beginning let's go and create a a birthday email right here so wait until 9:00 in the morning on the uh recipient's birthday and then send a little birthday email and say treat yourself to something special let's actually edit the contents of this so over here 15% let's edit that content so let's say uh yes Save and from here we can say hey maybe instead of 15% let's give them something a little better than 15% let's go and change this to let's go and say 20% off and then right now there's no discount code let's actually change that let's get rid of that and I want to go to Quick ad let's make a custom one for them let's make a unique discount code right here and this is going to be uh maybe let's say 20% like I said 20% off right there because we have redeemed discount we don't really need a shop now button so let's delete that down here get rid of the expiration date right there and now I think this looks a lot better so finish editing now on their birthday they will receive that email get 20% off and they can use that code and redeem the discount on our store so I'm going to start the workflow let's close out of this and that's kind of a good summary of how to get started with omnis there really is a ton you can do here um automations I know I'm really kind of fixated on that and so maybe you want to do more with campaigns but I would highly recommend at the very least set up those automations that I just showed you so om for many people does pay for itself very very quickly on average in the US I think in 2023 the number was for every $1 spent on omnisend businesses earned $72 so pretty good Roi on this if you set it up correctly now let's actually go back to where we were on WordPress now that we have our some of our marketing set up here I think that's very very powerful let's talk about some other outlets we have for marketing if we go down to plugins plugins down here let's say add new plugin and I'm going to look for yast SEO y y o a s t it's like toast but yast it's actually right there but I want to type it in in case it's not for you and we can install it right here it'll look something like this unless they changed their logo and this is a free one again but you could pay to upgrade if you wanted some more tools on here and it's really nice because it helps you rank on Google essentially SEO stands for search engine optimization the goal here is have keywords in the right locations the right metadata populated so that Google is able to identify every page every blog and correctly place you in you in Google search and ideally that would drive organic free customers to you who are already searching for something that you are already selling so the idea here is if somebody's looking up hiking boots we can be showing up in Google and uh potentially getting those customers so now that yast has been installed we can start firsttime configuration it's going to ask us a lot of questions questions uh I'm going to close out of this I don't need premium but it's going to ask us a lot of questions for the initial kind of setup of our SEO here so we can say say we can say start SEO data optimization it's going to go through and analyze everything we'll say continue we can choose the site representation what the website name is so sand TR sandal Outdoors organization name now we can save and continue social profiles we didn't actually add any of these yet we can save and continue personal preferences uh I don't actually don't need anything there so we can say save and continue and then now we can say finish configuration let's go to the SEO dashboard here and like I said there's a lot you can do down here but really you'll see most of the benefits up within post so if you're posting an article so maybe this one for example if we click on edit you'll see the yast SEO tools down on the bottom here where it'll show us how it's showing up in Google it'll tell us how the title is looking what the slug is and right now we don't actually have a good meta description so it's just going to pull from that article we can create our own type that in here we can also see the SEO analysis it'll tell us what's doing well what's not doing well so right now there's no links we don't have any images no internal links uh the keyphrase link like doesn't even exist different things that it can kind of point out and help us customize and optimize those blog articles so we can start to rank in Google uh it's really a good way to find some organic traffic you know through writing blog posts and actually ranking on Google you see it all the time with a ton of different brands out there so I I would recommend this is definitely a long game you're not going to rank on Google in a day but but I wouldn't sleep on this I think this is something that uh really could make a big difference for your store all right and that's a summary of how you can get started with woo Commerce I hope you found this video helpful if you did consider liking and subscribing I'm Michael Brien thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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