Facebook Business Page Tutorial (Updated for 2024 Changes!)

  • October 22, 2024

hey welcome to the channel my name is Mike and in this video I'll be walking you through step by step how to set up a professional Facebook business page and this is something that absolutely everybody should be doing every business out there every fundraiser every personal portfolio whatever your reason is for being on the internet a Facebook business page is an incredibly powerful tool and yet I'm so surprised at how many businesses either don't have one or they do have one it's just missing a lot of information missing a lot of key settings and missing a lot of stuff that I'll show you you throughout this video that can bring your business your fundraiser your personal portfolio whatever it might be to the next level and these are things that a lot of times people kind of write off the Facebook business page as well it's only like if you're on Facebook and only boomers are on Facebook or whatever first of all that's not true a lot of people do use Facebook and second of all it's actually very very useful outside of Facebook as well Facebook business Pages rank on Google and oftentimes early on for a business the Facebook business page has better domain Authority than your own website so that means if somebody's searching for your local business your Facebook business page is going to rank above your own website which means that if somebody's Googling that and they find that and your Facebook business page is just kind of half-ass it's missing information it's not it doesn't have the right buttons in there you could be losing customers or even worse than that if you don't even have a Facebook business page somebody else could be outranking you in Google and taking customers that should rightfully be yours so with that being said this is easy to do I'm going to walk you through everything in this video we're going to start off going over to facebook.com I'm just starting off on some Facebook business page here just to kind of show you some of the tools before we go and set up our own if you already have an account sign in under your personal account do not sign in under a business account yet that that's not really the way this works Facebook requires every individual to have their own personal account they're going to require like photo ID verification and stuff like that if they suspect like your birthday's wrong or anything like that so sign in with your own personal account if you don't have have one go ahead and make one pause the video and then come back right here and then once we're on Facebook I'm just on a random Facebook business page just to kind of show you some of the tools that are available you can see posting on the right side this is going to be a great example of any kind of sales or timely things you can just put out right here and a lot of these you'll notice are square posts which means they're probably sharing them on Instagram as well additionally on the left side we can see this page in particular has a lot of information about their email their website their hours are open uh you can see the the reviews down here so not everyone's recommending them maybe they can find some things to work on uh their address and of course we also have the ability to book a tea time with this particular golf course so this is something that is you know very well established I think they did a pretty good job with this but now let's actually talk about how to make our own so on the top right you'll see your little profile picture right there but don't click on your profile photo three buttons to the left of that you'll see a little nine square array titled menu we're going to click on that and then on the right side you'll see create so we're going to go down here and create a page and again don't worry that this is connected to your personal account in the future we can migrate this over to the meta business Suite uh and get this off of your personal account but for now you have to set it up with your personal account so now we're going to create the page the name of this I'm going to say this is Willow Grove window washing just a fictitious business I made up right now the category right here window washing see if window washing window cleaning maybe home window service I guess that's kind of close enough cleaning service okay so you can pick a couple categories right here I'm choosing three because none of them are specifically tailored exactly to my business hopefully what you are looking for is a better match but you want to pick several that are as close as possible don't pick too many usually three is a good number for this and now we can make a bio this is optional but I highly recommend you do this again to help you rank on Google Google is going to read this and if you say hey we're a window watching business in Philadelphia then when somebody searches Philadelphia window watching business this is going to be indexed and this is going to potentially pop up in Google so our bio I'm just going to paste a little bio in right there it shows up underneath there that might be a little longer than I would like typically just two lines is probably going to be ideal but we'll leave it as that for now and of course on the right side you can see uh you're able to toggle between the desktop view which many people will be visiting but just as many people are likely to be visiting from mobile so you want to check out both as you go through so this is looking a little wordy like I said I might trim that down a bit there we go something simpler like that now I'll say create page all right so that was created now now we can add some contact information here so I'm going to add a phone number and then an email our address Willow Grove Pennsylvania then we can add our hours here so let's open at selected hours and we're going to say this is going to be maybe like uh 7 a.m.

7 a.m. to uh 7 p.m. 7 p.m. now Facebook doesn't really give us at least I've never seen a good way to kind of copy these all the way down so what I do is I just highlight them so contr a contrl c and then if as we go down here just paste them one at a time so click on paste paste and then Sunday paste as well so now for the hours do the same with the closing time paste there paste there and maybe we're closing a little bit earlier on Sundays maybe we're done by like 1 p.m.

Or something like that 2: p.m. and on Saturday 7 p.m. again if we wanted to have different hour so maybe you have like a you know a morning and an evening maybe you have I don't know if you do like a siesta or whatever you can add a little plus right here and you can have two different hours in the same day so maybe 7:00 a.m. to uh like maybe 11:00 a.m. would be one set of hour so 7:00 a.m. so maybe like 7:00 a.m.

To 11:00 a.m. and then down here maybe we're going to say like uh noon to uh like 5:00 p.m or something like that so that way you have like your lunch break when nobody's going to come in that it says it's closed online so we're going to save this now we have our hours there as we scroll down right now it says okay fair page Health we don't have a lot populated just yet we do have to add our website here I'm just going to add I'm going to add the YouTube page just cuz I don't have a link for this specific website if you haven't made a website for your business yet by the way I have full tutorials on how to do that some really easy ways to do that hosting your Builder is probably the video that I would recommend uh very affordable very easy to set up and very customizable okay so let's click on next now we can add our cover photo and our profile photo so so I just made a quick little logo here in canva I've got a light one and a dark one you can try out either one to see which one looks best on your specific wallpaper you're going to choose so I'm going to choose the darker one right now I think that'll look better and then you can see it kind of gets cut off right there so let's delete that I think my my light one has more of a boundary on it so let's see if this one's a little bit better we'll add this one and there we go so you can kind of see it a little better I might go in and edit this just to add a little bit more spacer but you can read everything quite well there so I'm going to add a cover photo now um I don't actually we can go with this one right here kind of a nice basic cover photo or to make it a little bit more personal which I don't know why you'd ever want to squeegee from the bottom up I think that's a weird photo but let's add another one here I'm going to say maybe this one right here photo of me clearly me washing windows and because we want to reposition this so my head's not cut off on the left side we can click drag to reposition and we're going to drag it down to right there so there we go a nice photo of definitely me definitely washing windows and this little button right here a lot of people skip this it's very very important Facebook's been moving this around as well so it wasn't here in older videos but it is now um we're going to add the action button so I'm going to click add action button now we can say try it and this is going to be probably the most important part of your Facebook business page the purpose of people coming here is to do what right are you trying to get them to donate are you getting them to go to your website and purchase something uh go to Spotify and like listen to your music or are you trying to get them to like sign up book now order whatever think of what your main purpose for this Facebook business page is when people get here what should they do and that's where you want to make this button so we have a lot of options here of course you could buy tickets if you are like a band or something like that t you can start an order if you have maybe like a local restaurant that would be start an order would be a a common thing there view shop if you're selling local merchandise or or shipping merchandise as well book now would be ideal for like yoga studios uh this might work book now might make sense for uh this window washing company so you can schedule when you're going to be booking it and otherwise you have other options down here like call now send an email contact us um as well as quite a few others down here like visit a group uh make a reservation play a game there's a ton of options for what your business page might be targeting for this specific one I'm going to say book now we can connect a scheduling tool to this now like I said if you don't already have a website uh there are some good scheduling tools out there hosting your Builder does have scheduling Tools in there also Acuity is a pretty popular one as well if you only care about scheduling and don't really want to build a full website Acuity is good um but I don't know for this purpose for the purposes of this video um I'm going to not connect that and instead I'm just going to go down here and add a phone number we're going to say call now we'll say next and maybe we have like a you know an admin or someone in our office that actually answers the calls and does the scheduling here we go so I'll say save and now we'll have an action button on our page so we can say next and that brings us to step three of five you can connect a WhatsApp to your page so if you use WhatsApp which I would recommend maybe setting up not everybody especially in the US it's not really that relevant but maybe people don't want to text you or a lot of people maybe use WhatsApp especially in other countries then they could add that right here uh you could add that right here and people can message your WhatsApp your business WhatsApp account I'm not going to do that right now I'm going to say skip because again in the US I don't really think it's absolutely essential like I know very few people that primarily use WhatsApp a lot of people use either iMessage or you know just native SMS on like an Android phone for example I'm going to say next I'm going to skip that one that's just kind of asking you to invite your friends to like your page which I you probably should do I'm not going to invite my friends to like this because it's a fake page it's not it's not real um but you want to get a couple likes on there at least so Facebook knows that you're legitimate and that can help you to eventually get your username and your url which we'll talk about in a minute then we can choose the notifications we're getting so you can leave these on right now uh turn that one off and I'm going to actually turn them both off because I don't really need a lot of notifications I I plan on checking this page quite often and that brings us into our dashboard here so so I'm going to close out of this little popup here and that'll bring you to your dashboard on Facebook so in essence what we have here on the right these are going to be the posts that you already have on the left this is going to be similar to what viewers will actually see when they visit your website so if you want to change your bio or edit any details right there uh that is going to be what pops up and you want to make sure that is of course correct up here are some things that Facebook is recommending we do things that like I said we haven't done yet linking our WhatsApp account or inviting our friends however creating a welcome post is probably a good idea so we can start off by doing that instead of clicking right there though I want to show you how you're going to post all the time in the future and that is over here you will always see this little kind of block on the top that is going to be what's on your mind so it says what's on your mind you can just click on that and that will allow you to type up a post if you wanted to um just whatever you want there you can also add some other things to your post you can tag people you can add images uh you can add a check-in like a location you can add how you're feeling right now uh just kind of different ways kind of cheeky for making uh your post right there other options though live video I don't recommend doing that for most businesses I would much prefer to see you do photos and videos so a little bit more Evergreen tailored to kind of being up long term can be a little bit more refined as well and reels are the other option reels are going to be much more browsable great for discoverability uh so if you make reels about like the best barbers in your area and you happen to be uh one of them or maybe you make a reel of like the best haircuts for men in 2024 and you're a local barber of course that's a good way to to get a lot of discoverability there's no guarantee that all those viewers are going to be local that they might be all over however if you mention where you are you could potentially gain some new customers doing stuff like that something to play around with maybe experiment but not necessary for everybody so for our first so for the first post I'm going to post a photo or a video I'm going to add let's just say this photo right here just a photo of me okay so I'm going to add a little bit of text up there and I'm going to post that and of course we have this little popup here the ability to add a call now button on your post I'm going to click on ADD button and I'm just going to say continue so now when somebody sees that post there's a button there makes it a little bit more actionable so again instead of just having it on your page you also have your action button on any individual post much like this one right here so that is now posting you'll see right now call now is going to be showing up right there and just kind of recapping in case that popup doesn't come up for you if you wanted to let's just say we're going to post another photo we're going to upload say this photo right here and down here I'm going to click on the three dots and say what do we want to add we want to say get calls so we're going to say enter phone number I'm going to say continue and now we'll have that button on here uh as something that we can add into that post so we're going to say post and then this one we'll also post again with that similar Button as I mentioned okay so this is all very surface level stuff right you may already even be at this point if you've made one in the past but there are a lot of key settings that we need to really optimize to make this page even better so on the left side we want to go down to settings when to click on settings that'll bring us into quite a few settings about our page you can see on the left side just tons and tons of options here we won't go through all of them mostly just going through the ones that I would say are very important so going through preferences first of all reaction preferences you can choose you can choose if you want to show or hide the number of reactions on your posts or on other posts from other people that are maybe tagging you for example so if you're really small in the beginning and you're trying to act like you're bigger than you are you may not want it to show like just one or two likes so maybe you could hide this on your post in the beginning if you really wanted to notifications of course you will be getting a ton of notifications in the beginning this can be a distraction for your business so personally I like to disable a lot of the notifications here so I'll just go in and just kind of disable as many as I can then down here accessibility not a whole lot that I need to change here if you want to change like light or dark mode you can do that uh scrolling down then we have page details this is going to be a big one we added a bunch of page details already but you'll see among here there are a number of others that we weren't prompted to add when we first set this up one of them is going to be our social link so if you have an Instagram if you have a Tik Tok if you have LinkedIn Pinterest whatever your other profiles may be we want to add those links right here so I'm going to add the Social Links I'm going to add a social link right here for Instagram I'm going to say Mike O'Brian that's just what I'm going to add right now obviously you want to add your business one but we're going to add that social link let's say we want to add one for maybe Twitter and again that's micheel Brien Michel Brien with two ends you can C and then you just keep clicking add so social link on the right side the little drop down there you can choose what this is actually going to be uh and again not every business needs to have like a Snapchat for example and all these other ones but if you do have one it could be a nice way for people to potentially learn more about your business or contact you or do whatever again like maybe a band would be a good example of where you can link a SoundCloud different things like that so I'm going to say save we'll have those links right there Facebook and Twitter and then down here we can add some other things as well so what is our price range maybe we are more of an expensive but not a full-blown Splurge category so $3 signs I think would make sense here we can also add diversity info so if you are a minority-owned business or you want to share that you're like a woman-owned business or something like that you can add that information right there I'm not going to be adding that right now so you can add Services down here as well so if we have like online booking we can add that uh if we have maybe uh takeout or dinein or different things like none of these apply necessarily to a window washing business but whatever your business may be I recommend checking this out in case you look at it and say hey you know what we actually do have delivery services I want to add that on here so not everybody thinks they have to go through GrubHub which is going to cost you more money maybe you're a local pizza shop and you have your own delivery driver saves you money if they just go through this and it saves them money as well so I'm going to say save we can also add other languages so if you speak English English and Spanish Spanish as a second language you can mention hey you know like you speak Spanish as a second language if anyone comes in they only speak Spanish you're able to get by but it's it's not your primary language we can say save just kind of again making it more accessible and answering those questions for potential viewers we can edit the ratings right here so right now we have no ratings but you could allow ratings or say you know what we don't want ratings on here um especially if you have bad ratings maybe you want to kind of fix that and get rid of that just you know hide your ratings if that is a situation then on the left side of this we're still kind of going through the profile customization here we have privacy and Legal Information so if you have a privacy policy again maybe if you have like software or any kind of business that would be collecting information local like dentists and doctors that might be collecting medical information you can add a privacy policy right here just paste the link to whatever your privacy policy page is from your website I'm going to say cancel because I don't have one right now work in education if you want to add any experience in the past I don't think that's really relevant here places lived not relevant uh page transparency I'm not going to do anything here family and relationships details about you none of those things really matter maybe some details about you you could add a more detailed bio here about your business so let's just so let's just kind of paste that bio here again I'm going to say save more of a lengthy bio here I would say and uh name pronunciation so if it's like Sandell media people might say that incorrectly and you'd want to kind of show how it's pronounced uh and you know anything else you want to be fun add a quote or something like that you could do that otherwise like life events this is really tailored more towards like people people uh so like public figures maybe would add this kind of stuff but a lot of businesses I don't think necessarily need to so let's go back to settings and going down here we did everything in preferences we talked about page details how people can find and contact you right here allow search engines outside of Facebook to link to your page definitely definitely definitely make sure this is enabled this is what I was saying in the beginning you can rank on Google for your Facebook business page and if you don't believe me remember in the beginning of this video I just looked up a golf course Pickering Valley Golf Course if I look up Pickering Valley Golf of course they've been around for a long time so the first thing that pops up is going to be their website then below that then below that you look down the third link right there their Facebook business page so even if you do outrank your Facebook business page you want to take up all that real estate so competitors are not showing up there that's really valuable real estate on something like a Google search page all right but getting back to here we have our post settings here so you can change if you want it to be public of course I I would highly recommend that you can allow comments or or you can allow comment summaries on your post or not uh we've got stories so if you want to do anything with that you can change your settings here page setup any kind of page setup here you can manage over here there's not really a whole lot that I would recommend when you're getting started um other than Advanced messaging so if we say view right there there are some Advanced messaging features we can configure if you're expecting people to be asking questions on your Facebook business page I'll actually get into that a little bit later but going through the left side we've got reals here um so choosing who can see your reals again keep that public I recommend I recommend keeping that public at least followers and public content you can choose again what kind of content is uh shown and what's not I would recommend hiding comments with profanity you just don't want uh that being shown on your page you don't I don't like dealing with that so I always go and toggle that to uh you know enable the the filtering there page and tagging again you want to make sure that you do have this uh enabled so you can make sure that if you know if you're an ice cream shop and somebody goes to your you know gets your ice cream and they they take a photo they're able to tag you uh and of course share that they got their ice cream there and it's kind of nice free marketing there but you may want to review in case you know it starts getting out of control and people tag you and you're not really relevant or it's like a competitor or something like that you want to make sure that you know sometimes you can go in and review them I leave that disabled in the beginning and if it gets out of control eventually this is where you can find that setting over in page and tagging and then lastly blocking hopefully you never have to block any users but if anyone is like you really spamming or harassing anyone on your account you can go and block them so they're no longer no longer able to participate in anything that you post we're not going to be running ads just yet but ads can be set up right here with ad payments um otherwise there's not a whole lot of settings I want to change in here so let's go back to our page by clicking right here clicking on our page and that brings us back to our page so we talked about the advanced settings let's talk about uh the professional dashboard here this is a really valuable tool to see who's visiting your page what posts are doing well what's being engaged with and different things like that and so going into this right now early on we don't really have any details on this page we can see all of the recent content but of course nothing has any engagement just yet but even but aside from the analytics there are two main things I want to do right here one is if we scroll down scroll down a little bit more you'll see we can do ab test this is a new feature I really like this feature as well uh so you can create an AB test and see what is going to perform better so you can have like two different posts for example version a or version B and they'll both go out and you'll see hey which one's actually performing better that's a great way to test what potentially could be run as an ad so just I like doing that have two different iterations maybe one with captions or without captions maybe one like male voice female voice maybe one in like a darker or lighter environment there's different ways you can kind of set this up and uh you know running that AB test I think is really valuable for like a video for example just adding two different videos running those as a post and seeing how they actually can how they perform so once you find the better performing one kind of iterate on that run a couple more tests and then eventually you'll end up with something that could potentially be uh like a really good viable ad that would work well without having to spend the money to actually go and post Those ads so that's a cool test right there that's a really cool thing right there um there's other things I want to talk about in a second but going down here to uh the linked accounts this is something that I think most businesses should also have an Instagram business page and if you do you can just click on connect right here so Instagram we can say view right now we don't have an account connected I will say connect account we can say connect uh we can allow the inboxes to be merg I think that's very valuable and then of course we can sign in all right so now we have our Instagram connected some other things we have on the left side I said those are the main two things I wanted to talk about but there are some other really cool features that I highly recommend at least checking out so some of them you don't really need levels progress I don't really care about that one uh achievements again don't care about that Facebook just wants to kind of gamify it and encourage you to use their platform more it's in their best interest to get a lot of content out there and a lot of Engagement obviously they also want you to of course pay for ads eventually I'm sure that's where they funnel you here uh you don't have to though most businesses don't need to pay for ads um for local stuff like this comments manager this is where you can go and just see all your comments without checking out one post at a time below this where's the thing I was looking for messaging settings there we go so messaging this is really cool you can kind of set up some deeper automations with messaging so instead of just kind of having somebody constantly monitor your messages which I do recommend have your notifications on so you can reply to people but you can have some really nice instant replies some really nice ways to kind of answer some frequently asked questions so let's start off with a a an instant reply I'm going to say start we're going to say try it um so we can choose this to be on messenger uh whenever somebody whenever you receive a message from this you can say hi thanks for contacting us we received your message I appreciate you reaching out uh we our hours are and then like whatever your hours are whatever your hours are and then below that maybe you could have we will respond to your say we here we go just kind of a good way to kind of engage in case they send it out just to know their message wasn't like shot out into you know the abyss instead it's going to be you know telling them hey we we appreciate it we're responsive this is real for us maybe answer a couple frequently ask questions in that response that's what I would like to do adding your hours adding some basic things like that and then below just saying we'll get back to you really soon so I'm going to say save changes right there and that's one automation you could set up here is just generally an FAQ one so we can say try this again in messenger when somebody starts a chat instead you could just show like hey here's the faq's instead of putting it in that welcome message you could do that right here instead by adding some other questions let's add a whole bunch of questions right here and with each of those questions you can add like a media a button or something like that if you want to add more information into those responses so let's save those changes there's a bunch of other ones as well you can have away messages if you're traveling for a vacation you can identify unanswered messages uh it's going to just filter them out for you look at custom keywords contact information hours location there's a lot of cool automations you can set up right here or create your own as well um so automations for messages I think is a really powerful tool that again most people just don't actually know about with their Facebook business page if we go back to inbox here you'll see a good way to manage all of them in here so Instagram and Facebook your DMs your messages anything that people are trying to ask you questions instead of logging into both those accounts and then going through your DMs on a phone you can do that all on a laptop you know 10 fingers type a lot faster than two thumbs um that's what I always say all right so now you might notice this interface looks a little bit different we went down this little rabbit hole and we ended up in the meta business Suite it's kind of one of the reasons people get confused with Facebook business Pages because there are like two different ways you can manage them one is in business.

Face.com that's the meta metab business suite and the other one is just from facebook.com that's the more userfriendly way that I've been showing you for most of this video but now they we're in the meta business Suite just in case you want to see it I'm going to click on the top on the top left where it says metab business Suite click on that and this is just business. face.com it'll show you this right here kind of a slightly different interface a little bit less of like the the userfriendly version much cleaner at the same time somehow but you're able to edit a lot of things up here so you can create posts and stories here uh you can create uh you can change your cover photo you can choose if you have a different Instagram logo Facebook uh logo you can change all of that right here and you can do things like content planner so if you want to kind of schedule so if you want to schedule some content to go out next week you can do that right here you can see what's been going out over the past week and so if you have a big content plan this could be a really powerful Tool uh to work with otherwise you can see insights in here as well uh and if you are running any ads most of the ad stuff is going to be run through the Facebook business through the meta business Suite rather sorry they rebranded Sorry meta business Suite is what it's called now but let's go back to our Facebook business page so to do that I'm just going to type in facebook.com on the right side side click on the dropdown make sure you're on your business page click on that and that brings us back to the more common editor that I would really prefer to use which is within Facebook right now but like I said you could do it either way and if you ever want to go back to that meta business weed again you'll see you can either type in business.

facebook.com or on the left side meta business Suite pops up right over there now this menu right here this is something else we definitely need to customize a lot of people have this and it doesn't really make sense for some businesses to have like followers and reviews and photos and instead maybe they want have some more relevant things to them so if we click on the three dots on the right side we can first of all view this as uh like an actual visitor and see what our page looks like right now this looks pretty solid we have a lot of information on the left side but again I want to customize that menu otherwise I recommend checking this out as frequently as possible to see what the end user is actually going to see I'm going to exit the view as mode so to customize the menu right here I'm going to click on more go down to manage sections and then from here you can choose hey we don't need music we don't need check-ins we don't need Sports movies TV shows books likes we don't need any of that related to our page uh reviews given again not going to add that either and we can say save so now that kind of changed which ones when someone clicks more those things will not all be down there but some things like uh about and reviews and mentions unfortunately are not able to be modified uh but again if you just wanted to add anything else manage sections go down here and you can add those in there if you want to all right so this is looking pretty good there's a lot of like really deep hidden settings and like that's just the way Facebook is I'm digging up as many as I can for you in this video there's three more major things I want to talk about in this video the first one is going to be getting a Facebook username this is going to be an easy way for people to find you to type in your url to get to your Facebook business page and things like that but again Facebook kind of hides this they kind of gatekeep this in a weird way as well so if I go to settings we can go down to page setup on the left side so page setup then click on name and then the second thing right here you don't have a username now not everyone's going to be able to set the username right away uh sometimes Facebook likes to block this until you have 100 followers and some engagement other times they just allow you to get it right away so I'm going to type in uh Willow Grove window washing Willow Grove window washing it is available I'll say save and you can see that is now our user name so if I go into a new tab a new incognito tab not even signed in Facebook and I type in Facebook /wi grov window washing hit enter it'll bring us to this page right here that's our that's our page that's how somebody can visit it that's very convenient now I'm going to highlight that and copy that we will actually use that again in a new tab I'm just going to go to Google and type in QR code generator QR code generator and Skip past all there's a lot of sponsored ones don't go to the sponsored ones typically one of the first few free ones down here uh ranking organically so QR codeg generator.com with like dashes between it I'm going to click on that one I'm going to paste my link here and then on the right side we have our QR code so I can download this as a JPEG that's a really convenient thing to put as a sticker on your door or on tables or anywhere else that you're asking people to review you and that way anyone can just take their phone out just scan that with their regular camera it'll link to your Facebook business page and then you can you know get your reviews kind of build up your following build up your uh exposure on on Facebook uh just by engaging with people who are already customers are already coming to your business already at least looking at your door on the outside or of course it's an easier way for people to find more information about your business like if you're closed for example they walk up they can scan this and learn more about when you're open what sales are coming up different things like that so I highly recommend that's two of three right there I highly recommend making that QR code for your business and then the third thing I want to show you probably the final thing in this video is actually going to be if you want to promote any kind of post so if you make a post and you really want to Target local search local ads uh just you know find more customers because maybe organic growth is going a little bit too slow for your liking there are again no surprise here many different ways you could do that one is going to be through the meta business Suite of course as I showed you before so business.

Face.com that'll bring you into that another way to set that up is right here in payments you can set set up your ads payments here and kind of go through that but the easiest way to do things and Facebook makes it easy for a reason doing it this way because they just want to lower the barrier they realize how difficult it is for people to go and make ads uh through that whole platform you know for a beginner if you're not used to that but let's go back to our page I'll show you where you can do this clicking on our page I can go down to any post that I like maybe this one right here and I could just say boost the post so boosting the post brings you into this kind of simplified ads dashboard that allows you to uh choose some basic things like what is your goal for this automatically we're trying to get phone calls that's what we're optimizing for so that's telling the algorithm if you show it to 100 people the people who click on it and actually click on call now are that's the demographic we want advertise to more people with similar interest to those people who did that we can then add the text they suggust some right here so we can say add um you know some AI generated text and meta is rolling out more AI Tools in their ads so I'm sure this is likely to change uh in the coming weeks months and years um so I will actually make a full face business ads tutorial but for now just kind of walking through this right here um going to leave that enabled that disabled the audience we could just say right now United States looks good we could narrow down specifically where they are so if we click the pencil icon the geography let's just say let's just say Philadelphia Philadelphia Pennsylvania plus 25 miles you can change how far out to maybe plus like 27 plus 30 mil anyone in a 30 m radius is a potential customer here so it says right now that's not too broad not too narrow there's about 5 million people that they can advertise to in that radius there so I'm going to say save that's really nice and then down here how long do we want 7 Days uh and we can run this it's going to be about $14 per day is what the budget I have to right now you can slide this up and down and say hey if you do $60 a day it's going to reach between one and 3,000 different accounts of course they're not all going to click but that's how many people will see this ad on a daily basis and of course you could add a pixel right here so if you have a website you can toggle this on uh you have to set up a Facebook Facebook pixel embed that in your website if it's something like Shopify it's very easy to do um some other websites require some copying and pasting some code again I'll talk about that in the full tutorial and then lastly you can just click publish it'll add your payment information you'll add your payment information and then you'll be able to run this ad and start getting some customers so that's my tutorial on how to set up a Facebook business page I really hope you found this video helpful like I said there's a lot of settings Facebook likes to hide them in weird deep places so hopefully you can go back through this video find all the settings you wanted to to use and wanted to change and ultimately find more success for your business using a Facebook business page thanks for watching I'm Michael Bren from santal media next I highly recommend check out the Instagram business page video that one will help you a lot all right I'll see you over there

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